Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1990, Image 1

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    Tuesday May 15. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 152
Oregon Daily
Candidates will vie today for
four state senate spots and one
l \S. Senate seat
Peter Swan. John (been and
lim Peterson are Republic ans baP
tliug for the chance to 140 against
im umhent I)emoi rat ('.rattan
herans in I hstrii t No. 20. the
state senate seat representing K11
Also, local ai tiv 1st Rand\
Prim e is taking on long-term in
cumbent Mark 1 iatfield in the
IPS. Senate race
See store . Page ti
On Campus
The tin idental I ee (Committee
meets tonight at 7 in the KMl
Hoard Room.
See Kt .ils. Page 5
I oday is (hegon's primary
election dav Partis.in i undulates
will he si’lis ti’il tor tin* final gen
eral i’Ici tiun ill N’nvembet .md
several important i ity and state
measures will he di*i idl’d Hr
sure to vote!
After turning in thr third last
i-st time in Pai die- It) ( amterem r
history in the :>,()()() meters Satin
day Oregon's Stephanie U essell
has been named Pat 10 women’s
trank athlete oi the week
Wessell i limned out a time of
Hi OH.87 in the event to break the
\( ;a.-\ i|ualifying standard of
lie 1 ii IHI and eai n a trip to the
nutional f inals in I )iirham. N (
lime 1
Weather f
1 i.
Mostly cloudy today with
chance of afternoon showeis
Highs in inid-tiOs. lows about 4t)
(ilouds. possible showers expei t
ed Wednesday
■ v >l.« I k 1 Irn
(I rum Irft) DulLi* Hunt's. Iruralt' Iriplelt. hrnir Hmixn. Kii h.imlr.i /Viiim/.i/c. .mrf \nlhony Hrnnvtl n unt to promote
unil\ miui/ii! hi,it k stut/riils through ttreek ortiani/.ation.
Frats promote unity for black students
By Jolie Andrade
l met aid Refwte'
kappa Alpha I’m Alpha Phi Alpha
.1 (id \11ih.i K.1 p[i.i Alpha .ire striving tn
prumiilt' units aiming the blai k students
ami tlir University i uiiiiininitv through
giri-k organization
kappa Alpha Psi Iralernitv first rami'
to tlir University on Deci'inbei 5 11150.
said hi ini' Drown social chairman tor
the fraternity It was founded on January
■ I'll l at Indiana University Blooming
ton Ind riit'if arc i urrimtlv itiorr than
((HI chapters and ‘>5.(MR) members nu
tionally Drown said
l lie fraternity has a joint chapter with
Portland State University. Willamette
t niversitv and l ew is and ( dark I duvet
■atv Drown said they will he Irving to
strut their own chapters in the (all.
I here are presently Id members tit the
University I’rolessor Kdvvard Uuleman
ot the I 'niversitv is also an alumni
Idle original purpose was to give the
bl.uk ini’ii attending Indiana liusersits
,i kind id on sis in .1 st'.i ol oppression
I In nv n said
1 hll b.lsll goal is .11 Into rlllflll
through whatever vtni do m life." s.iid
Hrou'u, who h.is been a member for two
scars V\i’ll like to set il up tin- same
was as the luterfratrrnits (loll mil hut
torus on our hl.uk heritage and ml
"We're hfif as an alterrii.ittvi* tor
those students who need help. Dross n
said We also want to help ss itli reten
tion and recruitment ot minoritv stu
Although kappa Alpha I’si puts on
soi nil fum lions III hilgenr most ol then
i ommuriits servile is done in Portland
hei ause that is where then alumni are
from I he last pro|n I thus participated
111 svns a tutoring program loi soling
hlai k souths has mg problems in si hool,
Dross n said
Alpha Dili Alpha the lust hlai k letter
grerk organization, was loundfd in
lUOli at ( urnrli I'niversits in Ithaca.
\ 'i said Dallas Hoggs. president of tIn
I imersitv i hapter
Although it started utt .is a sot lal i lull
tul students, litings said it was tiinnulat
ed liei aiise lil.it ks were not aeeepted li\
the white greek svsteui that was present
at the time
Huggs Ihh ame an Alpha at Virginia
State I (diversity in IHHIi lie hegaii a
i hapter at the University in the spring
.it |9H‘) with a pledge line nf I . front
the I 'iliversitv and ( begun State I 'niver
sltv lu form one t hapter There are pres
ently seyen members
t'urrentlv there are more than 711(1 un
dergraduate and graduate . hapters na
tionwide t here are also i hapters on the
\meri( an military bases in (iermany
and other parts ot Europe. Hoggs said
t he Alpha, I’hi Alpha alumni ini hide
sin li prominent figures as Martin l.uthei
king. Ji and \\ I* II Duliols
We I e 11 \ i ng to do a lot of i onimum
ly servil e projei ts and attar.k problems
Logging opponents intensify efforts
Students arrested for protest
By Catherine Hawley
Em» >>d A . ate Edit
I 'Diversity students in
votvmJ in attempts to halt
logging ol olii-growth timbei
arc intensifying their elfort to
stop i lean utting ol old
growtli lorests
l mversilN freshman (deg
Miller spent four da\s in the
I.ane t ii>111itv lull List week al
ter being arrested lor lot king
himself to logging equipment
at a site in Willamette \a
tional I ores!
Miller and three other pro
testers looked then net ks to
logging mm hmerv with I
shaped bic v< le loc ks early
the morning of May H .it the
l ookout Sentinel timber sale
near Blue River about -IS
miles east of fulgent
About thirty people from
I- art h first' accompanied
Miller and the three others to
the site
It w.is si an .it first.' said
Millci w iiu was lui ked to a
log loadtn . i*s|m*i lallv w hen a
security guard staving on the
site i ailif out of lus i amper
w ith a rillu
When tin- guard was told
four protesters were locked to
tin- inai hincn Millci s.iid
tin- guard pointed tin- I die at
them and said. "You're all
dead now
I was tcfding a lot ol tuar
and helplessness lying on tin
arm of that loader," Miller
Rob I o-ies. owner of 1 re res
Lutnbei t.o in l.vons the
i ompany purchasing the tim
hei from the Lookout Sente
del sale said the watt liman
keeps a gllll bet a use ol the
inaiiv trespassing im ideuts
that fiave taken plate at log
ging sites in Willamette Na
tional Forest
There ha\ e been so many
ini idem es of vandalism and
what we consider terrorism."
Ireres s.iid Ireres ■>,! n 1 he
i (mill not verify whet her I he
w.ilc hm.m had pointed lus ri
fie ,il tile protesters
I he w.itr liman employed
h\ Nelson Logging to with
u lium I- reres ( o ( ontriK ted
to lop the site, not died hiw
enton ement oil n nils, w ho
■ ished protesters to leave the
Millet .Old three others
were l.iken into custody by
I ..me ( ciuntv sheriffs ilepu
ties lifter the lin ks were re
moved troni their necks w ith
.1 minder .i process which
look several hours
I 'diversity students in
volved in attempts to halt
logging of old grow th timber
are intensiiving their effort
to stop i leari utting of
oldgmwth forests
1 'diversity freshman ( deg
Miller spent four (lavs in the
l.ane (aiunty lail last week
after being arrested lor lot k
mg himself to logging
equipment at a site in Wil- _
Lunette National forest
Miller .md three other pm
testers lo< bed then net ks to
logging mat hinerv with
I 'stuped hl( V( le lot ks e.irK
the morning of May ft .it the
Lookout Sentinel timber sale
iie.it Mine River, about 45
miles east of Kugene
About tbirlv people from
K.irth f irst! at t ompanietl
Miller and the three others
to the site
It w as sc ar\ at first.'
said Miller, who was liit ketl
to a log loader, espec lallv
when a set urity guard sta\
mg on the site t ante out of
his i amper w ith a rille
When the guard was told
tolll protesters were locked
to tfie mat hinerv Miller
said the guard pointed the
rifle at them anti said
"You're all dead now "
I was feeling a lot of fear
and helplessness lying on
the arm of that loader
Miller said
Rob I'reres. owner of
Turn to LOGGING Page 8