STUDENTS KNOW HOW TO TAKE A STAND... ^ I ~ < )jh l)l> lu.r.- iv .iixl a ilti iiMlviitiitn t mil by ItK-pohuo ol tin world. • *i.'f tf N - s ka»tv fin. put uft‘ d ir.-hf A niiim1 SlUilonfs i. ,i.i, .UJ( ■>( U/! -.Huk-S!” \U - IVUlh of fk\wv X h* tUu. Students. we tall on \(iu now: On May 15th Vote YES on 20-01 I Ik I iiiuih \ in Ir.ii I in /line ( li.ii 11 i \ i in i id ii it nl Sports Weigeldt returns to Hayward Back after month off By Ashley Conklin h.i\ t seemed like .1 ftirgtIttr n man this season-, hut at Satin i!u\ s Oregon Iwilight Meet the West Crrman native showed he ( an still mil fas! Wrigeldl hadu t run an indt vidual raie Mine a dual meet with Washington April 7. and liadn t run am type ol rac e suite reui|uring a hamstring in tlie (lit) nielei relay al the Pepsi I ram Iiii national iiut with time running out helore next weekend s Pat hit 111 Conference Championships. Weigeld! relurneti to the llav w.ttti I mid k anti won the 40(1 meters easily Saturday with a meet ret old 11me of 4I> 88. heating the Pat Id quail l\ mg standard of 47 84 I felt kind of nervous Weigrltil admitted It was strange to run after being out mi long I think it w ill he linn li rnsirt next w eek Stock Up On Books With Our Big Bargain Book Sale! May 14 ■ 26 ALL SALES FINAL • NO FURTHER DISCOUNT UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331 Photo b\ Ntrvr < ard Tye \ an Schoiack set a PK and qualified for the Pac-10 Con ference meet in the steeplechase with a time of 8:54.41 during Saturday s Oregon Twilight Meet at Hayward field. I v\en! out (.ist .inti 1 |us! hoping >1 wasn't too lie s.llil I U .lilted Id go fur I tie I’m in mark and I thought it would tie k 11 It I of (lose I thought anything uniter 47 (set urut.s) would he great Iroiut all\. the meet record Weigeldt broke was a 40 H hand limed clocking turned in In lorrner Dink George Ual toll now Oregon's sprint t ii.ii h "basically m\ onl\ conci'rn was that lie finish Ok." Wal i nit said. " There was no doubt that hr would run sub 47 Hr ( an run that (tile l’ar 111 quali tying 11m<‘) bar kward. Not Olllv has Oregon brrn hampered in the sprints with out Wrigeldt this season, its re lav teams, where Wrigeldt runs the anchor leg on both, have Turn to TWILIGHT, Page 12 UP TO 70 OFF! Your Balfour College Class Ring Don’t miss this golden opportunity to save on a Balfour College Class Ring! • $30 OFF 10K • $50 OFF 14K • $70 OFF 18K Hurry! Offered fora limited time only! kl \I1MK DISCOl V1SN0N-INKI \ 11.1) PRKIS RING DAYS May 14-16 10:00-3:00 CA \ 1 PUS CONNECTION 720 K. 13th Balfour O'/Stun fV (Sctw/u/(Sc r/yxi/ty