Daily Emerald Briefly The Pai ifii 10 (Conference public relations office ommittei! several er rors when it annoum ed the all-i on fereiu:e softball team last week ()t 1-1 first-team selections to were ini or red. The correi t all < onterence Inst team is as follows • Pitchers l.isa l.ongaker. I'CI.A Mil hele Cranger. (California • Catcher Christy Serntella. Ari/o na St • Infield lulie Cavanaugh. Oregon. Nicki Dennis, Arizona: Kerry Dienelt. 1’CI.A. Krist\ Howard. I'CI.A; Ann Rowan. Arizona St • Outfield Sltanna Flynn. I 'CI.A Kristin Cauthier, Arizona; Yvonne Cutierrez. t't'I.A: Vivian Holm. Ari zona • Clilitt lulie |ones Arizona, l.isa Fernandez. I"( I A • Designated Player ( atherine Stediiran. Arizona The Ducks placed three players on the second team Katie Wiese, piti h er; lemma King, outfielder; and Tre cev Simmons, utility Team gets NCAA invitation Oregon's in lineup for possible World Series berth By Tracy Sumner The Oregon softball team made it two straight Sunday, receiving .in invitation to the JO-team \CAA Softball Chain pinnships for the second year in a row the softball selection committee an mul lin'd Oregon made its first ever trip to tlit’ NCAAs last year and took tilth place in the Softball College World Sarins in Sunnvvain, t aid Thi1 Ducks in Jl tor the season will be the top seed in the \tideast Regional in ( ailuminis Ohio, tins f i iday and Sal urday The three team regional w ill be a best two of three game series Mid-American Conference champion Kent State (-III 'I and t o big fen chain pion Ohio Slate |,ttc .Ml will meet in the first game ot the regional this I relay yyith Oregon waiting to play both to com bide Friday s schedule Came tour will be played Saturday yyith a Idlli game added it net essary Oregon li.nl been rumored tutu- head inn tm the West Region,il in Berkeley, i '.ci I if xxith ( ditornia and San lose Stale But were instead sent east That development suited (fregon i nai h Tami Broxx n lost fine We kind ol eypeeted to go to ( al Berkeley Brown said "When I talked to (softball sele< lion rommittee mem her) Irene Shea she said the first i hull e was us going to ( al Beikeley and play mg San lose State and t al Berkeley in a three team series She pushed really hard to get us out of that region and into the \lidx\esl, yvhere the best teams uoiildn t be taking eat h other out, Brow n said I bis is exai tly yxhat rx e want she said 'Chiving Ohio Stale and Kent Slate is mi e hei aiise xx e haven't played them tour times It's nice going into some plat e yvhere y\e haven't played be tore The kids minds are more i lear and they're Mol intimidated by anybody I' he I finks had to endure some hard times this season to gain the Nt A \ bid. ! tit’ nadir 111 which W .1 > .1 Iris til.Ill Mil pressive 'I 1*1 11-i uni and .i double headei loss In then third ranked Arizona at home April 1 I lint tin: Ducks rebounded to win 1 I nt their Iasi In including Ibcir Iasi i• iv;111 In f.irn tbc invitation Ui' it' been through quite a bit this \cai llrmvn said It sihmiii■< 1 like pen pie bail written us off When we weie .'I 10 the neatest tiling about out team is that v\ i diiln't ui\e up We knew we bail more It the lliuks get through tins week end's regional play the\ vs 111 advent e to the World Series in ( iklilhoma ( Its . I ikla \lav t ' to meet the w inner ot a game between Northern Iowa and t < I.A \s tar as I 'm ( uni erned our season is over and a new season has started." Drown said I think om ihiitu.es are v ei \ good I don't think there are any doubts m our kids minds, either Ihev believe in themselves and that is tmpui tanl " GOING SOMEWHERE? Do it with the information sou need. Irom the place that can't he heat when it comes to travel 10% student discount S.S. Adventure Traveler’s Supplv 8SS Pearl Street, Kugene Open Mon-Sat P UO BOOKSTORE ^ BESTSELLERS THIS WEEK’S TOP 10 HARD COVERS HARDCOVER FICTION 1 SKINNY LEGS AND ALL by Tom Robbins 2. OH, THE PLACES YOU'LL GO! by Dr Seuss 3. HAYDUKE LIVES by Edward Abbey 4. VINELAND by Thomas Pynchon 5. SEPTEMBER by R isamund Pil< tier 6. COLLECTED STORIES OF WALLACE STEGNER 7. THE EVENING NEWS by Arthur Hailey 8. SCIONS OF SHANNARA by Terry Br ■■ • 9. LAZARUS by Morris West 10. TEHANU by Ursula LeGuin -HARDCOVER NON-FICTION— 1. TENURED RADICALS by Roger Kimball 2. UNTOUCHED KEY by Alice Miller 3. MEN AT WORK by George Will 4 BARBARIANS AT THE GATE by B Burroughs 5. THE UNIVERSITY by Henry Rosovsky 6. LEGACIES by Bette Bao Lord 7. RAW RECRUITS by A Wolfe 8 CUCKOO S EGG by Clifford Stoll 9. MEANS OF ASCENT by Robert Caro 10. THE FRANCHISE by Cameron Stauth UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30-600 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 DRINKS ARE ON THE HOUSE At TRACK TOWN PIZZA, you buy the pizza and we buy the Pepsis. Every Monday we’re giving away two medium Pepsis with every small, medium, large, or giant pizza purchase. (Valid in-house and on delivery. Valid with TRACK TOWN coupons. Valid Monday only.) So call TRACK TOWN and enjoy the quality pizza and free Pepsi. After all, Why settle for less . . . than the BEST!?! lii TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799