SORORITY Continued from Page 5 advancement and academic s \i.i .tinting lu W illiams, some 7 7 nl I hr I 1 •! Orison KI )s have i imuilativf grade point a\er age s nl I 0 nl lie lie l They ihlts national lead ersl ufif real progressive on they llimk .1 woman should learn. Sutherland said Need to expand Ai loss the nation. 1 ollegiate fraternity and sorority systems are expanding in numbers and popularity I hi example. Kap pa Delta is also in the process of .elding more chapters in California. Kansas Conneeti tut New 1 lampsliire and \Vis (.onsin The I’niversitv's greek sys tern is likewise, undergoing an upsurge Kvery fall, about 1 .mid men and women sign up tor rush, the week long proi ess where new i ollege students se lei t and pledge membership to ■i house Kush classes had increased in size four rears m a rim until ihi'v lev fil’d nil last i.dl when tin- UniversiW cut har k on ■ • n rollment Ihe demand i rented a proli Inn In the t im ersits V 1(1 ex istmn sororities (Alpha Omi cron l’i an 11th sorority i loser) down last-lull I Member ship .it ear h chapter ranged Irutti K0 120 women: each new fall ( lass ,aided al)iml 1 1 more We went in with the idea MAIN DESK STORE “SPECIAL OF THE WEEK" * 1 MEDIUM FOUNTAIN DRINK I & 1 LARGE POPCORN OR 1 MONSTER COOKIE 1.25 ONLY I BRING THIS COUPON TO THE EMU MAIN DESK | I • GOOD 5/14/90 THROUGH 5/20/90 J Happy 20th. Punkin1 I' Love. Shel Hel and Jef * tMJNDCRlANP * C*RI A T fOR PAR T If S AND BIRTHDAYS 5^UinCn ALL GAMES WORK Vf,UCU WlTHNtCAELS GAMES admission i so bTH STRUT PUtllC KUin IUC(RI • H! MM Applicants Sought for EWEB Board Seat Eugene Water &. Electric Board (EWEB) is currently accepting applications tor the hoard seat for Wards 1 and 8. The hoard seat was held by Richard freeman, who recently passed away. To qualify, an applicant must he: ■ a registered voter. ■ a resident of Ward 1 or 8 (see map). ■ a resident of Eugene for the past 12 months. The term of appointment will extend through January S, 199T Applications are available weekdays, 8 a.rn. 5 p.m. at Eugene Water cSt Electric Board, SCO East Fourth Avenue, Eugene. Application deadline is 5 p.m., Friday, May 1S. Mail applications to L NX I B. r.O. Rox 10148, Eugene, OR '>7440 or deliver to EWEB at SCO East Fourth, Eugene. For more information, contact Krista Hincc, Assistant Secretary, 4S4-2411. EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue Eugene, OR 97440 503 484 2411 that the system definitely need' rii more sororities. said \i i • j!»- kies/ I ’.i 11 h« * 11* ■ 11 u expan sion chairwoman. "because there's i great interest in rush Deanna Jurgens. tins year's Panhellenii president and last year s expansion chairwoman ■ami out letters to national so rorily organizations uniting them to consider setting up at the I no visits After tei etving about 12 re sponses. jurgens kies/ and a I’anheilenu committee nar rowed the list down to kappa Dtdta Sigma kappa and Alpha Dell.i I'l Sigma kappa is ex pei ted to begin colonization next year Despite the fat t kl) will be i ompetuig w ith the established sororities for members next seal kl) members have appre i iated tin- work kies/ and I'an hellenii base done in bringing the sorority here ' \u ole klesz has been out standing Williams said, ex plaining that kies/ rounded up big sisters from oilier sororities tor ness kl) members 'One ut the things kappa Delta strives lor nationally is the I’anhellenii spirit " Labatte said " I here's no is .is we could leel competitive because we vs .int evers sorority to sue ceed When a sorority tails, the ss hole system feels it We ssaut the gri-ek ss stem to surviv e kl) hopes to repay the ssel come it got when Sigma kappa colonizes next s eai Monday In-Depth Ond' we are established we'll offer nor house to them just as any other somriU would want to. ' I.eppek said '()m e our formal fall rush is over, we will do everything in our pow or to help them because we know we just went through it " kl) has also received support from its alumnae There used to he a kD i hapter on campus long ago The old house, i hap tei Alpha-Lambda of kappa Delta, closed down in lti.t.t The new sisters have already been in contact with the old "One ol the Alphal.amhd.i alumnae is donating her pm whir h is an original Alpha! .umbdu pin to he passed down as the president's pin.” I.eppek s.iill The old kappa Delta house is gone, hut the new chapter will be taking up residence at 1(>K(! Alder St., former home of A1 plia (fmir.ron Pi And whtil about when the new members become alum nae? Where do the\ want to see the new i hapter in five years ’ "We want the sororiW to he spoken about highh not ouK In greeks, hut the campus ami by administrators as well." I .eppek said l.abatte said she wants to see "the sisterhood and the friend ships there that are ver\ sin cere That’s what (kl) is) here for. to make those lite lasting friendships When they leave college kappa Delta doesn't stop there It just starts * No Topless Allowed. Girls 18 & over please. * Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places -S400.00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL: 342-2723 or 344-6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERN 2156 West 11th "specific rules obtained at door Unbleached 100% Recycled kinkO'S Open 24 Hours Creat copies Creat people 860 E 13th 344-7894