Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Mountain Bicycle Week begins
KKN1A Campus Radio meets
tonight .it H m Room 1.18 (hi
Youth Greens meets today .it
.1 HI [i ill .it the Koinoilia ('en
ter. 1414 Kim aid St
Amnesty International meets
tonight .it H it) in KMl' t a'dar
Room A
OSPIRGs Toxics/Pestit ides
group meets tonight .it t> to
p.m m KMl' Suite I
Student Health Insurance
Gommittee meets today at t .10
p.m in KMl ’ Century Room K
"Romancing the Empire:
Popular American Fiction of
the 1890s" is the title of a let
Et als
tore to hi1 held today at 4 p in
in Room lit) Willamette Hall
The lecture yvill he presented
hy Aim Kaplan from Holyoke
College in Massachusetts, and
is sponsored hy the Humanities
The following organizations
y\ill he holding interviews on
campus Sign up tor intervieyvs
today through Wednesday for
the following dates in Room
J44 1 lendricks
• May 14 Kelsey y die I'nitied
School District Kelsevville
(laid (spt*i la! edui ation)
Keedsport School District.
Keedsport. Ore (edui at ion)
• May 15 < 11\ ot Salem law
enforcement department
group meeting only. May 1>
from -1 to 5 p m in KM!' Cedar
Room D
1 irst Investors ('orp group
meeting only. May 15 at t> til
p m in KMl ’ (ledar Room 1)
• May lt> I'.tivvanda Si hool Dis
trie t Rtiwanda. ( alif (edui a
turn special edut ation).
luneau Si hool Ilistrict. |u
neau. Alaska (edui ation. spe
cial education positions)
group meeting, May 10 from
*l to pm to 10 to p m in
Room 2.17 1 lendricks
IKS. Nam KMl' Lobby
from 10 a m. to t p m resting
will he held in KMl Century
Room ('
Xu or. Ini (manufai hiring
• May 17 I S Air I on e
KMl' Lobby from 10 a iti to 2
• Mav 1H Northwestern Mutual
Life Baird Securities (college
internship program) group
meeting, May 17 from 0 to to
7 to [> m in KMl' ( enturv
Room I)
Mountain Bicycle Week will
hr held totlaV through ITiday
On Monday representatives
from lo<.aI hike >ps "ill dem
onstrati' .1 ni'iv lino of bikes tor
test ruling rhi' event will be
held in the Outdoor Program
offic e m the K\l!' basement
I he program begins at 7 p m
lewish Student Onion will
hold a formal ele< lion for dim
tor and assistant dim lor posi
turns tonight at a in KMl Suite
Wesley Center Prayer break
fast will he held Tuesday morn
ing at 8.15 at the Wesley Con
ter. I 2 Hi Kim aid St
Wesley Center Bible Study
on the l.ectionary Readings
will be held tins morning at
1(1 tl) at the U esley t enter
121H> K1111 aid St
OSP1KC will hold state board
elec turns today and Tuesday
from tl a m to 5 p in in KMl'
Suite 1
Pre-IT and OT students in
eligible for summer and fall
practu aims An informational
meeting will be held Tuesday
morning .it 7 in Room lt>4 Ore
gon I Kill
The Women's Building in
l.os Angeles and women artists
in Southern California are the
subjects of |y\o videos to be
shown tonight at 7 ill in in
Knout 7t> 1 Lays rriu e
Continued from Page ^
"The testing is inadequate to
uncover known toxif waste
sites and does not ini hide all
known sites." Wolfe s.nd
Williams said he is disap
pointed Wolle chose to publi
i ize this new information In
calling a press conference in
stead of first i unting to the l in
"II calls into question their
motive." Williams said. "If the
way we re doing business is
not satisfai tor\ to someone's
political agenda, that's not my
problem "
Wolfe however, said he did
approai h a "high level' I Ini
versits offi( ial with the materi
al tor informal talks but v\es
turned down
The I'niversitv and I. K
S(|llier hast'd the study's strait*
g\ mi information from former
Physic id Plant employees who
wore involved in disposing
wastes from the si inures do
part moots
l orn I In ks asso) iati* diret toi
for environmental Imalth and
safety. said the l huversitv
would look into (aurally1 story
and present the information to
I. K S<|uier tor analysis
Opening Ceremonies
Fenton Hall Steps
Tree Planting
Work at Job Site
Ice Cream Social
at EMU
Blubinos Concert
at EMU
Engine Service
1000 S Bcrtclscn Rd #8 fugrne OR 9740?
One Block North of W 11th Nolan Ind Pla/a
boeaa : x
isv.jcon Settee Fc
10% Student Discount
__ Oregon Daily - -
P(l Hot Pujftw. Orr|no *7W'
The Oo-g ■' Daily i ,:,j ,«» published Monday through fnddy . cpt -.hiring
ei.tm woiiii i d . i .iliobv the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the
University of Oregon Eugene Oregon
The Emerald -s operated independently of the University *dh offices on the
third floor >»f the* Ert' Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press
The Emerald is private properly The unlawful removal • use of papers -s pros
ecu table by la*
Editor Tr-I * a-. r’r woii
Managing Editor
Editorial Editor
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A .. *• v% ru*«l«K
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M.rV Yip.'>
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Sports Editor
Supplements Editor
Night Editor
v r-MMophar tJ'ai'
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Higher l duration, Administration Chnn Buunr-'i Ftlturtl Oflf»S>- < n
Reporters J e Andrade Peter Cogswell Ash..*, [)* • t Stephanie
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(dark Alice Cannon Lotus Child Jim Finch. Corine Frier Yvette G'N Susan
Head Jennifer Huey Julie Keeton Linda Klaaslad Elisa Lichtman Sheila l own
.m S. .‘tt M.then Jim Mason Wendy Morns. Angela Mum; Anna Rnmlt**. hi m
et Schober Jean Sene< hal Jennifer Smith Anne Stephens m Martin Thiel Jen
nder Thomas Ingrid White Kelly Williams Todd Williams
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Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I didn t have to
hop out ot bed first thing every morning But, of
course, that s the only way I know how.
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