CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 150 BICYCLES B JAMIS DAKOTA $350 346 8282 ams 1989 BIANCHI Sportbiko 50cm White and hot pink Great condition $200/0 6 0 687 0191 early am late pm 1989 CANNONDAl I ■ 1 t wdh leon* Brand n<*A asking $6." 146 8074 h* ;:f NTURIQNS Lf MANN HS -.»• bike 23 Cateye compute' $290 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS ATARI ri?05T!m W 1 meg 1200 baud stand & more $600 otm 68 1‘»Hn ' CONTEC 13 COLOR TV S95/OBO Vector research turntable $75/OBO Receivenamp $85/OBO Advent Baby II spk i s S11Q/OBO All items mint1 346 6221 HEWLETT PACKARD 48SX only month old $275 346 6258 MAC ‘ 12K E'lha'' »*d i : . "A.r* IBM i GA 11spidy n-' i .ifd • .u: ‘ ■ nsted and ask tor Dan 683 3453 160 SOUND SYSTEMS SONY XR 100 AMFM .i>sette Ui line out great lie-, n S15CVOBO ' ■ 746 7485 STEREO SAi f d<”i • lurniaMe SO’ NaOtmii CR tA S225 ton 484 1351 165 INSTRUMENTS WASHBURN FORCE 4 0 Sunburst wood gram with electronics MOO Peavey TNT amp S200 Both pert 683 802 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION Mountain Bike Week M‘ B.M! Went. Ma, 14 17 ' h*i ‘ I educate bicyclists on in*? pleasures i1 >• i o Of riding A!' Mon May 14 V T ue May 15 Mi ?S- , -y; l M, • ; Wed May 16 M' ■ ■ a }»d' ed t MUO'. Thurs Ma» 17 M; t . iSEQ s*« !he y f Mi - • Ur, 195 TRAVEL ONI WAY PuMId'uJ ! AI Lv Ju-tf u S9e 50 Contact U: N ONE WAY Unit.*.? t- f<-'«nr Olevti : r.i.e AM i> ‘ S.' -Ki Call ?io OPPORTUNITIES DID YOU KNOW? you need to tile an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD 1 , • . . to attend " SUMMER SI S?,i JN IT’S NOT TOO LATE INTENT TO REGISTER CARD • ?10 OPPORTUNITIES Associated Student Service* Inc ASSI; ; Kefl up ;11 the A&UO * MMe 1 • V J A;,-. jM. .h'.Hf • i - • iv May 18 ’'** a! S 00 •••• Asm tin f • JU »> OriVirtw-’-ty A" f-ejl-ve AM ion employer Women Reopie m with, .cid people .m ages eth-m. rongiOMt, politic al mar it.i and vetei.i'- .t.itu's aged to apply Rr*r mere 'Oo'mation an 146 370? ijAPANEsr SIUDt S’ -'.p Prp !d**n |0 A RPCV anybody *ho is inter ©tiled .r-5 A •'•■vj » 1.' ' •• .1 ?»?* t ’ at'346 97vt ■>< Pat' i .it >42 4 708 WANTED ASIAN s'u t«nty Ah. ■ han have .i good omnsan.j ,» English $4 • ). hi it you« time f >r into ail 14. 1175 twf*t **•.!»•• f) 11 pm dummy 'Odds (' PO Bo. 718 Arihland OR 97*>20 __ : 'WAN f TO .-i-' i"» ilv.»n the • at the .Vi i. A ME T Tfc v A;. U'Y ( 1018 FfSTtVAi Volunteers are * 1,000 JOBS * NOW * ENjOY YFi LOWS TONE NA ti..:e, stop by Student Employment >om 12 Mendncks Hah ' conta. t CS Yell. .A National Pan* 82190 Refer to 6814 215 HELP WANTED 'LIGATION* ARE being .k < Director UO Cm»h Center ot» og m . n sion and I MPlOYMTNT OPENINGS Day Prep Cooks <2 positions) Prepare fresh tish produce sauces dressing-, etc 4 S shrlfs per week from 9 30am 4 30pm Start immedt airly a! $4 Dishwashers I? positions) J 4 shifts per week form appro* Spm 11pm Tram at per hour and regular at S4 SO per hour Start immediately Apply noon 4pm in person only al Northbank Restaurant 22 Club Rd Eugene Z15 HELP WANTED DANCERS WANTED Fred Meyer Immediate Openings' * 3 ptrm part time positron* appro* .’0 32 hf. week * 1 perm part time position 'appro* 20 32 hr* week Rob morris Store Director West Eugene Fred Meye 484 4200 Fred Meyer Equal Opportunity Employe' NIGHT MANAGER POSITION STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY HOUSING UNIVERSITY of OREGON RESIDENT ASSISTANT SUMMER SESSION ‘90 SALARY ' * 1 r • t-all*plus i.-fi 'T....-.tfi HOURS •, I • , DUTIES ‘ . 1 ' • ■ • ’ » Hr. • A .'.i- ' I- , ' QUAUFICA NONS . qualified students *rvo are enrolled , APRllCAf IONS . . i: •• r U H r U M I Ml H INtUHMAllUH CALL 346 42 71 An AA10 institution committed to Cultural diversity WANTED A harm ...* 9’ . id. • year M • , • lOhi% aK ASUO funded stipend p rion We mu! i ! ' someone a to good leadership and administrative quanties. Knowledge f racial Justice arid women •. issues ; >d commuhi at ion skills commitment to com mu iidy servii »• and student leadership, i d r • it t y • -■ represent the YWCA n i am pus and m the i ommymty f * penence m program development pre ferred put not required Send cover .. ,|i. ..-,g A tr> an ASUO employment apple a! i n ! YWCA d UO fM ! E loth toge-M* OR 9/401 146 4439 ?'• dead""*: ’ • appiK at ns a Way 2bV’ aid ants tor the r WO A ' avis Scholarship wanting he .Onsnlered tot this pus t please notify •• YWCA Do nc ntsuOmd ariy applice' • A" Affirmative Action E qua ?ib HELP WANTED THE WOMEN'S CENTER 1990 91 POSITIONS Deadline lot applications is Monday May 14, 5PM" Stop by Suite 3 E MU, or call 346 4095 it interest ed ??b APTS -DUPLEXES Summer rales J44S, iJep Si* s lee WS No lease Ken J4S 4 J22 Keystone Heal [ stale Prop Mgmt rtlD Th[ Ducks at ?ms m . NOW TAKING HI Sf Rv AT IONS FOR SUMMI H AND FALL , r Hi>*im i. ’ ». • t ..r-.ity r parking 54 7h L«a*« lor tumittat 667 t l.’lh f>8 I 9604 1370 HIGH NO 5 ... tfy 1 NopeK Spygla%% A*toe 686 mo Al l AVAIL ABi f NOW' ?30 QUADS Jennings & Co wj:i 4219 r i { H i'AHI* OUAC> s taoy to %<•* Jennings & Co t>8 1 4219 235 HOUSES S' C* Sr * i4*5 7 mi ■ exfo 4 txjMti ?■ jm Attn fireputn fAtj 9069 4M**f 4 pi J4‘> W 10 Spyglass Assoc btffc 1130 ?!iO MOVING SALES LEAVING AFIt A Ftiimtui 260 ROOMMATES WANTED ft MALE ROOMMATE needed fof Summei Friendly foomni4lev large yard Slttfi mo 14.' S62J ' - «■ - SlfiS fTV V 270 MEETINGS Pre PT/OT Students SUMMER 4 FAv. TERMRRA ' MV .vo EVENTS Jewish Student Union All student members can vote Come be a pad of history MOUNTAIN BIKE WEEK MAY 14. Monday MAY 15, Tuesday MAY 16. Wednesday MAY 17, Thursday All program* are fre«* slart at 7pm hold in Outdoor Program call 14*. 4 Ifi*) ASIAN/PACIFIC AMERICAN STUDENT UNION HERITAGE MONTH CELEBRATION WA» '4 I A‘ Ul ! ' 1 -ilAFf Bf I'l PIION ?80 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT OtSCOuNT 1MOWS • 'X \ ' «V« V - , flKAi 4 OAfS ■ ■ ’ tO M ItMitl I I M1MKI m Hwon ■**>«<• u (Will 1 I ( I Al l)l I MNNt fH ORAN Av>M S HENRY V *T*. .■;»>«■ r. « I'M I ' A8.-VA • 4 WSBEBSMSBEEi F" W, !h 1 t 40 Clivfc HAMAlH 5 [nightbreecA -M m —rn I'W Wi L Wn 11^ «lr Nig hi adm ThS* $3 < Su-Wc 32.50 ^ FINAL 4 DAY9 1 RATIO *' NO ONI UNO! UK) NO YOUR lOtWTinCA CAFE FLESH soNh ,>• k ‘Xu. you . v~~ ,