Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1990, Image 1

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    Monday. May 14. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 151
Oregon Daily
\ Vote!
V i940 ,
On Tuesday. I ’ni\ <■ isit\ stu
di'iits will have the chant e to
help determine the fate ot Ku
gnne's -4-) school tlistl it t
Ballot measure 20-00 asks vot
ers to approve .1 new t.ix base for
the school district that would
raise property taxes an average of
$142 lor a $(>0,000 home
An increase in the tax base will
balance 4 J's 1000-0 1 general
fund budget ot $07.0 million
See stor\ . I’age 4
()regon women's Ir.u k i oach
l oin lleinoiieii now has halt of
Ins predicted six \( !AA automat
ic qualifiers thanks to a fast
paced 5,000-meter rat e Saturdav
at the (begun Twilight Meet
junior Stephanie Wessell and
senior l.i/ Wilson took ad\outage
of a blistering pace In lormei
Due k and 10HH \( ;.\A champion
Annette defers
See story, Page1 0
On Campus
“Romani ing the Umpire: Pop
ular Amerii an Kii lion of the
1800s" is a iet tine to be given to
da\ at 4 p.m. b\ Amy Kaplan ol
Holyoke (aillege in Room ! !()
\\ illarnette
See Kt a Is. Page !i
(!loud\ lodav with a 40 pen ent
chance of showers, bow in the
mid 40s I bgh near on.
More toxic dumps alleged
By Chris Bouneff
/ met.ifd Associate t'
A lo< ,11 freelance writer ami .1 former
Physic al Plant employee disclosed Fri
day tli.it i hemic al dumping on the Kiv
erlront Kesean li Park site mas he more
extensive than nrigin.dk thought
Writer Robert Wolfe and euvironmen
tal attornev Mars St airlock are also ask
mg state and federal agent iex to investi
gate svhether University t iff it ials siolat
ed statutes requiring immediate disclo
sure of information about 1 hemic al
Wolfe claims that University Vice
President Dan Williams violated the
statutes bs concealing knosvledge of
t Ileum al dumping on the researc h park
Penalties tor violating the statues in
t hide lieavs tines and possible jail sen
trill rs
While »i' .nr satisfied th.it tin- i lives
ligation lit this site is prot reding .is it
sliuiihl 111 mi i In Inin .il hi ■« ltd point
wr .nr nut so surr th.it thf t'ntvrisitv s
i oiktlit:t is iifing. or will fVfr be, rigor
imsK si rutinizfil from .1 lfg.il si.uiil
point Wolff .imi Si nrlot k wrolf to
1' s hnviniinnfiit.il Protfi tion Agent a
oltii nils
Moreover U ollf i out iinifil his .11 1 11
sal ions th.it Williams dr liber,itrlv 1011
i r.ilnl thr information on the dumping
since its discover! in t'.llia to rnsiirr thr
rrsr.iri h p.u k s sin 1 rss
Ralph (ierralts who said hr vvorkni
loi thr I’hvsnal I’l.inl in thf late I Otitis
and fillh IK wlini thr dumping 01
1 iirriid said hr disposed wastes on sites
not fieing investigated bv the Ihnversl
\ll the dumping took pl.nr helore
state and federal statutes were in plate
to regulate ( hrmii .il ilispns.il
Hermits said In- dumped Vi gallon
drums in two ureas, which contradicts
tin I niversits's mtonnation that onh 1
gallon i ontainers were hurled
\lso. tumults said he dumped barrels
at the former Das Island I undfill on the
north side of the Willamette River an
area not being investigated by the f'ni
However tumults said he doesn't
know what materials were m the drums
Moreover, he said the disposal holes
were deeper than those being dug bv
i.K Sipnei Associates, the environmen
lid assessment consultants lured to
studs the area
it’s probabls tl). -lit, 'ill teet deep,
t ,erialls said "It's pretty deep
I K Sijuier drilled holes about ttl feet
deep to collet I soil samples
Turn to TOXICS, Page 3
The spirit of sisterhood
Photo fov Mar L ^ hoi
Kappa Drltii pli'difrs Cathy Flynn llrtt) .mil llrbbir llrismun .itlrnil .1 rush rilui .itiun
mrrtini; on Sunday Isl) is thr nrwi-st sorority on 1 am pus
founded Oil 2:t.
iH'ir. at l.ongwood
College in Farmville
V a
Membership: Mure
than 125,000 national
Chapters: FI) has chat
tered 178 chapters
Open motto: /'a KnLi
Diokamtm Translated
from llie l>rodk. it
means "l,et us strive
fot that which is hon
orahle, beautiful and
KD pledges help establish new sorority
By Thomas Prowell
It is S.itunl.n .iftiirnoon
.mil 1 1 l women .nr p.u ked
into sweltering Kiiom 1 1U
Willamette II.ill llu-s wish
green .md white sVMMtshirts
<ind sing energetii illlv, fuel
ing tin' heat in the room
k A I’ I’ A I) I- I. /' A' kiip
fi.i1 Ik-Il.i' kiififM Ih-lt.i At)
77 /.in>)1 nr u ill tilutiys hr to
tlu> In‘st si Hunts ' k.l/l/M Drl
t.< ktillrlt.i lift ' tiles
Met ! tlu- nitinilH'rs ol kiip
|i,i I kill.! tin' I im i-rsitv
greek system's newest sorer
itV ''Th*'\ 'ri' mi t'\i itril
s.ivs l.eta l.<ib<ittr. K1) nation
,il i ollegiute ads lser 11n*v
blcrd green
riir new ki) pledges havt'
li-.mird of course. that green
i-. thi'ir sorority's ( oior The
siI ..ib.iltc has taught llifin
v\ 111 lie iisi'il to pn k up thi'ir
Spirits at rush next tall
The kI) pledges have .1 lot
to learn Im'< arise much work
goes into establishing .1 so
rority Tin- prot css is ottcu
intense mori-so because Ore
gon kits will In- receiving
nine weeks ol pledge edui .1
tion III tool weeks to get thi
snrority re,id\ foi I.ill rush
Pledge edui .ition
Ialiatte .1 rei e 111 1 hbversitv
ol Washington graduate and
one ot three advisers sent bv
the national sorority to build
the Alpha Lambda chapter ol
kappa I >elta at the t 'niversi
ly is teaching kI) members
how to rush new re< ruits
Another adviser Mil belle
Williams (Southern Missis
sippi (i'l). will be training
tin- sorority otluers Debbie
l.eppek (Mulligan State M't)
is putting the k I ts through
pledge education programs
I ike most fraternities and
above song is .1 riliiiil set ret;
its meaning is still unknown
to tlii' I H new pledges
The new kI) members will
le.itn k 1) traditions mid histo
rs the sorority s national or
ganization .mil offit ers. the
l hliversity Panhellenii s\ s
ten) .mil the (.reek alphabet
I lies will not het ome fully
initiated sisters until ()i tu
Ihe li,lining Is not mind
numbing indoctrination,
however One thing tii.it has
impressed Oihatle l.eppok
and Williams is the enthusi
asm ot the new k I Is
"Their heads are re,dlv
su imming w ilh ideas ' Wil
liams said 'Ralliei than us
giving them the idea Well,
win don't you do this
tiles 're i inning up with ideas
on their own
' l lies all want to do some
thing It's like if thes don’t
gel an appointive oitii e or an
accounting office it's like
' w e w .ml to In' on i omniittee
we want In ill) this ur w ant
in hr involved.' I.i'ppek
I eppek said tin' ndiK at inn
program is designed "to start
tin* lovaltv and i ommitnient
to Kappa Della and to start
those friendships growing
right now Ins ause that is
the base, that is what makes
the i haptei the strongest it
i an he
Most of I lie things I did III
oflieer training this past
week I gave them a fonnda
t ion and said Ibis is w hat
YOU need to he looking
into Williams said
kl) s sololitv president is
SI.HA Temple, a leisure stud
les major from I It'll v a small
town near Pendleton in l.asl
ern Oregon Temple said she
is exrnted about starting new
traditions and new friend
ships in her sororitv but she
• SORORITY Pm;.. .