Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1990, Page 10, Image 9

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Stephanie Wessell (31) and Liz Wilson an' expected to
improve their times in the 3.0110 at Saturday's Twilight meet
at Hayward Held.
Woman's team readies for Twilight
Bv Cam Sivesind
Emerald Sports Reporter
The Oregon women s tr.nl.
team hopes the Oregon I w i
light meet at Hayward Field
Satimhn heroines the perfei t
stilting tor V AA qualitving
Sophomore javelin thrower
kirn 11\alt is the only Ihit k to
have surpassed the \( \A auto
mat i< standard llvatt threw
i n l.jst week to easiK out
distant e the standard ot
1 / :t -11
The Dim ks have IH Pat ifl< 10
( onferent e qualifiers, hut Ore
gnu coat h Tom Hemonen looks
to add to that number as well
The emphasis this week is
to tr\ and get ready for the Pat.
10s and we d like to take a
shot at some Nt.AA qualifying
marks too." Heinonen said
Senior l.i/ Wilson and junior
Stephanie Wessell need to iin
prove their times in the 5.000
to t limb up the N< AA laddr-r
Both runners are prtivision.il
qualifiers by more than 11 set
MAY 11
U of O
Steve Camp
{ . ‘A ' A (V, ' • . r >1 ' 1 ' * Today
a j ’ . ‘ ' • •• •;'. a'y ■ ' ' ’ a ad *
IN CONCf RT : • «r ’•* •* at -
Sl Tickets available al I MU Ticked Office
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Ken Hutcherson
1 1 30 am Rally I ast f MIJ I awn
7 00 pm - Concert i ar.t E MU l awn
WVsscll's personal best of
10 20 00 and Wilson s season
best of Iti 27.27 ate more than
10 set onds off the automatic
mark iif Hi 10 00 Wilson's I'K
is Hi 17.58
Stiff competition from past
t ollegiate greats Annette Pe
ters lirvne Forbes, ami Shellcn
Sleek could help both runners
to improved times
Peters and Forbes are former
Ducks Peters was the 1088
\( AA t hampion in the 5.000
Forbes finished second in the
lo.ooo in 1082 while grabbing
third m the • 000 that same
High jumper Laurel Roberts
is another Duck looking to
i rue k the N( A A barrier The
sophomore has cleared 5-10D
twice this season, good enough
lor a provisional spot, but has
failed to leap over the n o 1. au
tomatic height
A pail of Smiths are making
positive strides in the throwing
events for the Duc ks Stephanie
Smith has a toss of 10 i 4 in the
disi us to put her on the \'( A A
provisional list, but the mark is
tmmtumnr or oaroou
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Hccycle This Paper
s!n of tlir automata, distant e of
fill Smith, the 1«)8H NCAA
javelin thump, has been strug
gling hack from an elbow in
jur\ incurred late in the 1089
season Against Nebraska last
week at Havwarrl field. she
threw a season-best 155 11
The mark is f.ir from her f’K of
187-7 hut she is feeling better
every outing.
Rosie Williams returned to
action at last Saturdays meet,
hut the junior sprinter was ob
viously not at UK) percent Wil
liams who had been undefe.it
ed in the 1(1(1 and L!()0 so far
this season, broke her streak
with a second plat e in the 200
W illiams suffered a strain of
her right thigh nearly a month
ago Oregon's best sprinter in
history has yet to qualify for the
NOAAs. and with the injury
layoff, it could be diffit lilt to
get her times down to tilt- net
essary standards
Junior Kamala kohlmeier is
another Doth who lias fallen
under the injury category In
winning the 100 hurdles last
week kohlmeier hit her ankle
on a hurdle, i ausing a large
bruise to form
\\ ith the Pat 10 heptathlon
set to begin Mondas in Seattle
at Husky Stadium, the all
around athlete's health is of
great concern. If kohlmeier
could perform well in Seattle,
along with freshman teammate
kelly Hlair. the Ducks would
have a good foothold on point
lor the I'ai 10 meet
Hlair, the two-time TAC ju
nioi winner in the heptathlon
has only one collegiate try un
del her belt Her personal best
of 5.741 set as a high schooler
is 4'J points below the N( AA
prov isional mark of 5.770
A< lion gets under way Satur
dav at 5 U) p m with the dis
cus and long jump The worn
en's high jump follows at li
The first running event starts at
ti 1 a w ith tile 100 hurdles
The last event for the women
is the 5.000 which begins at
ft 7 4 The final event of the
meet is the men's 1,500 which
starts at ft 45
[?8bo i;Aitw»r si
741 1?31
Adults SS 00
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Movies in parenthesis
on Frt 4 Sat Only
Nuns on the Run
1 IV 3 15 5 15 7 15 9 15 (ii 10)
Q & A
■ i .
12 25 3 00 5 05 7 10 9 15 |1120»
Miami Blues
1 M 3 20 5 20 r 20 9 20 ill I5i
12 JO 2 45 5 00 7 25 9*5 (UOOl
Tango & Cash
’ " ' 25 T 15 ! V 9 55 .’2 00)
1 45 2 ' * 4 45 7 20 9 50 •
Little Mermaid
11 50 1 30 3 30 5 15 Sal & Sun oni
Hard to Kill
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Crazy People
00 i 00 5 00 7 00 9 00 111 00i
Cinema Paradiso
11 45 2 15 4 45 7 20 9 50 (12 20
Ernest Goes to Jail
1 25 3 25 5 25 7 30 9 30 Hi 30)
My Left Foot
: 4 ■ v •