I f f / f 11 s 11 r 1111 c r 111 iiitiiitiiiiitmimtittHMimiiiiitiiiiittitimiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiiittHtiititiiHitiiitiitiitttiHtitiiitifii EMU Cultural Forum Presents: KEN BABBS— "ON THE BUS" I tiiiiitiiimiiii : : A multi-media pte sontation about the I 964 coast to a oast trip b> THE MERRY PRANKSTERS f on the bu** "further'' I hr show h'.itmvs slides mm irs .ind mu si< hum lilt- (SO s bnbbs let line will l<> t us on 60 s best hero r'w-.il i nss.nl,i\ Fri, May 1 1 8:00 pm EMI) Fir Room Student*4.00 (ien. Public $6.00 iiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiMHtiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimii Encore! Hult Center features Duke Ellington Orchestra tonight MUSIC Frida) May 11 Friday Jazz Duke Ellington Orchestra will perform tonight at 8 in the Hull Center s Silva Concert Hall Tickets are $15 and $12 and can be purchased at the Hult Center box office or by cailing 687 5000 University Song and Dance Troupe will perform Kiss a Little Wes! Sidr Cal i might it H if Beall Hall Tickers, are S i germral and $t students at tfu doot The Persuasions v. perform t might at K 30 m the Hull Center s Soreng Theater Tu kets are S'3 and can be purr based at the Hull Center's bo* other* or by < ailing 687 5000 International Ball 90 a semi forma! dance sponsored by International Student Services, will run Irorn 9 p m to • a m n the EMU Ballroom The dance w l (nature the music ot Sw ing Shift, and a trip for two to Disneyland will be given away in a rattle drawing Tickets are $5 singles and $8 couples and ihe proceeds will be used so that an international student will receive free loom and board in University bousing next year _Calendar_ Black Roses Eugeni- newest reggae ensemble, will perform tonight at 9 30 in the Community Center for the Performing Arts, 291 W 8th Tickets are $4 at the door and refreshments will be available tor those with identification Saturday May Vomit Launch i four member band wiM perform at the Community Center ’ n the Performing Arts. 291 W 8th tonight at 8 30 Two other bands Field Top and Dose, will open the i oncer! Tickets are $h at the door and refreshments are available for those with identification Eugene Symphony Superpops At the Movies will pertorm tonight C ■ n ■ Holt Center s Silva Concert Han Ti kets are $20. $18 $15, $11 and $8 and can be purchased at the Hull Center hiix office or by calling 687 5000 Musical Feel Tap Dance Company wiM perform tonight in the Hult Center's Soreng Theater at 7 30 11. nets are $6 and can be purchased at the Hull Center box office or by i r ing 687 5000 Cuitis Salgado and the Stilettos plus Lloyd Jones Struggle. Barbara Healey and Ihe Allnighter,’ will perform a blues bash tonight at 8 in the athletic field west of Hayward Field Tickets are $3 at the EMU Main Desk Sunday May 13 UB40 a rock band, will perform tonight at 8 in the Hult Center's Silva Concert Hail Tickets are $17 50 and i an be purchased at the Hult Center bo* otfice or by calling 687 5000 Monday May fa University Contemporary Music Ensemble under the direction of Gary Karpinski will perform tonight at 8 in Beall Concert Hall Tickets, available at the door, are $3 general and $t students Tuesday May 15 Pleasant Hill High School Spotlight on Jazz will be performed tonight at 7 30 in the Hult Center's Soreng Theater Tickets are $6 and can be purchased at the Hult Center bo* office or by calling 687 5000 University Wind Ensemble under the direction ot Wayne Bennett, will perform tonight at 8 in Beall Concert Hall Tickets are $3 general and $t students at the door The Vinny Golia Trio a Los Angeles gc iup featuring woodwinds, bass and drums will perform tonight at 8 in the New Zone Gallery 411 High St Tickets are on sale tor $6 at the House ot Records and also available at the door Refreshments will be available Wednesday May 16 Carmina Burana a dramatic cantata will be performed tonight and tomorrow night. May 17. at 8pm in Beall Concert Hall Tickets are $6 50 general and $3 50 students at the door Thursday , May 17 Eugene Opera will perform a benefit conceit tonight at 8 in the Hult Center s Silva Concert Hall Tickets are available at various costs by ■ ailing 687 5000 or stopping by the box otfice Sheldon High School Community Center Dance Troupe will perform a free show today at 12 15 pm in the Hult Center lobby Boom Shaka a west coast five piece reggae band, will perform tonight at 9 30 in the Community Center for the Performing Arts, 291 W 8th Tickets are available at the door for $6 Vocal Jazz Tonight LCCs vocal jazz invitational will be performed tonight Neil Wilson at 7 30 in the Lane Performing Art Mam Theatre The performance w bring together Mt Hood. LCC, South Eugene High School and Pleasant High School jazz groups General admission is $4 THEATER,' PERFORMING ARTS Boomers! the original rock rT r musical, will be performed by Springfield Theater on May 17, 18 r t 19 at 8 p m in the Springfield Higf School Auditorium Tickets are $4 adults and $2 students and senu • and are available at the door Amadeus will be performed by l ( Performing Arts Department on M 11. 12. 18 and 19 at 8 p m. in LCC - Main Theatre Tickets are $8 m • i $7 seniors and $6 students, arm n i. be purchased in advance by .. all " . the Lane box office between 12 4 ; •> at 726 2202 The Bacchae a University Thr.it■■ production, will open May 11 at in Robinson Theatre Additn '■ r p m performances are scheitu'r f ' May 12. 17 19 and 25 26 Tickt-i be purchased at the door for $4 students and $6 general VISUAL ARTS Ashen Beauty Wood Fired Ceramics, an exhibit ot contemporary ■ - si" by 10 nationally known artists •• on display in the Museum o' An ' Johnson Lane, until June 3 Paintings, drawings, mixed media sculpture, fabric work and photography by four Northwt -.tr artists will be shown at the Maude Kerns Art Center until May 13 Paintings and Drawings by R h e Blues concert slated for Saturday By Kelvin Wet* Ent ore Editor I'lie dniversitv s dainpus doiumiinitv Task force and the KM I ’ (' u 11 u ral forum will co-spoil - Mir An I'Afuint: of Rhythm ,iml Macs in live field west of Hayward field Saturday night The concert will feature three popular Oregon blues bands The Lloyd tones Struggle Barbara llealev and the All Slighter/. and (lurtis Salgado and the Stilettos Task force do-chairman and I'niversitv Vice Provost for Student Affairs derard Moselev s,ud the idea for such a large coin ert i a tile from the task force when it discovered such events would he an alternative for students who wanted to par tv We wanted to have an event that was large enough to at commodate the students ' he said Moselev said this concert is a trial program, one that he hopes will start a tradition at the t in v ersitv But i om ert and set-up r osts mounting to about S 11,000 will onlv allow for i outmu.ition of sur It programs it students turn up. ASIK) President elect Kirk Bailev . who also is co-chairman of the task force, said he supported this event be< ause it offered great iniisii and a great alternative lor students "It provides a draw to all students lie thr\ of age or not, he said It's held in a central Iota lion so that all can t owe to it Baile\ said the event will help build unity among students and that the \SI '( ) has and will continue to support such programs "Our office would he looking at events providing i omnumity and unit\ around students," Hatlev said W hile much of the money to host this concert is coming from the t niversitv. the planning and organizing is being done h\ the I Ml' < til!oral I o rum 'The (ailtural Forum has done a great job plan mug and putting it together Bailey said Moseley agreed adding that they had 111111 two to three weeks to plan tor this event Tit kets tor the t oncerl are being sold at the I Mi ' Main llesk tor S3 Audiences are invited to bring pit nit baskets and their m\ n non alt oholit beverages and food There is one main rule no glass 1 ontainers w ill he allowed Hot ause the event is being planned to he held outdoors, an alternative site has been reserved in case of bail weathci I he concert will he moved to the FM1' Ballroom shouhi it ram Doors open at n p m anti partying will begin promptly .it H p m Quigley will be at the Jacobs Gallery until April 30 Living Art. an exhibition of pacific coast irises in bloom, will be on display through May 27 at the University Museum of Ait. 1430 Johnson Lane Burning Issues an exhibit examining the effects of fire on the Oregon landscape and wildlife, will be on display through August 12 in the lobby of the University s Museum of Natural History. 1680 East 16th Sacred Scenes an exhibit featuring John Chapman's juxtaposition of text and image, will run through May 11 m the EMU Ait Gallery Grand Re Opening of Artist s Cafe will take place on Monday May 14 at 8 p m The Artists Cate is re-opening in a new location, Seymour's Restaurant at lOlh and Willamette The re-opening will feature poetry readings, music, live models to Km., h food and drink Cover charge is $2 From Fiber to Fabric an exhibit T handcrafted, handspun items, will be ■ ! iplay trom May 18 h* June 1 7 at the Lane County Historn ,i! Museum 740 W 13th Ave Admission is $1 adults Rock, Paper. Scissois c exhibit to three University fine arts students will be on display trom May 14 tw in Gallery 14 1 on the University campus A free, public recepfion will be held from 7 9pm on May 14 in the gallery Hult Center Gallery will feature the work of two Eugene artists. Kerry Wade and Satoko, from May 14 to June 13 T if_I Marie 1.undreth. soprano, will he performing in Hurana at the I University School til Musit May Iti-17. I annin,i EMU CULTURAL FORUM & CAMPUS COMMUNITY TASK FORCE PRESENTS: The Lloyd Jones Struggle An Evening of Rhythm and Blues Saturday, Ray 12 Field west of Hayward Field Doors open 6:00pm (bring a picnic dinner) flo Class Containers Please Ohow starts 8:00pm Barbara Healey and the All Nighterz Curtis Salgado and the Stilettos S300 at EMU Main Desk and at the Door * nUNKRUNC * GREAT TOR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS 5A*UinCn All GAMES WORK iiitc With nickels GAMES ADMISSION *i so 5IH STREET PUIUC MARKET EUCERE >113 1414 Bring ad in for 30c Off all Espresso Drinks' f npires ‘ ' 1/90 <°>5 U.V\S+. *464 " r)H I ' W l g - 1 ; 1 V IQ S ” * i t * * rf ' -' DOS PATOS Mexican Food Bring in this coupon for a FREE Small Soft Drink Orders must e< mi x> ◄1219 Alders /THY QiM HAPPY H* AH T AtJPC^H/T P\,WPjDIH CAHOl A C*t t> r *.« H 4*i • Th l ' 40 1 fftOAl CtlVt HAMM H C Ml ATOf MUlHArslR Ethnic Elegance in Jewelry Clothing C Folk Arl from Around the World • ' l I ith Ai i /If. I / - the I <. ■ t-l ( .Hr,/: ’ • • I'nl: V I'h, ■ I doirnsLUn hfi f.'.'i J-l FOLKWAYS IMPORTS 745 8522 • 125 S W 2nd Corvallis Live Mutfc CURTIS SALGADO!! Fri. May 11 ACTUAL SIZE!! Sal. May 12 WEDNESDAY NIGHT BLUES JAM!! May 16 II I M(.M I $395 W l l> N J < .11 I $1*5 im Ksim NK.in S495 mum NK.II I $375 s\l A M \ M(»H I A l Sliak. ► r ie\ A Salad