The Oregon Daily Emerald’s Entertainment Guide Ex-Merry Prankster to recount '60s trip By Layne Lakefish Fm ore Reporter The (ids live on in many minds They were years of spir it. character, mystery and free dom, and the feeling nt those years never died Now. in HHIO. a glimpse bat k in time to that still-alive det ade may help the people of to day to deal with the problems of today, said hen Babbs, one ot the Merry Pranksters of the lilfiOs. In this spirit, Babbs will pres ent the multi media show On the Hus. which tells the story of Neal Cussed v. one of the fa mous psychedelic folk heroes of the (ids The show will take plate at 8 tonight in the I All' Fir Room In the 'nils. ,i bunch of liter ary men got together and det id ed to drive at toss the i ountrv in .1 van they appropriately named I urthei because of tlie "Destination Further" sign in die window This group later became known as the Merry Pranksters, and among them was the famous ( assady "The\ urn1 .1 group of poets .mil writers who were experi menting with psy< hedelii drugs .mil collaborating with cat h otluu and various othei things." explained Mu haul Dieli performing arts i oorrlina tor lor the I-All ' ( I n rum, sponsor of the show "(!assad\ was one of the real movers behind the trip Babbs' show w ill make use ol lei tore, slides, film footage ol the Merrv Pranksters’ road trip music and a question and an svver period to ( lose out the presentat ion "People really want to know what actualh went down then (the ' tjOs |." Babbs said "There's been a resurgence ol interest I lieli said the show will lie ot interest to many people "It w ill generate a lot ol interest on campus bei a use pie are still interested in what happened in the tiOs, and Babbs relates it m a real and accurate wav because lie was there." Dieli explained Win present a show about the tills in the tlOs ’ " The spirit alive in the fids freedom ( oiirlrN* photo ken Babbs, shown here in IUH4. will /> resent "On thr Bus." a multi-media show1 detailing thr s/ort ol /ism hfdrlii folk hrro \ful ( assady. onr of the Merry Pranksters jo\. cooperation is ,i spirit that's still alive in the OOs Hahhs explained ' The sei let is still the same today hn how to get penple to get her without all the control! li 111 v to h.uidle things in a positive wav and that is the spirit were still working for now in the ‘IDs I he stor\ behind the Merry Pranksters. the road trip and the life of Neal ( tissadv protn ises to otter help and hope to the people ot today Hahhs wants to talk about how .ill that happened in the tats relates to tile youth of today. Die It said The Merrv Pranksters were a group ut men who iliil drugs, lived through the w ill! tills and came out ut it with impressive sui i ess "The people that were on that road trip arc mm doing phenomenal work." added Dieli referring to the literary sui i esses ol both Dabbs and Kcsey Ur were nevei alienated.' explained Hahtis "We were given the freedom to move through all segments ot sir icty Mavhe you take drugs hut the you the real you. is still alive and the drugs don't destroy that Dabbs show will retell the happenings ami the lilesls les of tiie tills anil lie the spirit ss as alive in the 'fids to the spn it that is i oming hai k in the 'Ids The show w ill he entertain ing with the iniisii from the '(ids ' said f lieii " I he film coverage is realh wild, as well as how tiles pulled this bus trip oil Dabbs is a stoivtellei and lie's good at it And on top ol that there will be a question and answer period at tin' end. so it will be leads informative too Tickets an- S > students and S*• general and i an In' pm 1 based at tin- I All ' Main Ihsk I.jukt Community Colkpc Performing Am pretend AMADEUS THE PLAY MAY 4. 5, 10, 11.12, IS, 19 8:00 P.M. STUDENT RUSH $4 •fler 7:30 night of performance LANK MAIN THEATRE Treat Yourself To Some Fun WfUN SHOP * Games & Gifts * Tricks & (okes * Juggling * Balloons * Puzzles * Costume Supplies “Fun For Everyone!” Chazpro Family Fun Shop 603 E. 13th 345-0032 THIS IS AN EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRODUCTION An L.vcnim’ With RAM DASS Here & Now in the 90's Author ot "BE HERE NOW" and "HOW CAN I HELP" I with Paul Gorman) MAY 23 7:30 PM South Eugene High School Auditorium S12 U of O Students S15 General Public Tickets Available at Sundance Mercantile Stargate EMU Mam Desk. Peralandra Books & Music Photo Credit Carl Studna A Benefit For Seva Foundation