Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Charlie Cole
opportunities in the global rnar
ketplat e for ()regon to ito lug
Her and better tilings
In addition. he s.iid ,i top pn
ont\ of next year's legislature
is st lioid finaniing at t ompa
nietl bv a reform in the state tax
(’ole also said he believes tile
government should not plav .1
part m the 1 holt e of a woman
to have an abortion
Mso wing for the Republi
can distrn I spot is Marie Hell,
chair of the lame (anmtv He
publican t .entral Committee
Hell vows to push to make
education the top priorit\ of
the legislature next year In at)
tl it ion. she t alls the t urrent ed
uiatiun finance s\ stem unfair
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find she seeks to reform it
"1 oppose taxes which ask
spec ifu segments of our soc iety
to carry fmrdens v\e all should
share." she said in her cam
paign statement
She also supports a reform in
the slate's workers compensa
tion system, as well .is a redui
turn in governmental regula
tions on business grow tli
Hell's background mi hides
community and church activi
ties, and she is a former assis
tant professor at 1-ane (Commu
nity (College
In 1‘tH'i. Democrats ini um
bent I)i\ sponsored a sui c essful
amendment to ban oil drilling
within three miles ot the state's
coast In addition he support
ed a permanent phase out of
field burning, as well as the up
coming knight Library renova
t ion
Among Dix’s future visions
are a new $ 1 fill million "Higher
f-Cdui ation Kei apitali/.ation
Trust fund" tor the state In
addition he said he will push
for si boo! finani e reform that
w ill substantially' i ut property
"We can no longer threaten
our i hildren's future by finani
ing their education on the
bai ks of our seniors." he said
in his i ampaign statement
I)ix also promises "strong
and uni hanging support of a
womans right to choose
whether or not to have an abor
lion 1
Applicants Sought for
EWEB Board Seat
Hum-no Water ik Electric Board (FAX 1 B) is currently
accepting applications for the hoard scat for Wards I
and 8. The board seat was held bv Richard Freeman,
who recently passed away.
To quality, an applicant must he:
■ a registered voter.
■ a resident of Ward 1 or 8 (see map).
■ a resident of Eugene tor the past 12 months.
The term of appointment will extend through
January 5, 199).
Applications arc available weekdays, 8 a m.
5 p.m. at Eugene Water 8c Electric Board,
SCO East Fourth Avenue, Eugene.
Application deadline is 5 p.m.,
Friday, May 18. Mail applications to
EWER, P.O. Box 10148, Eugene, OR
97440 or deliver to EWEB at 500 Ernst
Fourth, Eugene.
For more information, contact Krista
Elince, Assistant Secretary, 484-2411.
Eugene Water & Electric Board
500 East 4th Avenue
Eugene. OR 97440
503 484-2411
Roberts to address
NARAL conference
By Alic e Thornton
Emerald Reporter
Students l or Choice rind the Kugene chapter of the Na
tional Abortion Rights Action League are sponsoring .1 two
iia\ reproduc tive rights conference on Saturday and Sunday
The 1 (inference, c alled "Motherhood by Clinic e" will fea
ture eighteen workshops on pro-c hoic e and abortion issue's, a
rally on Saturday, and keynote speaker liarbara Roberts
Cenna Southworth. tht* regional coordinator of Kugene
\ARAL. said the name of the conference reflec ts the attitude
that women deserve the right to c hoose, adding that the con
ference offers a unique way of celebrating Mother's Day on
"We believe that motherhood is wonderful if that's what
women choose." Southworth said
"Anti c hon e folks generally take Mother's Day and twist
it against us she' said "We want to rec laim Mother's Day by
1 celebrating the power of < hoic e that mothers have."
Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Barbara
Roberts will speak on Sunday Southworth said Roberts is a
good spokeswoman for the Oregon pro-choice movement
"Barbara is very strongly pro-choice," Southworth said
"She's been an advocate of women’s lights in Oregon for
years She's also being endorsed for governor by Oregon
NARA1. "
The conference', which is 111 its second year, will inc lude
partic ipants from Oregon. Washington and California South
worth said NARA1. is considering making the conference'
more of a regional event next year
Southworth said the goal of the conference is to offer as
muc h information as possible so that pro-choice supporters
1 an he know ledgeable u hell disc usxmg tile' issue
I he conference will take place in the KMC Student tic k
ets are $10 and ma\ be pure based at the door
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