'Cat's Meow Jazz & BIijes Corner Gift Certificates! Spec ial Orders Gladly! In the (ilthpiMrl Shops Fifili & PiarI • Etipsi 686 8742 T G I S . Thank God it s spring' However it is also a time when many of the students of the University of Oregon think about their housing needs At pi 1HASANT PARK the demand tor housing skyrockets as early as duty, Sowe Ose now taking deposits end making reservations ibr apartments which will be available in June Enjoy ihis summer In one af tbebest housing venues in Springflek# PHEASANT PARK DARRYL & TAMMY CPAWf ■ >14 ’ 4 A l rhDAlF DP SPRINGFIELD. OR97477 74 ’ 5411 I A cut above the rest... CARE'N FOR HAIR Ml 1.13th AVI tUOINK. OR 97401 (503) 4*5-4433 OMN 7 DAYS Woltl tanning available by appointment Haircuts ONLY s1000 : w/coupon Reg $13 00 and up ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry TANNING SPECIAL l 10 for S2000 ,,g $3500 ! PAUL NICHOLSON FOR CITY COUNCIL-WARD 4 « . I » 1 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS A COMMUNITY ACTIVIST • RECYCLING & ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION • HUMAN RIGHTS & WOMEN'S RIGHTS • PEACE & NUCLEAR FREE MOVEMENTS • TENANTS RIGHTS & URBAN RENEWAL Paid for Dy Paul Nicholson for City Council, 1855 E. 28th, Eugene, OR 97403 John Volmed. Treasurer Authorized by Paul Nicholson _University_ Bike parade to be held MKKTINCS Sluil\ in \n%lr.«1 ia is the top ic of ,in informational meeting to take plat i‘ today at If .10 p ill in llif MMl1 Walnut Room \ olunliTts for the Nuclear tree Zone c ampaign arc un it t>cf to a meeting Saturday at It _Et als_ a m m KMl ’ Suite 1 The meet jug is sponsored bv Student ( ampaign for Disarmament Hong Kong Student Assoc ia fion will hold its final meeting tonight at a in Room 102 (id belt SI’liAKKRS AND bid I t RKS "Hurtling Issues: l ire in the Western Oregon l.andsc ape" is the' title of a presentation to be given Saturda\ at 1 p m at the Museum eif Natural History. 1 OHO t 15th Ave The lee Hirer w ill be ( bill ies Newberry "In Defense ol Rhetoric " is the title of a lec tore to be given bv Doll I.e\ i today at -i p m in Room lid I’M i former Seattle Seahawk Ken Hue herson will speak on the topic “( hnsti.uiitv and Ka< ism' today at I 1 it) a.in on the IMP last Lawn Ihe presenta 1 nun Silent \iceptame to Non \ ioleot Ac tion I he (,on stitulmnal i’athuai to Sue c ess"' : the title m( ,t lei 1 i i: < to testified at the Presidential ( nmmissiem on Wartime Kelu ians The event will lx* pieced i'(l !>v .1 potiuck .ll 5:1)0 p in MISCE! I AN'EOt'S ASI. Advoi ales, a student or ganization. is sponsoring Deal Awareness Day today Activi ties will ini hide a panel discus sion in the international Stu dents I.ounge at 12: JO p in and a show ing ol the film ('hii tin'll of .1 I.esser (loti at "> p in in the 1 Ml Walnut Room A hike parade in support of Paul Nicholson's hid for Eu gene (litv Council w ill he held todav from noon to 1 p in starting at the corner of nth Avenue and Kincaid Street The parade is sponsored by the Survival ( Sinter and the I hliver site I lemur rats The men's Club Sports base ball team will play Sunda\ at Civil Stadium in Eugene at I 2 it) p m. Newman Center 1850 l inn aid St . will sponsor a concert for the W'omenspai e shelter featuring Regina YtcClothin Saturday night at 7: id at the New man (lenler Cerman majors, minors and pre-majors are im ited to sign up now foi advising during !i nal exam w eek A sign-up sheet is posted on the door ot Room Sid friendly Deadline lot submitting I t ,ils in the Emerald trout dusk f\tl' Suite Min. is noon the dm before publ ii'.tltion. fit a/s run /’/ease submit f t a/s the il.i\ be tine thv\ are tu run nnt\ A or admission charge w ill not be •if < t'pU'd (,,inipas oxents iiiul pub li, a turn date nil! be given prioritx I he fanerald reserves the rifilit to edit notices tin grammar and stele Major Merging is Happening! After 40 years... Vogue Hair Salon is becoming / Vogue Hair Salon 11th & Patterson • 343-1637 ODE ~ ■ T-. , ■ ODE nigra r' ' ■ ’ • 33 ODE -. t ' • j Ew H3J ODE _v - ■ ■ - ODE _■ ■ f ■■■ - ODE ~ ' ' • i