_University First international ball tonight Proceeds go to international exchange Bv )olie Andrade l filer.ild Reporter The t 'niversitv u ill hold the tirst lntern.itiou.il ll.ill tonight to bring students and i omniu nit\ members together to share international food music and dant e The semilonn.il event iroin ‘1 p in. to 1 a m is I o sponsored h\ the the Ballroom I Jam e i dub. International Student As soi iation and the t 'niversitv residem e halls "The original idea i.ame from international students who at tended balls and daiu.es in then own countries arid thought it would he nice to have one here. said Nam > Anderson, lounder of the l ni versitv Ballroom 1 lam e (dull lroill this idea the three groups dei nied to get together to mi lease global awareness at the 1 ’niversitv and in the I n gene i ommunitv. she said Anderson said she hopes the dance will become an annual tradition "We would like for this to he the tus! annual international li.tll.'' she said Live music will he played bv .Suing Shift, a local hand eni phasi/.ing the lug hand style ot the pi-in's and 1050 s But tor those who aren't interested in ballroom dancing. Anderson said popular international mu su from Malaysia and the ( ,i libbcan will he featured as well. International desserts and coffees v\ ill also be served Sally Smith, a residem e ball area direi tor said dnoi prizes will be awarded and the I’m versitv residence halls are also giving aw.iv all all-expense paid trip tor two to Disneyland in coup mi lion with the dam e Smith said she believes the raffle will generate enough monev to enable the t niversitv to pay for room .mle to offer a whole year m holarslup for one international e\t hange stu dent. Smith said Smith said Pavia I 'niversitv in Italy offered a 1 'niversitv stu dent free room and board as a part of an exchange program last veal but the 1 niversitv was unable to do the same due to lai k of kinds She said she got the idea to have a raffle to raise the monev for the e\< hange I he idea of the trip is not only to raise monev . Smith said, but also to promote the notion that traveling is tun even it von’re not going to studv abroad "We also v\ant to promote in ternational cooperation and in terest in eat li other Smith said. "Wherever the students are Irom tliev will bring so _Correction_ Wednesday's Police Heat mistakenly men tinned Sigma N'u Iraterni tv in an incident involv ing the theft of a laigcne parking meter The ini i dent dest ribetl Kugene pol it e off it els follow i ng a trail, made bv t out rete dragged along pavement, w bit li ended at tile frater nity The trail tlitl not end at Sigma N'u I he attribu tion was based on an er ror in bl’l) reports I he I nifiald regrets the error __ Oregon Daily _ _ Emerald I'll H*<\ H5** Fuicrrtr Oiruiw «T740» Thr On-y m t■ s iy fmeraid is published Monday through E'-day op! du""-; r*jM week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing C it !’ • University ol Oregon. Eugene. 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Kathy Smith Knsb Strother t Apprentice Kathy Endicott Be* ky Horn JtmmhT Kind a Kf teahy, Susan Miguel Acosta Stephen. Mosley Marta Net*man i Production Jennifer Archer Kathryn Bart. M-a Bertmser Clark Alice Cannon, Lotus Child Jim Finch. Conne Foe' Y\ Head Jennifer Huey Julie Keeton Lmda Klaastad Elma la* htm .•o Scott Maben. Jim Mason W*" dv M«>rr.s Am;«m» M. / A- • et Schober Jean Senechal, Jennifer Smith Anno Stephen-. * niter Thomas Ingrid White Ketty Williams Todd Wilmim* General Staff Advertising Director Susa i Then Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager Mu ' * * Ri Advertising Coordinator . Classified Manager T.,mB a dt Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production. Graphic Services e Clifton Eisier. Stephanie .. -riff ( in V Scott M. Avoy ■ dw ml Wf ci, ► McBride Ni< ole isa Richman Ten Boring Jed rette Gill. Susan an, Sheila Loren a Rem be ■ ki Jan d.,d - Th.e Jen 346 5511 346 4343 346 3712 346 4381 Coupons in the Emerald save you money. Check every page, every day. It pays. nnu h I” tlii" i .impiis Uc ic realty just trying to make the world .1 little small er. she said I a kets lor the dam e ale on sah at the I Alt mam desk les iderrt hall main desks and sponsored < lulls lor S"> smgli and Sit per couple This pru e mi hides the rattle In ket Rattle tu kets mav also he purchased separateh fora St at dormitory main desks You Will Find Our View Magnificent Even If You Never Look Out The Window. Mom's Day brunc h 11am-2pm Sunday May 13th Regional Italian Food ^ 342-4141 174 E. 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