CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. ns TYPING SERVICES Th» WORD SPECIALISTS (rtldutlr N* hool \}>{>TOVfU ^ l>Jv\etWtx>Ov'I hr\rv f’ajKJ* Ili.M < ofnpAiiblr.l)i i. l onvffshui' I a»ci l‘»intinjc t uaphK « l diting/Kcsunio WEST WIND WOROSMlfHlNG ■ ,iv*' i - ■ • IfJM ! Shelby 344 S3H9 Wofd PfOCOHSifTQ M •-!. 10pm Grad approved no FOR SALE MAKE QUICK CASH! Sell your... STUFF!!! :A(1v*Mif»P any: no;’, ?e• r*•.% «<•» •-.*»>*• in; !?»« Daily Pay Tor 4 day. alt '■ rale4 and d 'he tr" d-.« ■ 1 ■•!*.*< \ for 4 more* Single party ads onlyi Place ads at Daily Emerald Hoorn 300 EMU UO Bookstore 4 Th® E MU Mam Desk or call us and charge il at 346 4343 VISA MC IT WILL SELL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CO l T AM". SPORT ER o«cei mml 4 .>0 Vi 30 mag $<>50 4/4 9/9t CONDOMS . ... % a, o h,MMe pmb.i': S3 9* • S' ■<* . ■} -r ’ • ►■Mi * , P.tfttp«i CD ap I'd S80 ask J4- 1 t* o'npact P'1 S.iy> SNIVOHO nns 1480 NAGEl C N 10 '«*!4'l‘, f. - $ UX M*ll '!(J ’• • $2.'VOBO 14 i -MV MKON M . 8m * V ■ ! i •' -Mk .s il '■ ‘>t Hi wt> c • • . • ' /i If %■"' A;-, N ► * ’ .'N1 A M i ... .s •' N 5. .» '4 1 tV* 1‘; MNTf ND( uAMf Hi t i *■<•-,! . • '■■g ■ tR'nxan t itansiati.: s j.ioo L»m Hon 484 0509 . Y MPt '■ >M4 i •• • a . ■ Hash e*t#lccron .346t*h,‘2 * i )NV CD Pta,<-• ft 00 13 BW ’ . A - .;rf*at S.-- f *8*' M.rf.u •M J.*0 Bland nr* ?>.»ny Taj '«• • • :I0C S. ‘ 'aM Josh 48$*098i HNMC NT Of t/fl' /*f * 1 ‘■ $ T 00 PofcJ* V..., Co fV*Ur«. Cnnvys Surplus Buypo Guttlf’ ■' H ,‘NDA t LITE ’SO V • tR <,»**« • ->*,* fun** -'ip 1*00 Ail. 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BRlSTOi h* -t« ,.■ -1 a 87 $ ‘.AHONNI uMtyflf# Comp A».- Rims $400080 346 8282 urn i 1989 BlANCMI Sportbik* SOcm While and hot pink Grant condition $200/0 8 0 687 0191 early am late pm • ft-M ■' ANN' l < M * . . • • *>th doore Brant! ne« ashing $525 340 rtf: 7 4 t NH.iUK iNS 1 f MANS US ,a 4857490 or leave message t>83 9459 155 COMPUTERS-UECJRONICS ATARI 5205Tim W i meg 1200 baud %' and a more $600 obo 683 * HEWLETT PACKARD 48SX only month old 1275 345 6258 LOOKING FOR friendly helplul loom mat*? (it ' , . 1 HM P. System Turn out It-- v papers f*fid r* ports taster ano better C nmes ( (>(Tt and color grapht, •» Sjx? .i; student pm ,d the 5* « ■ w-npulr Su{ . ->M . .it .‘dp C • M f ».f MA 'NT. '>m Pi ;iS .60 SOUND SYSTEMS STEREO SALE 5f .n tur-.Mt-P S 1 ?*• N a*amichi CR 'A S. . ‘ Great 1. 165 INSTRUMENTS ,5A*,Hhi.jRN I OHf i 4- r .. Sunburst wood grain with P ’ ■ • $40f Pr-rtvf-y TNT amp $200 Both pari 683 602 170 RESALE CLOTHING" Gentlemen s Encore We pay TOP dollar lo> Men s and Women a clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING iso OUTDOOR RECREATION Mountain Bike Week I UO Outdoor Program is syponsonng M. B m- Wee* May 141’ 1 r*. !, | .-Out ale bicyclists on the pleasures l Mf i Mon May 14 V p,M. .. N gM EM.. 5 . •* . a-i • • Tue May 15 Ms- H-*.- M . beg EM. )u*-5 Po'igra-T Wad May 16 M1 «■». M ■ ,, ,• Ad»ed f MU - ' Program Thurs May 17 B •. M • , » Workshop A..».-en Stad BM< Tr*-, * I i'f '»• INTO see 'he L'O Outdoor P- EMt : j'.t- ' ' • 346 4.565 195 TRAVEL Opportunity knocks • LANGUAGE STUDY France, Switzerland, Spam. Germany, Italy 3 13 weeks from }4 // • WORK ABROAD—: Britair Ireland, France. Gcmany, Car acta. New Zealand, Costa Rea or Jamaica • TOURS USSR 8 days from }419. 15 days [.astern [i/ope from} 1099 • CONTIKI HOLIDAYS Toon, for tfe 18 35 s Europe, Soutti Pacific, USA FREEDOM OM A BUDGET! • TRAVEL ABROAD i r i d ' l, mdan Roundtfip .1619 [maiipasses from S198 Call (or more Information! Council Travel 715 S W Morrison »600, Portland. 0*97905 503-228-1900 1-800-228-2854 2io OPPORTUNITIES MONf T ('I.U8 F>'' !*>- '■«’ ' K Rich Tr-f* Writ* Ciuh POB 24851 £ug«n« 9.' Ml', * I INTI RNATlONAi •r RUp«f-'SOr t*n d’l . h tn#o proven product 1 US Cali Siomi (503) 2230176 l )pi“. »M luNiTie S IN PORT AiU LAND and t • i Ud Pay St tony at 34 3 >AV t 50-, '> f * ;'y leading hotels k !«• an{j qudi 'y tor FREE 800 2 M 8509 E*t 1002 lodging DID YOU KNOW? Ever though you *r»* «■ rohml Spring l«"’ you n**.ny lo *tt*nd th* summer session Thar* it tUH tune tu do d *0 ttiop U> 333 Or*gon Mali or tf>* O? T■ l.• 0< Admtttiun* <5ttui i/MrAirf ON UO PROGRAMS IT’S NOT TOO LATE ' ■ , INUNT TO Rf GISTf R CARD ■ •iVun Sli p by .133 Oregon Mail . i ih«? Ottn e of Adm-sstoos ?io OPPORTUNITIES SEMESTER AT SEA Monday May 14 representatives at EMU 112 video Walnut Rm 2 3pm CaH 1 600 8S4 0195 tot information have a good command of English M dummy r red.H Conf.-lenba:' 1*0 H-» 718 Ashland OR 97*>20 s #>nos a! the WILLAMETTE: VALLEV EOLK FESTIVAt Volunteer'. art i sir omen! checkers errand runners j .■* Meals w«H t.*« ptovided t. ,»u unteera plus other benefits Call Lyn : rite at *43?3 lot more information or j • t Off f* Manager .»».!« -It If and due [ > May 1 1 V ■ more . • < ' M . . ' •• M1 1 1 \ ■' •.4i 4 351 EO AAl ISA DIRECTOR 1990/91 & ASSISTANT DIRECTOR a*. ..»? - OH' v .’i>6 EMu Dead * 1,000 JOBS * If you missed our recruiter we are hu . NOW . • * * btdets .r ! • UliMdN ENJOY YELLOWSTONE NA TtONAL PARK this summer! fi.xi \ '"dtjing program WiM I'sm f or apph an ■ * stop by Student Employment M(.. rv 1.' Httnd'ii t>•> Han •' contact TW Recreational Servic es Inc Human Re-.. urt«'s YelK'AStnno National Park W> 82190 Refer It- 6814 A A I 'I Ml MV 215 HELP WANTED PtVfiOPMENT assistant »,.! maim •••• >n pit fit Half time position fiombie ' >urs Responsibilities include plan ■ ; and coofdmai i g a yea' long pro gram Of special events fund raising, a d puNn relations Typing and com ; ute« sKills a plus $6'hr Respond in a '■'■■si t( Oevelopmei t Assistant i• _£*> Donald St Eugene QH 974QS t HPlOYME NT OPENINGS Day Prep Cook» '? positional Prepare fresh tish prv luce sauces dressings etc 4 ?> shlti. per week from 9 30am 4 30pm Star, immedi ately at S4 50/h» Dishwashers (2 positions) 3 4 shifts per week form approx Sprn 11pm Tram at $2 25 pet houi and regular at S4 SO per hour Start immediately Apply noon 4pm in person only at Northbank Restaurant. 22 Club Hd Fred Meyer Immediate Openings! w» ar« soaking individual* loi in« loi * 3 perm part time positions tapproi 20 32 hrs/weefc) * 1 perm part lime position lapproi 20 32 hrs week! bus tables wash dishes assist t uok with assigned duties It ><>u are > areer minded love working with people and have a positive catt• tude then *e need you' Previous '«*s tdi.' mt experience »s preferred Pay is mpebhve depending on experience .md duaMications Flexible hours Per *ect for students or that second job1 Call Rob morris Store Director West Eugene Fred Meyer 484 4200 for immediate interview appointment Positions close May IS 1990 Fred Meyer Equal Opportunity Employer 215 HELP WANTED APPLY TODAY <**'•" ' • the University Talk to mbr • % funds'll the LJ of O Earn $6 fv 2001 f -anklm Bbcl for people over 18 f > ample earnings fi *>s JMf'17 9 wks *17.884 1000 s jobs send *>0 to Jobs in Amern a PO Bo« $4065 Vancouver WA 98684 006‘) DANCERS WANTED * ’n ' >N ( Al L temporary ‘.may become per m.immTi residential trammg staff pos> iiuns Work with closed head injured survivii's CNA < t medi. ai t>«a< kgrouod preferred Please send resume and ref Box 1149 I ■ • : ROOM BOARD and $100 week tor yam -A .fk and n •• eil.e ecus bore-. Also need couple for 1 hour per day 484 5423 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY HOUSING UNIVERSITY of OREGON RESIDENT ASSISTANT SUMMER SESSION 90 j These positions begin Friday June 15 1990 and end either Saturday July '4 Aug it September 1 1990 j SALAHY i ;,i; • .on and board ■ i | single room in University residence ball plus $20 per m >nth HOURS 1 ‘illy C l,r-, ,lpp' » • mes per week plus some weekend j duties on call hours daily DUTIES Fuifniri-eni ■' all items ' ; Resident Assistant job description 1 during the Summer Session period QUALIFICATIONS Registered U 1 | O student not on academic proba j ti«m Preference will be given to dnai ’ et1 Studtn !s who are enn.lled j for Summer Session APPLICATIONS Avaiiat'ie at l j -.‘ty Housing Office Walton Com j pie* Completed applications .v<* to j tie turned m no later than Friday May 18 1990 at the Ur versrty hous j mg Office FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 346 4277 An AA/EO institution committed to cultural diversity The Daily Emerald wants to know CAN YOU SOLVE THE PUZZLE? THE WOMEN'S CENTER 1990-91 POSITIONS: Deadline for applications is Monday. May 14, 5PM!! Stop by Suite 3, EMU. or call 346-4095 it interest ed. The ywca at the u of O -s hiring ;t Student Executive Director the I***- *1 .» ad emu yea- M.p.m . • TOhrs wk ASUO funded stipend post lion We ate looking for someone w in good leadership and administrative qualities knowledge of racial justi< e and women's issues good communi at ■ •.* % ommitment to com mu mty service and student leadership and the ability to represent the YWC A on campus and m the community E» perience m program development pre ter red but not required Send c over tetter resume and 2 letteis of refer ence along with an ASUO employment application to YWCA of UO K4’ i I8fh Eugene OR 97401 346 4439 The deadline 'or applications m May 2Ct' Rec ent applicants for the YWCA Trav>s Scholarship wanting to be considerett for this posd'On please notify the YWCA Do nq resubmit any application materials A” Affirmative AlJiOH Equal Opportunity Employer Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU YOUUANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, JCANZ ■ TALK ABOUT iVHAT •’ \ JOANH. YOU out fit o^ffi rhtfit ALU LAY Hours ANPY P0/H6* FINS tNCfitP l0Lt,HUH? HtS QYINb. BUT I'/M THt BASKET CJfiSFU TOPAi MAS ROU6H iT FKTAILW LOTS OF.. VlPeOTAPINO. t£TM£6eT YOU 5QMt MORB MW I'V56(JT 10 (XT A ROUGH CUT T06UTHTR Mother’s Day Bouquets for $3.95 Daisies 1 itli >Si Kincaid "Under the Umbrella"