CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS A (.ONELY male. non r • smoker. seeks female nstalionsmi ,21 2fi> prefer Christian Write to P< Bo. OO.H Eugene OR 97409 105 PERSONALS ANDREA B You ip almost through you're on your way* (are you sure you really don t want to stay0! CONGRATULATIONS Love Toni and Theta s K \» i CHRISTINE: Han & Le*a lime green gloves S? 000 movie, Boys from Hell I am I seen the colored people”* Thmk o' be a h! Porquo. 1 Beach Blanket Baby • • SiQvn-mey K her briefs Wee? a! that piar e from that time when we George Spatula1 This old thing7 Paper team ups 49efs MrAhst. /one Sharon 8. Trance \ Dance lighting .10 Something *> grea Happy 24th WITH LOVE The Daily Emerald wants to know CAN YOU SOLVE THE PUZZLE? AAA JILL C rm excited to have you tor my big sis' to STAGE T PLANNING Don I forget to file your INTf NT TO REGISTER CARD 105 PERSONALS K \n DEBBA Congrats We II miss you Molly PATTY H • * ANNA Wo heai I you1 ' v* CHRIS H v< JOLVN KAREN G You f© the best grandma ever' Thanks lo» all you sup port (especially during I i I II really miss you Your Theta Granddaughter SMUlR Heidi L FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? 100 PERSONALS JACK DELAY for EWEB Public Power Public Business PlANNfn CAHiSTHOOD Lynn R. Hartelijk Gefehciteerd Met Je Eenentwintigsle Zerjaardaq Love, Siamak P S Go easy on Iht- «.»•«>•»>»**< 4k« 10b PERSONALS PRIVATE HI IP f MOM P Rif NOS f t*0 Pregnancy Totting BIRTHRIGHT A«7 8ftS! KAV Von Luvon you '* gioovtn Good Luck' Th**t/i une Schirm A Slayer LAW STUDENTS Hollo Again' Good luck on finals and don ! for get to exercise Matt IPS) PERSONALS Who could it b« k \»' TOYOKO T ?? A S*ntoi ;»t I«*l Colioy* day* tn the past Ttirjfeff J y«J4Ml lute went f>y ta-H We will miss you1 f Headship and to>e Shannon K APPA Al PHA I Ht I A SJJt KAPPA ALPHA THi tA DIANA ** APPA ALPHA THf TA SHI Hi 105 PERSONALS Mf l ISSA 110 LOST & FOUND lib TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING ST RVICF S High Ouji'G Typing .vn1 5 «1«h> p*> up and d*»hv«'> S C A N N E\R{S] 7*7-4589 5120 FRANKLIN BIVD «a CUfttNf t asf n word processing Robin i44 0759 PROf T SSiONAL TYPING TYPING UNLIMITED 485 0890 THE Sis/Disst STATION l XPERT G'i»<1 School Appipvad J44 97 *v 344 4510 t,Q*> I Ulh A*« ahead#5 If you iSS£S& do it at ll0 extra w^eS. do ) make^P Lity coUege. o««f It’sconve It’s for y°u' ’’ _^?t" / $ ba#.iL<$U!0 vv: .. V ^ ,# . # * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please « Minimum 5 contestants, Pays 5 places S400.00 CASH 4 Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th 4 Must Register in Advance CALL 342 2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERN 2156 West 11th '-.pecihc rules obtained at door CJtNQiMU 3 PERSON TEAMS! «2 towers pick up a stranded trlend on Millrace Island and row the throe to safety** SAT MAY 12--3 30 PM--@ THE MILLRACE M $10 00 ENTRY FEE PER TEAM ran *wm i>w*-'UrwN cAii 346-3711 SPONSORED BT THE EMU REC CFNTER