Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1990, Page 12, Image 11

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( nntinucd from P.ik<’ 11
'Mu* biggest question ill.irk is wh.it will hii|>|n’lt
with those Oregon trai ksters wliu are N( \\ provi
siuii.il qualifiers l lii* N( AA set both automatii .mil
provisional si.uni.inis this season to allow evenls with
few .luliimiilit: qualifiers to In* competitive with .tilili
tional entries
However. it won't hi* known ui.lil just before tin*
NCAA meet how rnanv provisional qualifiers will hr
,u i rpti'il
I ivi* (Jregon thim l.iils Iihvi* met \( AA provision
al standards, including Hudson in tin* 5,not) meters
pole v,miter Brian Clillen. Latin Herr\ in the long
jump Spinier W illiams in the triple jump anil I’at
Haller in the 10.(Hit) Hudson (5.000). Cullen. Bern
(long jump and triple jump) and Williams were all
\( \ \ qualifiers last season
(Iregon should he able lo benefit from N.iturdu*, s
i ompetition to add to their list of hoth \< AA and I'a
i afii 1(1 Conlerent e qua I if icrs as the I wi light Meet an
nualK draws some of the top trai k talent in the i oim
I layw ard l-'ield record holders Brian Cronser | jave
tin) and l.ance Deal (hammerI indicated alter the (lo
gon Invitational that !he\ would return to Hayward
Iaeld lot Sat-urdav's meet Alberto Sal.t/ai who began
Ins i otnebai k in tile 111 000 at the (begun In\ itatioiiri!
also hulled afterwards that he would run the >,000 at
the Tw illgllt Meet
Dellinger said he hopes (nr about 1 '> N( AA •) u a 11
fu rs and will bo hoping tbal Williams and berry can
move onto tho automatic qualify ing list
Williams bnthorod by a sure groin all season,
i ompotod in tIn- triple jump in last Saturday s dual
moot against Nebraska and had a winning wind aided
leap nf i l l1; gist off the N’t AA automatic standard
of VI I
More importantly for Williams, though, is that he
needs a I’ai 10 qualifying mark of 2-) 11 .■ in the long
jump Saturday if he is to compete in that event at the
Pat 1(1 meet May 10 20 in Seattle
berry has made the N( \.\ provisional list in the
long jump with a best this season of 2 V ~ ' <. but needs
.i jump of _’fo 1 or bettor to qualify automatic ally
lieset by a bruised heel and the National loot hail
l eague draft berry has only gone SI IIP •• in the triple
pimp ibis season after qualifying for tile N( A \ meet in
that event the prey ions three seasons
Three other I )u< ks are also shooting for Nt.AA an
tomalu qualifying spots
I rn Peterson, who qua! it led for the 1, a 00 two sea
sons ago has had his best and most t (insistent season
time wisi and should go belory tile automat it stall
third of i 12 2(1 it the rat e is aided by a rabbit pat e
I he 1 'it)U yydl he run instead of the traditional Itvi
light Mile for the second year in a row in hopes of
gaining Nt \.\ qualifications
I in, m \\ right, who qua I if ted in I hi1 -4011 meter Imr
Hli's a year ago. is lo<ik 1 n>i for .1 return trip this \e,ir
W right has run at la this season while the automatic
standard is all 7r>
Cullen set a I’K of 17-7 earlier this season, but the
NCAA automatic standard lias been raised Irom 1 ~ o’ ■
to lfl-ll1/ this season Cullen had his best outing 111
over a month last Saturday, c learing in 101 • on his
lust attempt and just missing at 1“ -1
Despite the season quickly winding down. Dellin
ger doesn't believe there is am pressure on people to
meet the qualify mg marks
II there is am pressure, it comes from within.''
he said, because I don't believe in putting pressure
on them other than going out and competing and do
mg their best
Sprinter Klaus Weigeldt, who has missed most of
the season because of a hamstring injury will run the
41)0 meters ill an attempt to meet the f’ac It) standard
of 47 84 Cast year Weigeldt had a best of 40 47 and
finished fourth at the < orrferenc e meet
l.ope/ r\ ho ran a collegiate leading 8:28.44 in the
steeplechase last Saturday. will go loi a f’ac 10 quali
fying time of 1 >1 44 111 the 800 meters The Ducks al
reud\ have three conlerence qualifiers in that event,
hut they ienk only 14th. 1 4th and 18th on the list
i i
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