_Sports_ Track team seeks NCAA qualifiers Team has eight so far By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Reporter If history does indeed repeat itself, the Oregon men's tr.uk team could strike gold Satur day. Oregon will he seeking to add to its list of eight automata qualifiers lor the NCAA meet in the Oregon Twilight Meet at Hayward Field beginning at T.tO p.m. "Historically we have gained most of our (NCAA] qualifiers in the last third or half of the season." Oregon coach if ill Dellinger said. "The latter part of the season is usualh when we get people qualified and hopefully that will he the case again." The Ducks list of automatic NCAA qualifiers includes steeplechasers Danny hope?/ and Kick Mestler, Brad Hud son. Peter Fonseca and Ter rance Mahon in the to,(too me ters, Scott McCee in the ham mer. Art Skipper in the javelin and Pedro daSilva in tin? de t uthlon Turn to Qualifiers, Page 12 Photo bv Smn Pu«lon Hrian It 'right looks to qualify tor the \'( t ( 400-meter hurdles again this roar. Wright needs to run a 50.75 to make thr automatic standard. STUDENTS KNOW HOW TO TAKE A STAND... Open Is I'Uv. K ,iml wnh i i»nvKlion j l mi omprmniseil hy the plmny politic •. of the world, -llhleni'. v i.'.ll l> ill;' l.lfiVI piv. till' fiLllil A nil'll'.' | Shu I led i! . > III f»t Vi ! N.im .m I Shull-111 ’ fi\ III’IIIA’ til.- truth nl |v,isv \ liivildin Stiulfiits, \vi* call on you mm: On May 15th Vote YES on 20-01 I hr I n^rnr \mlrai 1 ifr /unr ( hai tri \mrmlmrnt I * i |.» K. ;» 1 V : ■ ! : . • !•-• 1 ■ .* i ■■ ■ I Is* I IV if I Si!. , I I I, •. Ilf l )|j >! r till \»itl>‘ '• • ——————— ! THIS WEEKEND ONLY OFF larse.or V-ri. m. giant pizza | TRACK TOWN PIZZA t 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. Good only Fri May 11-Sun, May 13. 1990 | Not valid with any other oiler tmmmmmwmmmwmwmmmmmmmmm COUPON— —i — Engine Service 1000 S Herlelsen Rd #8 Eugene OR 9/40? One Block North ul W Mlh Nulan Ind Pla/J Specializing in Volkswagen Service For VS vea^s 342-3952 10% Student Discount Experience the Magic of Dow ntown • Cotton Clothing • Jewelry & Accessories • Wood Carvings ) • Fans • Bronzes • Decorator Accents FLYING ELEPHANTS 1001 Willamette —Downtown Eugene 343-0150 Hrs. Mon. Sat. 10 6 — Goldworks 1502 \N illamctte Mon • Frt: 10 am-6 pm Sal. 10 am 4 pm 343-2298 All Work Done on Premises V 14K (.arni‘1 and Diamond Kmy HOW FAR WILL YOUR DEGREE TAKE YOU? Work, work, work That's all you've been doing for years' You've studied all night, sat through a zillion-and-one lectures, passed your last pop quiz, and taken your final final. Congratulations! It's graduation' Now it's time to see how far your degree can take you But first, why not take your degree somewhere you've always promised yourself you'd go "after graduation " New York, San Diego, Cancun. or Paris. Whether you're flying south of the border or across the ocean, start your summer travel at the Eugene Airport Many fares are the same as Portland And now, parking costs are less. Let your degree be your passport to summer travel Call your travel agent for reservations today. You've earned it' EUGENE AIRPORT^