FOrUm Continued from Page 1 ham e the program Palmer said the interdist i plinarv major will not be of fered next tall and there are no plans to continue the program in the future Although it's pos sible the program will he re stored later, it's not what he would expect, he said However, a provision has been made to see all < orient Amerii an Studies majors through the program. Brand said. American Studies was com peting with other programs judged to he ot higher priority. Brand said adding that the program was not included in last year's budget cutbai k*. Neither was moleculai Inol ogv 'I )onald replied "So what?" Brand ashed I don't think the I’niversilv is in a position to expand during cutbacks All the mone\ being saved from dropping A merit an Stud ies is going into Knglish pro grams. Palmer said Brand and students also dis cussed questions about Pearl Buck Kei vi ling's pullout ol the University's recycling service, underreporting of i ampus rape, and student appointments to thf* Iustitntitniiil ( are .mil 1 'so ( lommittee In addition. com crns were raised about problems w ith ad vising for students CIA and ROTC recruitment practices and a pen eption that business and siieru e programs have an advantage over humanities m funding on ( ampus Brand expressed interest in student proposals lor the I'm versity to continue ret vi ling in conjunction with students until a possible lit funded campus program can be established next vear Responding to a question o! win students affiliated with the ('.mint d for \mmal Roseau h and not Students toi the Ktliii al I reatment ot Animals were ap pointed to the I At l < Brand said the ( •"unilttee is designed to evaluate the protocol ot am nial i are and research al the 1'niversitv and not to question the legitimac \ ol sm h researi h Brand said he supported the resolution, passed In the I'm versity Senate, requesting that all re( ruiteis. including the CIA. sign an affirmative action statement before interviewing students PAUL NICHOLSON FOR CITY COUNCIL T WARD 4 Paid for by Paul Nicholson for City Council, 1855 E 28th Eugene, OR 97403 ji-nn Volme' Treasurer Authorized D» Paul h rholson nnnnnfiniiiiiiinitniniinnniiiinnniinnnnnnnnnnnnnniuninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnin EMU Cultural Forum Presents: KEN BABBS— "ON THE BUS" r mini t m iiimi nnm itiimif i iiiiiiim A multi media pre sentation about the 1964 coast to-coast trip by 1 THE MERRY PRANKSTERS I on the bus “further" I hi' show feat uri's slidi-s men it's and imi sic from the 60 s. babbs lee tore will fo e ns on 60 s best hero Meal Cassaday. Fri, May 1 1 8:00 pm EMU Fir Room Student $VOO Gen. Public $6.00 Coupons in the Emerald save you money. Check every page, every day. It pays. UNIVERSITY DAY MAY 17, 1990 \d-1