Downtown Continued (rom r> cd to uictki* the plan consistent with current planning and de velopment policies?" However, the issues behind the measure are anything but simple The urban renewal plan was created in 1 ‘M>H with the notion that downtown would become a major retail shopping < enter It was designed to use tax in i rement fmanc ing to help im prove downtown’s "urban blight " In funding improve merits to existing buildings or services su< h as sewers and roads Hob llihsrhman, downtown development section manager, said the original plan was writ ten with the expectation that most of the projects the ( It’, wanted to at i omplish een completed. I libsi hrruin said Hut the renewal district has had its share of problems as well I he renewal agenr v bought large tracts ol down town property to consolidate and sell in i hunks to dev elop ers Much of the property vvas sold but Hibschman said .1 two-block set lion was not. leaving tht* 1 itv with somewhat ot a liability "(hty governments are not dwelnpttrs." Nicholson said adding that the c itv lias no c lear vision of where it is going w ith the renewal plan lie said several of the renew .11 agencv's projei ts have gone bankrupt and are < urrently ap praised at millions of dollars lower than they were in.1'iHt These mi hide the Hilton Hotel the Atrium, and the (atizens and Aster buildings People on both sides of the issue seem to agree that after ^.’1.’ years, the urban renewal plan needs modernization Hugh Prichard, chairman of (litizens for Downtown, said the main problem with the ev lslmg plan is that it was de signed to atlrac t ina|or retailers to the downtown mall "We re shac kled b\ the view from oh this would tie .1 shopping mall." Prichard said The plan does not allow many of the buildings in the district to lie used for projei ts other than department stores, whir h Prichard said is unrealistic due to the national trend of subur ban shopping malls If the ballot measure does not pass, the renewal agem v will be forced to go through an amendment process for each site a developer wishes to use for purposes other than those spe< died in the 1‘iliH plan COI ACT and its members are hoping a defeat of the ballot measure will force the renewal agem \ to t onsult the public on the use of mi remental taxes for development Nil holson said the renewal projects have been largely autonomous and lai h ing m public input "If the update is defeated, the ciK count il will be ham strung and will either have to go to the public., come up with ■1 new urban renewal plan, or pay off the bonds and drop the whole thing." Nu holson said Nicholson and other ('()FA( T members estimate the urban renewal district costs the owner of a $50,000 home $.10 to $40 a vear Nicholson said the money has been misman aged and that the plan creates an incentive for developers to use low interest loans from the renewal agency for high-risk projects CO I'ACT is circulating a re form proposal to revise the tir ban renewal plan. Nicholson said Defeating the ballot mens ure will stop the city count d from undertaking am new pro jet Is before the reform initiative can he analyzed, he said "Meanwhile, that leaves us with a 19tiH plan hoping tor Nordstrom to come to down town And Nordstrom isn't coming," Prichard said. We may be new to your neighborhood. But we’ve been around the block a few times. \rouiul the country too List sear wr tuned mvr .1 million 1 ars from 11 kisI to coast I nough to make us \mnn as numl>er-onc s|.a laity turn- up shop l uni out why l oinc in lor one of out 12 month, I.’ tXKi-unle lulls guaranteed* tune ups < >1 tor s|x 1 mi sersu us lot fui'l injtH tion, t•mission control and engine computer ss stems I sen though we re ness i in the block, we know 1 mt was around your engine High Tech Service without the High Price. Free Engine Diagnosis 1 Valid May 14 19, 1990 by appoint ■ ment only Please call store for de ■ tails Not valid with any other cou * pon offer Parts and services will be 1 recommended with diagnosis ^Precision TfSW Eugene 211 West Sixth 342-1552 / CHU V CHILDREN'S SATURDAY 'Zoayru AGES 3-8 • MAY 12 « 121 PM » GEN BOOK DEPT | UO Bookstore MF 7 306 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 13IH & Kincaid 346 4331 MAY 11 U of O FRIDAY!! Steve Camp .•>' A k+H U *•«! Owiktia''* t UCtay »-«J Top 10 ; S'-* *rt-« INCONCfHT » *!•> M*, "* «1 ’00 pm is •! | MU lie MM OMn TrM •• UM iooktiol* And Mftnoow* •oo**io>« Ken Hutcherson A A» Vnarr^r ^ f ooCmvi ptmrw •** *<• fiaaiM SMftaaat Kar a* ta ftpaonarg or T»v*t*n.ty And ftaoam' * »JO* «4> 1 t*s « • 1 » a m .■rail; m .wW'sSsSJ DAY - 11 30 am Rally East EMU Lawn 7 00 pm Concert East EMU Lawn