Community I ilr photo Voters will deiide Max 15 whether to update the current plan for hui;enc\ urban renewal dis tri< t. which includes the downtown mall. Renewal measure sparks debate By Stephanie Mem imer Emerald Reporter The downtown urban renew al district is once again at the center of oontroversv. and vot ers will have the chain e to add their two cents to the discus sion In voting on ballot meas ure 20-02 May 15 ROSES s7.99 doz. \ I si i available arranged m a vase with fern A t)dlm,ai breath $ 17.99 1)0/ In the Parking Structure t»v Sacred Heart on 1 !ith St Phunr .imr • In! -,.- . Mrlttrtlif M ()VV I KS ANDtiin s I M\ I KM H • Ml? I I ith • 4H'. I*»n_ V\ tM • 1 lu i h \ Mill KS • 4M . 1 1.1 ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SPRINGFIELD I SCIENTIFIC j SUPPLY ■ I Hours: i Mon.-Sat. j 10am-6pm j 726-9176 ! 1124 Main St. \ Springfield The mi'asuri'. sponsored h\ the (audition for f air Alloc a lion of (atv Taxes, allows the public to dec ide whether to up date the year old urban re newal district with a cats c oun c il plan introduced last N'chi-iii her The proposed c it\ cornu d plan would inodifv the goals ol the urban renewal district to use public funds to bring .1 mix of offir i-s housing sm.iil retail shops and i ultural events to dow utow n i lie measure that will appeal on the Mac I > tiallol seems lair Is straighthu ward. residing Should the lutiH Downtown I'rhan Renew,d Plan he updat Turn to DowntmMi, Page t> M< >M > \\ s I MK( )l (.HI KID \> s Luncheon Specials Szechuan Chicken Noodles Hot & Spicy $3.95 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT / p>!tn: s \t'\t !< • l / r) Btmkst, tfi o ft I M II w * O cr j s5 off Converse Shoes j s4 off Vans Shoes is3 off Vision Shoes i*2 off Airwalk Shoes |*1 off Posters & Tapes . n >c I 1 I I Sizes i through 1 / With this coupon * (■•pires M.ty t‘ "I'ld I 57 West Broadway. In the downtown mall • 687 0139 FOOD VALUE 1900 FRANKIIN BIA'I). AOJACENT TO CAMPUS ON FRANKLIN BLVD. GOOD THROUGH 5-15 90 FRANKLIN STORE ONLY U-BANK NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE COKE CANS Coke 2 liters $1.19 LA SUPREMA Tortilla Chips 16 oz. Old El Paso vegetarian retried beans 16 o/ 69l BLITZ 1/2 Case Bottles V-#-. s34i Henry Weinhard s 6 pack 12 oz bottles S3 19 ♦ Dep PARADE CHARCOAL Royal Oak lighter fluid 32 oz S1 49 SPARKLE TOWELS 4 59° MO 4 roll bath tissue . $119 Coupon aiaiaBaimnaJj MILLSTONE GOURMET COFFEE Limit 5 lbs. #999 Expires May 15th, 1990 ■■■■■■■ Coupon m mm mm mm mm i 10-Minute Full-Service Lubrication Only ^$1995 No appointment necessary. V,i d only at part* i ating at Nut (,t: d a iff' any (her ittet NP'fct- ' Expires June 5, 1990 minFlube 2300 West 11th Ave. (in front of Nachos) 687-8837 340 Coburg Rd. 683-4841