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Frondzinski said 1 here are too main people in government Some people don't want to work am more so thev hire more people." he said "1 have been in business tor .iTi voars and i can think of no better plat e to apply mv talents bee ause that’s exac tlv that job consists of.' Frondzinski said "It's business manage ment Roberts an attornev in pri vate practice, has been a l.ane ( ountv Commissioner sinc e 1‘lHU when he was appointed to the position after (lommission er John Hall resigned Roberts is a founding mem ber of the Kugene Springfield Tax Assoc iation and a member ot the Flxec utive (lommittee of the taxation section of the-Ore gon State Bar 111 statements made in the we're Giving You $10.00! $1022 Take the money and run! come into the UO Bookstore today and use this $10 toward any Olympus Camera in stock. But hurry—This offer is over May 12! OLYMPUS UO Bookstore ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT voter's pamphlet Roberts said he has backed strong law enforcement, fought for i liild care for county employees .it no cost to taxpayers, supported the Homeless and Affordable Hons ing Task Force report and worked effectively with his lei low commissioners "Roberts has worked hard to earn the respect of his col leagues and constituents." the statement said. "Roberts has demonstrated the competent e. compassion and concern net es sarv to identify problems and solve them " Roberts could not be reached for additional comment Wooten, who currently works as coordinator tor ROOD for Lane County, said she be lieves commissioners' roles and responsibilities are many and di\ erse. "(Commissioners! should be acting in the best interests ot the people they represent." she said. ' 'They must have at ( ountabilitv and ac cessibility Areas of i oncern for cominis sinners should include job de velupment, crime and budget ing, Wooten said "Theie are also en\ ironmen tal issues that are not getting dis< ussed,'' she said Wooten said the county needs a more comprehensive rei veling plan, a i 11\ bi( vcle plan and a plan for dealing w ith local wetlands She added that there should be no relapse into roadside pesticide spra\ mg She said she would like to see the i it\ and county govern me lit.s work with the l hi i vers it \ to relieve the "insane" housing problem Wooten, who co-c haired the Lane County Task Force on Homelessness and Affordable Housing, said she would sup port task force recommenda tions. which were rejected In the current i uunt\ i oinmission I’rond/.inski and Wooten agreed that environmental re sponsibility does not net essari ly impair economic grow th "There should be a good mixture of both. I’rondzmski said. "There are not black and white decisions that can be made You need to have .1 total consideration of the environ ment but not at the total ex pense of the economy." "People seem to think that growth and economic prosperi tv equals environmental de struction," Wooten said She stressed that it was not an "either or" situation "We can have both " ★ MJNDERIAND * GREAT TOR PARTirS AND BIRTHDAYS 5*»lfincn ALL GAME S WORK C*,UtU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION ’ I so STH STREET PURIIC MARKET EUGEHE • II3-I4S4 If ..■' ■■ •• . Recycle This Paper 1L-:.. ]