Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    I niversiU
Recycling group meets tonight
TRASH Oregon Reeve.ling Ail group
meets tom i’ll) .it t> in KM l ’ Centurv Room li
Students for the Kthii al Treatment uf Ani
mals meets tonight .it (i m I Ml ( edar Room 1
_Et als_
Students for Krohnmaver will hold its
tirst meeting todav .it J to p m in KStl t en
turv Room I) Primarv and general elei turn ai
11 \ dies will he planned
I'O/l’KS Sister 1 niversitv Props I meets
tonight at A in KMC Cedar Room I) New and
old members are well ome
Women in Transition's l esbian Support
Croup meets todav at I to p m m 1-All ( on
turv Room K
Ciri le K International meets tonight at
n to in I All' ( 'edar Room I
SPI Akl.RS AMI !.l-( I CR!A
|ennv I lum 1 inmunitv n at.- din n i
toi Hai red Heart Ceneral Hospital will speak
to the i’ublit Relations Student Sm u-lv ot
\meni a tonight at > SO in Room 114 Allen
"What Are Aon Worth? A Sean h that
I foals' I t he t it 1 O da > a t a I e '. i he e, . ■: :,
night at to at the Lugene Hilton In (.mllnn
John ot tin- (Christian Siii'ikc Ho,ml ol Let
turership Ihe presentation is sponsored In
the (Ihristian St more < Allege ()rgaui/ntinn
A CD-ROM tiitori.il on tin- \ll.A Ihbliugra
pin database will be held this morning at 11
m the Referent e Department ol the Knight In
A rally tor the Lugene Nut lear k ree /one
will be held today at noon in the I AH (lour!
yard The rally is sponsored by Student ( am
pnign for Disarin.iment
Students lor Creative Anat hronism v\ 111
bold a i osluine workshop lor repair and iris
tillin’ making tonight at 8 ill in Room 1 Agate
I or more information, rail 141. 0700
Maxine States Iniyeisity alumna, will
give a poetry reading tonight at H in t.erlinger
Softball (.nine ot the Week 1 be * i ■e,
at the Keerention and Intramurals table today
at noon in the 1 All Lobby
Ih'.hUinr tin tuhmittini: Ii tils t>» flu - I .met
aid Until ilfsk / \ II Suite III! •. lliiiill tht' d.o
/m/ore puhiit ntion
Rally today
for nuke-free
zone cause
I 'niversitv students wilt join
with ta< iiItv and Kugene rest
dents ,it ,1 rnllv (in behalf "I the
\in le.n Iren /.one Amendment
Thursday .it noon in the KMt
Speakers from the t niversitv
iik hide linen 1 loop ut the Sur
viv.il t .enter. Shannon Ulnei (it
Student Campaign tor Dtsarina
ment and Professoi \aron No
v u k
Nov a k head of the Institute
ol Mole! 111.II Biology lielped
huild the lust atomic homh as a
member of the Manhattan I’m
lei t m 10-1') Nova k is a lead
ing spokesman m tile scientific
community against the arms
rai e
Speakers from the communi
tv mi hide Kir hard Creen. own
er of Rainbow l )ptn s (lathe
line Harris, owner of Pern
landra Hooks, and (tlive How
eis international pear e ai tiv
I ugene voters will i ast a vote
on the Nin leer f ree Zone dur
ing the Slav la elei lions It will
be the third time sim e
that the issue has i nine to a
vote Two previous measures
passed bv citv-wide vote were
revoked or i hanged In the i itv
i tiiini il
im itation- m one ol our
h' rvpe/aees.
L'.ill to linJ out about our
low prices! 686-5511
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We’ll do your camera work!
Transparencies •Reversals »PM T's* Halftones
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All this time you ve been able to go home
whenever you desired just click your heels
together and repeat after me . .
It takes two to Tangle!
David Fletcher is part
of the merge!
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