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Panhellemi is the govern ing body ol the 11 sororities on i ampus, ami as stated by its literature, "serves as a link between the administra tion, the Intel fraternity Council and other campus groups for the sorority sys tern.” Said Deanna Jurgens, cur rent Punhellenic president "C'ur main goal is to provide a cohesiveness and a sense of harmony between Creeks and the i ampus communi ty.” But is that not what the Interfraternity Council also hopes to provide? As Tom Oberhue, cur rent Interfraternity Council president put it, "Again the main difference between our two organizations is that the IC is the governing body for l*holo hv Mark Vlrn Interlratemity Council president 7om Oberhue and Panhel lenic Council president Deanna Jurgens strive to keep har mony among all organizations in the greek system. the men, and Fanhellenic is there for the women. Other than that, we both have generally the same duties." There are some structural differences between the two bodies, but for the most part each remains true to its counterpart. Both have a President's Council made up of each chapter’s president, which deals with the sliffer cnt issues ;it hand, bach president then takes the sues or problems back to his or her house tor review by the members. In addition to the Presi dent's Council, the Panhel lenic also has delegates from each sorority that “take gen era! information back to the f un, to GOVERN, Page 7H Fund-raising in the greek style brings results and entertainment So you sav .til the greek svstem is good for is intensive partying, nutso behav tor .nisi rampant tomfoolery.’ 'toil feel the only respectable thing to come out of University (rat life is the filming of \ tiouse on campus’ You see someone wearing greek letters and immediately think he or she is a selfish, snooty’ You may want to think again. Fraternities and sorority members contrib ute thousands of dollars each year to various i haritable causes, and they don't .u hieve this goal without a great deal of hard work, h uh house has a specific philanthropy with w hich they are affiliated nationally, and members hold fund raising events annually to donate money to their specific cause. In addition, the greek system as a whole conducts two weeklong events during the sear to contribute to worthy causes. ( ireek Days of ( iivmg, held on Feb. 12 In this year, is designed to allow all fraternities and sorori ties to combine fund raising efforts m a senes of events and competitions. I he 1 niversitvs (ireek Week, to be held May 14 JO, is more of a public relations vehicle than a fund rais ing event, although some money is raised tor charity during the week. This year the spotlighted cause for (ireek Hays of (iivmg was the kathv (iuarcl I.euke nua Foundation. Kathy Guard is a hugene woman who has the cancer and has been searching for a blood marrow donor, said ]oe Lawson, Interfraternity Council public rela turns chairman, “They have to do hlood tests to match marrow for leukemia patients, and each test costs $75," Lawson said. “We raised $2,ISO tor the cause m one week, and we also got _P greek members who are willing to give bio, id.'' Methods tor raising money tor charity are generally geared toward participants having tun while they .ire helping i iau>c. The lug gest fund-raising event during ( ireek Days "I ( living was the l omedv Night, whuh raised money hv charging admission at the door, 1 avvson said. "Amateur comedians from e.u li fraternity house performed a stand-up routine in front of the entire greek system,” he said " 1 he sole purpose of this type of thing is not only to entertain hut to raise money " lire individual houses’ philanthropu events have also enjoyed success this year, according to various participants. Sigma Chi’s Derby Days competition, which is a week long activity held in the fall, raised 52,000 for the Wallace St hool for ( hiklten this year, said fraternity president Kith 1 hrift. ■sororities compete in events throughout Derby Vi eek, ranging from a sandwich eating contest to a scavenger hunt. I hrift said the sororities also perform skits tor underprivi leged children who meet at the fraternity house one night during the week. "As tar as our standing in fund raising na ttonally, I'd sav we re average; but there are houses that • an raise up to 515,00th'' he said "rhis year our chapter was equally as sin. cessful, it not more, than in years past," I hrift added. Delta (iamma's Author Splash compett tton, which was held April IS 20 this year, contributes its proceeds ro the Aid to the Blind Sight Conservation philanthropy, said Jessica Bardell, one of the Anchor Splash to ordmators. Bardell said the 1 Diversity chapter raised 52, ISS this year, whuh is a record amount tor the c hapter. I urn to CHARI 1 1 hS, I’tige , B ■~l IIT^—II I Cheap High Quality Closeouts ■ 50/50 Tops & Bottoms $7.95 ■ Fleece Shorts $5.25 ■ Fleece Skirts $6.95 Custom screen printing available City Sweats 877 E. 13th Ave. 342-6375 Get Your Hair In Shape! Tangles has the largest selection of professional hair and skin care products in this town! PRUL MITCHELL matrix IREDKEN SEBASTIAN PSTHJI3 A/EDA Nu SkiH THES CHEWEUX Scnoptis Kenra Inside Southside Fitness 27th & Willamette 687 0138 11th & Patterson previously Vogue Hair Salon 343-1637 19th & Agate 342-4972 Now Delivering Movies, VCR s & Nintendo Games 7 Days A Week (Between 6 & 9 pm) • Friendly Service • Special Interest Videos (Instructional, fishing. Workout, ate ! • Sports Videos (Skateboard Goif, 8 Sail. 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