CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. ?io OPPORTUNITIES Freshman and Sophorn 'e% ENGL ISM MAJORS become familiar with [ nghjh and U^' ve'Mt> Requirements, meet other Lrr> i:sh majors and gam experiences as a - ad.isef ounselOf THE ENGLISH PEER ADVISING OFFICE IS NOW A.’ CEPTlNG APPLICATIONS PK k ONE UP AT 106 PtC_ ISA ■ s now a < eptmg applied!- ms • • DIRECTOR 1990/91 & ASSISTANT DIRECTOR I ji>n descriptions and appm alioo i ' -(ns at the Inter national .student i Association Office 206 EMU Dead me s 5/11 90, 5pm An mlcnat 1 at students are encouraged to apply ‘ ! EOE ON UO PROGRAMS IT’S NOT TOO LATE Me you INTENT TO REGISTER CARD 1 .ummer session Slop by 333 Oregon Hall >' me Olfice of Admissions MUl Tl INTERNATIONAL ■ -mpanv needs supervisor and managers to launch ibeir proven product tine in the US Call Storm (f>03l 223 0176 NOW HIRING' U S Postal Serve e List .js Salary tit J66K I ntfy level pov Lons Call 111 80S 687 6000 £ *1 P 5600 SUMMER INTERNSHIPS! Interviews are now available tor local j j mternsblp opportunities Get 1 up | per division credits tor 8 to 10 hrs u? , a w a week It you aie a junior or senior we have opportunities in i • ales Marketing Publu Relations I Social Service anil f inancial Ser • Reed the position descrip lions end sign up in 221 Hendricks Hell by Fridey. Mey 11 SUMMER SAl ES INTERNSHIP Get evjierieni e in sales this summer enlh an internship at *EROX •. r KAUF MAN • Juniors end Seniors, you a»e engibie to receive upper division < redd tor your internship through the Career Pe.**k.prrient Internship Program Sign up tor interviews in 221 Hendricks Hell by Friday May 11 th WANTED ASIAN student-, a'- have lived m the US ■ 5 yis ._>t and have a good command English %* 342 1175 bet a een Sit pm WANT IQ gel involved behind the ; v ent-s at the WILLAMETTE VALUEV j f OLk FESTIVAL ’ Volunteers are ’ ettded t< wOfk as t kel takers !ft *' Meats Am be provided t -j- » : untters plus other benefits Gan ly" '• gn ir the EMU Suite 2 215 HELP WANTED ASSIST DISABLED woman i hour over . h end dinner Sl0/hr N • • -• 215 HELP WANTED APPLY TODAY se DANCERS WANTED 1 Fred Meyer Immediate Openings! * 3 perm pari lime postlions (Approx 20 32 hrs week) mu5! be t8 y/s old • 1 perm pari lime position (approx 20 32 hrs/wreek) ! AA$n flisr'f- r.vM wdh assigned duties It you A t- career minded, love working a th people and have a positive at?* tude men we need y>>u Prevurus res taurant experience is preferred P.i, . competitive depending on experience t' •! -in.i * jitti''s v to. r-.e h- Pe te:! lor students or that s»* • •• d iot»‘ Rob morns Store Director West Eugene F red Meyer 4»4 4200 :• :• I- 1 ,|||‘ .fitervrew app •n?r Fred Meyer Equal Opportunity Employer GET A JUMP START n summer jobs t day UO Telefund net»ds you1 Rais** !M'pi>ftan! fu is yam valuable sains experience {'am $6 des> r p 1 *■ ■ •. .ire available M101 EMU Ci nnng Tate tS 4 00pm •> May 23 1990 AA EOE ON CAlL temporary (may be< i>me per manent) residential training stall post t .ns Work with closed head ’ jured Si.rvi. CNA O' medt a ba< preferred Please send resume and verves to CNF T PO Bo* 11499 Ew gene OH 9/440 E EO STUDENT MANAGER ' • vn.m apt omple* Beginning n September Send resume to 1112 f 20th Eugene OR 9740 3 WANTED A ha1'' nous responsible non smokmg tuple to n.e as are tar* ers f.n private estate -n M'. Ken/re Budge during summer months Job m eludes outdoor upkeep tasks help cook and serve meals clean cab n i id be ' domes!* asMStaru >■ ' wh ers Plenty uf quiet time tn incredible settin ; Si-11 1 -esume to PO £)• * 24 Blue River, OR 97413 225 APTS -DUPLEXES ALDEHWOOO I860 ALDER STREET U "**'* ^Jennings & Co 6834219 CAMPUS LARGE furnished ' i'd . bedroom Summer rates No pefs ??b APTS -DUPLEXES AM W? 485 f>-W Summer rates S44S dep SJ2S few S’?{' No lease K*n ,14S 4J22 Ktytlon* Heat t stale Prop Myml HA, t Ai’A'ir Mf N T S4-J* NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FAL l LOOKING HIGH & LOW Mij" 1 •. )ak .v* PM!WC AMP;:'. A ? BEDROOM $44' Appo* 1 y«*,i< Prase f*fS»l 4‘ $3*-0 •• No pets 750 f 18th 14'? 790/ N. ' i i He-.,- ,-i!i . QU'E T : HORMl ■ -a- <»'•' pu*>' Ava»iat>i<* June tOlh covered parking laundry, i pets $4 *9 lease 14 J 7 h gh 344 74 14 J4.‘ 8658 .i P. t ’ an -- • •• • , ,■ ;o . .!.* - .«■ , ’ * . M » * $325 M . . .> Amtx-1 486 49 ? TAKING RESERVATIONS f OR SUM ME R AND TAIL LOW SUMMER RATES . j . U.M u ' ' 44l ' -o M , N W TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM ME R AND IA, , large o*.i p, »•' 2 txJfm 1 t)tn ’ UO L ? >s a >utru”e' fdte^ New carpet Dot' a asher a< sundetJ laundry lots "t parking 15th & Olive Apts. 96 W 16th Qu*et living ' lose t.. - am pus iVil Ji rtntowr j'Drf-i stutJi. • -»') ».. U4 >.■'* Jtrmmgi & Co M3 4214 ;J , i• i 6iu tfW» i w s. v* J«nningt ft Co M3 42ft ?3b HOUSES S Spyylav* A^-.oc J4S W 10 6*6 1130 250 MOVING SALES' apt r UWNiTURE 260 ROOMMATES WANTED K'MAi f «t h,.MMA1§ * jr 'r<1 !i I « 2 txtm* dpi Alin 0*h K ! rn-le torn ampw*. Summit tnfu n#ii yr Cat' J446<81 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed lor Summer Friendly roommate*. large yard SlflA/mo 342 JA22 F E MAi E TO ..r .,'h ;• .. ' jt •. • '• 270 MEETINGS i )N 'iA fUBDA i Mu, '. i VV .n ! ft* *•' Pr-rdle I •'' * «• % I hJ .1!. it a 1 t>« » H.) 4 m until 5 fci p rt» um about »r©er ooporfunit'es 1 oil J45 00 mating . mded (.an 4rt*> 2459 ^EVENTS A BENEFIT FOR KRMA Campus Radio MORE TIME AGROSOUL & WHOLLY GUACAMOLE Set May 12 A 30PM CAMPBELL CLUB 1670 Alder Jewish Student Union 04 f- . • it $• »t(Je» w,! t>e ou e ' 1 a ■ j 'ld(') pu.'.'le CAN YOU SOLVE THE PUZZLE? ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh-686-2458 WSCOUWT SNOWS So U> 13 Tu Wa 13 SO K,. Th ; 30 naeu 11 AOiaw uaiiMioaaeawoe CAMILLE ( LAUDKI lii ►—mru gwiiffSiijwr -m Iterexoer - f ilzabetfi Rertdne Mall Young LOVE AT LARGE!" ■iiiiiuiii START'S FRIDA Y 1 M MNt TM BRANAGH'S I HENRY Vj 4- KLCX 104.7 LATE NIGHTS " F1HAL SHOW TONIGHT 11 00 [R| BAD INFLUENCE] •to Night adm Th Sa *3 Su Wt *2 50 TotwII 30 RATIO X* NO OKI UNOIR >0 BRING YOUR 10ENTWCATION' /Vaj :afe fleshc^ ,.w -i M'.MTHHfFO {MAStRMfAD ■ kiiiniiifji] STARTS FRiOAV iK^ AN tPfC RiPSHORTING > RIAK SHOW UilGHTBREEpm ?»o ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Po* •*»»! Piaybou** Prese*'I» THE EXCEPTION AND THE RULE a play by BERTOLT BRECHT l nglish «tvon by f r»C Bentley WED, THURS&SAT MAY 9, 10 & 12 5 PM P . m*I Th«,it«>r 102 VoidmJ Hal P [), ».it. A; ;■»** Ho t RHYTHM AN BLUES BASH SAT. MAY. 12 Curtis Salgado & the Stilettos Barbara Healey & the Allnighterz The Lloyd Jones Struggle Tickets $3.00 at the EMU Main Desk Doors open at 6:PM Music starts at 8:PM Bring a picnic and enjoy the region's best. Alcohol tree. Absolutely No Glass. Where you may ask? Athletic Field West of Hayward Field. For more into please call 346 4373 (9 5) University Theatre presents KABUKI BACCHAE May 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 25. 26 Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Ottice 346 4191 $6.00 General Public $4.00 Students 790 HEALTH & FITNESS < ,f ’ >N shape ff>r lummer ,< .••• ' ■'f tinrj c.r.f way ?4 ’ ■ , 341 9861 300 COUNSELING - i i AY t SWAN ' Hi'-’ rsfuned ’ 6&3 • • A 4f*M HAM ' ... ' g !;.>•■ Tttpl'.rwj E'H i ific u ••» ') C> •, (> ter to* • rnmetWit*- vm»i ouf'*e»mg LETTER PERFECT SHOW THEM JUST HOW GOOD YOU ARE LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS professionally showcases your experiences and skills for potential employers RESUMES $15 Suite 300 EMU 3464381 9 5 MF Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson 7*1 DID t*1 fH.L WTUING 1UHK1 W*H 1C0 GOT DCtTStD TOW fuwtf? hwaA uta, 'naai 00 tW MEAN ' ) MAI BE 08 SCKATCWI ? AMTUm<> LIKE A BITE a y mg ’ & yOR HH1' ANO MHA1 MAW tw CAM BEWHD 1WR BACK •>' UM Httt. . 1CA) MAC WAM UtCi NUA. UlM VtH. oni BUN ' wwkN ' MMMt$ \ un_u i I ser ruAi mt\u cioruts ■ / mo, iw w. t*_n . - X i ?