Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1990, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily_ ¥
Hnirsil.n May 10. 1000
lOii’cnc ()regoii
Volume 0 l Number 1 to
■ Commissioners’ race, Page 4
■ Urban renewal. Page 5
■ Loville signs with pros, Page 8
■ Softball team beats OSU, Page 9
Photo t»\ St«?%r t «rd
Barbara Roberts addressed students and faculty in two meetings yesterday, answering questions on mat
ters ranging from higher education funding to civil rights.
Roberts examines
campus concerns
B\ |o»' Kidd
f merald Reporter
Demot lit it gubernatorial (andidate Barbara Rohrrls
gave a listen tiiul her opinions to l'niversity faculty
members ,ind students in two separate meetings Wednes
day in die 1 Alt
I’mtdems ol funding the state x growing higher etlti
cation system dominated her dismission with faculty
me in hers yv hi In issues ot rate-based violence and civil
rights were the lex us of student i onrerns
Huberts, who is limning unopposed ill the May la
Democ ratic primary sc heduled the meetings as par! ul a
two clay c ampaign lour of the stale
Rotierls described Oregon "s investment m higher ed
ut at ion as "a major c oncei n" tit hers, list ing loy\ lac ully
salaries and a lac k ol tunding lor equipment and libraries
as c rut lal prohlems that need to he remedied
Higher education tunding has been neglected, said
Roberts yvho c urrently serves as Oregon's secretary ot
And it we don't solve that noyy Oregon will he in
the backwater forever. she said It s clear we have
11ti.i111y |iu the system) hut to maintain that pliably d
good lac nlt\ don't stay is the question
Roberts c ailed lor abolishing the state's spending
Turn to Roberts, Page I 2
Brand's forum
looks at closed
AS department
Bv Dan Eisler
Emerald Reporter
I limlnation of the l 'Diversity Airier
u (in Studies program dominated disi nv
mom between t 111\ eisitv President
NUli-s Brand and students I'uesday in
the last op«m forum of the si ttool year
Marlene Dresi her. direc tor of the ()t
In e of Student Advoc a< y. ai ted as mod
erator between Brand and about r< stu
dents rheodore Palmer, arts and sci
em.es dean, also attended the forum and
answered some questions
Kevin Donald an Amerii.au Studies
graduate teat hing fellow asked whv ai
tion wasn't taken before the major was
dropped The program has remained
unc hanged for four years. Donald said,
with one professor. 7 (.IPs and f>00 stu
No University faculty member could
be found who was willing to replace de
parting program director Sam (drgus
without an expansion of the program,
and it's too late to actively seek some
one outside the University. Brand said
"Then that's convenient " one stu
dent said
"For who?" Brand responded.
"You're looking for a scapegoat and
that’s not fair "
"Don't keep passing the buck." the
student said "Obviously someone is
making the grand dec ision
"I made the grand decision. Palmer
II (.irgus had resigned earlier the pro
cess might have been different. Palmer
said "But we have to work with things
the wav they are
"The dean through his best efforts
could not find someone to conduct the
program at the same level. Brand said,
adding that given the lisial constraints
at the I 'Diversity it's not possible to ell
Turn to forum, Page 7
Jesus Day rally, concert set for Friday
Christian groups
plan celebration
Bv ( atherine Hawley
tmerald Assoc iate editor
A cotd it ion u! Christian student
groups is planning to i elebrale |esiis
Day Fridas with a rails and concert on
the KMl east law n
Fins is the first year that University
based Christian groups have joined
furies to hold campus wide activities
although Individual groups have spoil
sored speakers in the past said l.vnn
Yonemoto. a memlxir of the University
golt team and i o spokeswoman for )e
sus I fay
"Were all fired up about this
Yonemoto said "The changes in our
lives (after hei oining Christians) are so
significant we want to share them
Jesus Day is not intended to he poli
tical. said heVin Allen, a junior who
helped plan Friday's events Rather, it
is designed to i all attention to the life
of Jesus Christ and how it has affected
students' lives
"There have been a lot of other is
sues days' on campus." Allen said
"This is not a controversial issue but it
means a lot to all of us
A rally featuring former all Ameri
can [iro football player Ken Hutcher
son will be held on the I.MI e.ist lawn
at It til a m Friday Hutcherson, now
a church pastor in Kirkland. Wash
w ill speak on ((hristianitv and rat ism
‘"I'llis vs 111 be a time that students
can see th.it although people might
discriminate due to your race or your
background. Christ does not
Yonemoto said "That's why Ken re
lates so well he lias had to deal with
the discrimination of being black and
growing up in the South in the early
infills "
Hutcherson will also speak at a
breakfast to be held Friday morning for
Pholo bt S|*\r « jiiI
Molly McGrath (left), l.ynn Yonemolo anil Kevin Allen discuss plans for the
University's first annual Jesus Day.
athletes, members of the greek system
and other invited guests
A local gospel < hoir will perform at
the rally and several students will give
accounts of their own conversions to
Mote than 400 people are ex pet ted
to attend the rally, Allen said
Later Friday, musician Steve ( amp
will perform .it a concert on the east
lawn Aside from retarding (Christian
music. (Camp has organized several
groups that at t on social issues such as
All)S and famine relief
In HiH1) (Camp m founded AIDS (Crc
sis and (Christians Today, which en
t ourages ( hurt lies to reach out to lot al
AIDS patients and also promotes edit
t alum about the disease
Camp also coordinated (Christians
Artists I ’nitt'tl to Save the TC.irth "a
(Christian version of 'We Are the
World.' " Allen said in 19Hr» to
i lise money for famine relief
Tickets for (limp's coin crt are $ri
Friday's events art- designed to at
tract students who may have mist on
ceptions about Christianity or who
may see the religion as being out of
torn h vs ith sot lal com crus, said Molly
MoCrath, University volleyball team
member and co spokeswoman lor Je
sus Day
I luti herson and (lamp are prool that
Christians adtlress t rut ial issues sot h
as AIDS and rat ism she said These
are things licit are relevant, that peo
pie can relate to." McCrath said
Jesus Dav 199(1 is sponsored by the
Haptist Student Union. Collegiate
Christian Fellowship. Campus Crusade
lor Christ and Fellowship of Christian
Athletes House of Ills Presence Inter
national Students Int Intervarsity.
Morningstar Christian Fellowship
Navigators anti Restoration Campus
Ministries are also sponsoring Friday's
ev fills