Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Oregon improves playoff hopes with two wins
By Ir.u v Sumner
Emerald Sports Editor
Tlu* Oregon softball team took three giant steps to
ward the post-season Tuesday bv moving into the
\( \.Vs top ten list and later grabbing a pair of wins
ov er (fregon State
The Ducks moved from 18th to eighth in the latest
\( AA poll on the strength ot a double h> a<I«■ i sweep
of then eighth ranked California last I nda\ The team
then moved to Howe f ield where they struggled to
beat the Heavers 1 it in the first game and 2 1 in the
set olid
In the first game Oregon got the game's onh run
after cetr her Trat ev Simmons reached second base on
a single and an error on Heaver i enter fielder lunet
Is ltius.
After Anna l’oore real bed first on an ()Sl! error.
Simmons went to third on Russell's wild pitt h Kelly
I inlev brought Simmons home on a single to right to
give (fregon its run.
With the Ducks' offense stm k in reverse for most
of the game, the Oregon defense had to tome up big
several times in the tirst game to take tilt* win
Oregon State threatened to take a lead in the third
inning when Klaus got a base bit followed an out later
with a hit by Sandra St hoonover Russell followed
with a fly to short tenter that would have scored at
least one run tor the Beavers Hut (fregon center fielder
(eanna King charged and made a diving catch to end
the Heaver threat.
Oregon pitcher Katie Wiese was strong but not
overpowering in the game giving up just tour bits
while striking out two
The Heavers, losers of .ill 20 of their Hat ftf games
this season, threw a bit of a st are into Oregon in the
second game, taking a 1-0 lead into the fifth inning
I'holo tiv Mark \ Itm
(.filter fielder jeanna Kim; matlr a diving cati h to end an Oregon State scoria# threat in the third innin# of
#ame one.
Oregon got the equalizer in the fifth when Din k
first-baseman Julie ( nvunaugh singled home (aiulson
( 'nulson started tin- inning with .1 single to center and
was moved to second on a hunt !>v Monica Hull and to
third on a groundnut try Kristi Okuhara
The game winner came an inning later when
Simmons doubled to start the inning I’ineh runner
Hree Ad.nils stole second and was moved to third on
Poore's groundnut
(anilsnn followed In dribbling the hall in trout ot
home plate Adams came home w hen t )SI1 c..ah her
Jennifer (illson dropped the throw allow ing the si ore
The wins left the Ducks with .1 t I 2 1 rer ord and a
•i t) finish in Pai It) play Oregon State dropped to
ti IH on the season
1 lie Ducks have luu regular season games remain
mg a non i onfereni e double lieailer today w llti the
Heavers in Corvallis With a pair of wins today, Ore
got) coat h I ami Drown said she is confident of a hid lo
the N( A A tournament
It we win at Oregon State, we ll he .15-21,’'
Drown said "That and being ranked eighth might
even give us a i ham e at hosting a game
Drown said the Ducks have to come into today's
games ready to take care ot business if theft season is
to continue
II we don't heal ( tiegon State Wednesdus I don’t
think we ll have a chance she said "Kven being
ranked eighth, il we lose to a lesser team in the Pai 10.
they might not take us
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