Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Tell it to the president. All students .ire invited to an
open forum with President Mvles Brand, 5:50-5:00
p.m., todav, Wednesday-, Max Room I 50 Columbia
Hall. Speak out. It’s vour future.
MikL’i-iMi t I h,-St hi-. , ! hrt\ un , < )fficc , if Snd.m Adt* i.io> /hi' i' >t/wr in ,i v.-m ' . <!
opfuirtuniih". /i >r uud?nt\ i, * nuvt u uh l/u' preihL'tu imlivins mut’i1 >11nutu.1l,. 'Hi <-m
An Evening of
Rhythm and Blues
Saturday, May 12
Field west of Hayward Field
Doors open 6:00pm
Dhow starts 8:00pm
The Lloyd Jones
Barbara Healey and
the All Nighterz
Curtis Salgado
and the Stilettos
ITEM5 l'',EW-U^Ei> •AISU*ET>
'3th N
aid MF 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331
Pac-10 honors three
Oregon softballers
Three Oregon players were
named lu the lirst ti\im Pat ifi<
10 softball All ( 'onlereiii e
learn. ( aimmissioner Thomas t
I liinsen anMount eii Tuesday
Junior (alchei |oely filers
,iihI junior first baseman lulie
bavanaugh were named, with
sophomore Anna Poore earning
a >.11111 on the team as a utility
plavei (Avanaugh joined An
/on.i s \n hi Dennis as the onls
tii >-1 team members repeating
from last season
Oregon outfielder |eanna
King v\ as named to the All
( amfereni e second team
Top-ranked I '(d. \ and Ari/.o
na dominated selections on
both teams with three players
Irom each school on the first
team and four nut h on the set
ond team
Piti her I leather ( aunpton of
l'( | A v\as named the ('.outer
eni e Plaver of the Year and
lirinn coac h Sharon Hat kus
was named (a an ti of the 'i ear
( omplon currently sports a
1 -i 1 rei ord w till 1 I ( omplete
games and a Ci I.K A Itai kus
in hei 1 "it h \ ear as ltd A
coat ll lias led the Bruins to a
si hool ii -i ord . I wms ltd A
has clinched the i’ai-lO tit!*'
with a 1 *> 2 conference record
THi! Bruins art- a l ii overall
(aimpton continued a trend
of a freshman winning player
of the vear Last season fresh
man |)lt< he! Katie \\ lese ot Or
I'gon was named to the first
team and took home player of
the vear honors
Wiese was snubbed from the
team this vear as \\ as ( ialifor
ilia’s Michele (hanger, who
leads tin' nation in strikeouts
and is among the national lead
el's in several other * ateguries
Wiese did receive ail honor
Tuesday as she was named 1’ar
10 I’laver of the Week, after get
ting lour wins hist week, in
(lulling a pair of 1-0 shutouts
ovei nationally ranked Califor
Oregon’s ace pitched 18
scoreless innings against the
Bears in Hr> degree weather last
friday and also beat Port land
State 7-1 and Oregon Stale 7 0
.old I II She has won nine
straight games
U icse is the second (tregon
plaver to win the honor this
year Cavanaugh was named tor
the week of April 24
Mexican Food
-0219 Alders
I'Eili I AT I 0
r - jl j
L) pm - 1 am.
May 11th, EMU Ballroom
Dance to the Big Band Sound
of "Swing Shift
A Chance to Win a Round
Trip for Two at Disneyland.
TICKETS $5 Single, $K Couples
SpcMiMxrd by the Ballroom Dance Club. I of (> Residence Halls* and the
International Student AswviatuMJ
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