Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    Police Beat
Thi' following is ,i list of
(.ainpns area i ruin's taken from
(fffii r of Public Safely and l ai
gene Police Departmi'iil reports
betrveen April L’l> and May t>
• \tleinpted burglary and i rim
ina! mischief .it Della ('.amnia
sorority, at 1584 Alder St was
reported to Kl’t) on May (. I iye
( nllege age men yvent to the
Iron! and liai k doors of tile resi
ilence. kii king them and
si reaming.
()ne man attempted to entei
through a si reen door yy bile an
other ( limbed a yvood rai k
against the wall There they at
tempted to removed a window
si reen, i ausing S10 damage,
and screamed obsc enities
The complainant turned on
tile port h light and looked out
the window The suspects then
th'd the .ire,i
Hie two suspet t-, w ho .it
tempted to remove the screen
,ue dest nhed .is white males m
their e.irlv dtts wearing white
T shirts
• A l'm\ ei sit\ proles a >r repi irt
ed the theft of .1 S.'S hatchet
from his ( ondon I fall oltii e to
fd’l) on Ma\ 1 There were no
signs ol forced entr>
• \ pm si was reported stolen
at Pith \venue and Kim aid
Street to Id'll on Mav I The
ow tier let! the purse, contain
ing earrings, medication and a
diet kbuok on a wall while get
ting some (lowers trom an neat
In flower stand Till* total loss
w <is Si HI
• I !’!) arrested two i niversity
students for stealing >' Kugene
parking mater on Mas t 1 I’D
offit ers were dispati heil to
l.!th Avenue ami txineaid
Street in response to a report ot
two males attempting to steal
the meter
The off ii er s arrived and 11(1
served a trail made fn com rete
dragged along pavement 1 he
offii ers followed the trail to the
Sigma \ii fraterrntv a! 'f> l I
1 1th St
After further investigation
the students were arrested and
taken to |ail
• I hi' theft ot $2 front a sani
tarv napkins dispenser in the
He,ill Complex hasemeiil was
repttried to KIM) on M.i\ I
• I lit' till'd III .1 tun kpai k out
suli* the I niversits Inn ratete
ru was reported to KIM) on M.u
! Chi' owner li'll the h.n kpai k
outside the lafetena contain
mg teMltooks a wallet and $'•
while netting some |une and
returned to find it missing
•AS >■! student parking permit
was reported stolen from lltli
\venue and him aid Street to
I IM) on Mav 1
• A $ lad Mel Temp was report
ed stolen from the Klamath
I Kill basement to KIM) on Mas
I'lie si ientifu equipment Is
used to determine w hat an 01
gaiiK i (impound is h\ its melt
mg point
• \ ii.ii kpui k was reported ' to
len Irnm I Alt' sci ond flour to
I I’ll on April Ilii* iiwiici
It'll tin' backpack. containing
keys 1)1.ink checks .mil i redd
i arils on >i w inilms sc.it .mil ro
turned to find it missing I he
total loss u,is Sh2
• A housekeeper reported d.im
age ot the (Arson II.ill elevatoi
in (M'S on April ' An tin
known suspet I entered the ele
v.itnr .ind caused SJ.’itt damage
to the ( in ml system and i on
trol panel
• rile tiled ot .1 S.’ AM I NI
cassette radio from Mean ( om
pies parking lot was reported
to ( It'S mi April .Mi An uniden
titled suspci t broke the passed
get door w iriilow to steal the
radio, i ansing Si .It) damage
“Lite Nights”
Wednesday nights
9 pm-12 pm
The Millcamp
215 Q Street
Springfield (Just oft 1-105)
Major Merging
is Happening!
After 40 years...
Vogue Hair Salon is becoming
/ Vogue Hair Salon
11th & Patterson • 343-1637
Tell us your most unforgetta
ble experience in college and
you may win some cash.
All you have to do is write a
brief (or detailed) description of
your most unforgettable col
lege experience! Just get it to
the Oregon Daily Emerald
front desk by 12pm May 25th.
(Rm 300 EMU) All college
students welcome to enter!
There are four categories:
First Place (each category) $25
Second Place (each category) $15
Third Place (each category) $10
(By request, names can be withheld from publication )
I „i-,i M-ttv -icr I lk*l tho irk redible rush on tlie Ivsl looking |um<*» .H \M It w a-- more Ilk. an i^mih I w.*s infalujtal with ho appear m
tliough I had >nl> tine fly talked with hm i wanted t«»go out with him so hadlv' I knew ii h* ..iw me the slur* - he .1 -like me at ,i>i I h^vd.
| nullv alter tw ■ - months of csfeio: . t tlirfirn’ he asked mi hjI I was so ited il wav liki a dream It -a .is almost t*». .m*! tofv true
He pn k -.vl nr up m front of m. apuMn>eut «>n i likl.i’i cvenu .»t r flip m I u * »ke»! i.t the wiikl-.w •! i . uj\irtn«.ril jo 1 * an tied flu- hui r >1
,i r .m park his MJtt/A I urt* iirl walk toward im d-«or
He (mhtclv greeted nr .if the ikku and s*vo»ied me It> hi- ar He then >»pimed the- paw Sum d.«n lit nr m and >hu» tin- d.»*r While fie was
•a .ilk me around tire Nkk of tlu vji to ilk thociv --id. I fell tin eurucuting utgrney to relieve imvll ipass .‘.»M of tin p»*^« Mru. an ftrvcm*
tfte last night s retried he an hurntos I was ertremcly nervous and figured the lx*st time i<' do if was fust m the rm k oj time It wavn t vour typual
> uftiiig tlk v heeve without passing tlie . rav ker I mean I elunged the tonfcxtr of the -eat
He <iprnrd his d»k*r. slkl into his seat and shut tin .kmc I thought great he hasfi t -uni anvthing vet No proNcm IIk-i: he turned arouikl n ho
seal aikl sari t-> me l\l like vou to meet m> brother and ho dan I was so embarrassed I wanted »•* dn* I lud igikfcii ilk last th.il theie n .. lit
have hecn someone else m the ear I ran into tlie house trying and refused to go out with my state ol a lifetime
LI rum I Ucrlun
Bu\mcv> XJmmisliaiHKi