Onlf'rs to GO! 343-6235 (iood food »% uhal itr to all about1 Daily Specials On Delicious, Juic> & Refreshing Stihinurine Siind« idles Si Rips S.tlatis Sauerkraut '* I’** Salad ' I »•-. H<»u!<*;■ ■ (nfman Hrc.uK “Wir Spr«ch«n Deut*ch” 510 I Kioa<1\%a\ • \t ross from Dunk in Ihtmiis Mon In llta.m Mp.m. Soup. Salad & a roll Only $225 Ms.. When was the last time you had your eyes examined? • ( omplete eve exams • ( ontai t lenses • Walk in well oine 10% off Barry Katz, OD |( Pennev Optic to in I Ml ( eilai Room ( _Kt als Support group for women over d“> In Women in 1 ranst lion will he lielii tonight .it ti III in I- MI' Suite t Alpha 1 amhda Delta l’hi Ida Sigma meet tonight tor mem hers interested in holding 1‘1'ltl 'll offir er positions at 7 in I All ( u-daf rooms and I > IJruids will meet tonight at m the Slraiih Hall I ohln tot tapping ol new members \t tendani e is important for all members 1 'niversits I)a\ < nalition will hold a general information meeting tor those interested in PAUL NICHOLSON FOR CITY COUNCIL, WARD 4 • Environmentally & socially responsible government • Meaningful citizen participation • Safe and cared-for campus neighborhoods PAUL'S CAMPAIGN NEEDS YOUR HELP. please call 683-2667 John Volmert. Treasurer, Authorized by Paul Nicholson Paid (oi t>v Paul Ni« hoUon for ( itv ( oum It I HSr> t 2Slh I tufrtu- OH 97401 participating in t'niversity I)«i\ tonight at r> III till’ FMl' Hen I under Room Survival Center meets to night at a t() m FMl' Suite I Men Against Rape meets to night at 7 in FMl' Suite 1 AltiA meets today at t it) p m in Room 14 7 Lawrence Ocean Fcology’Power for the Future meets tonight at a 10 p m in FMl' Suite 1 for plan ning the group s trip to Port land SPFAKFRS AND I I t Tl'RFS "Post-Franco Spain" is the title of a lecture to he given by (.abriel |ai kson. noted Spanish liistoi The lecture will lie today .0 I to p m in Room t in ( albert, and is sponsored by the history department " I he Cultural l se ot Natural Knowledge Ooethes Theory ot Colors in Weimar Classicism" is the title ol a lecture to be giv en In Alex Rueger from the philosophy department today at 4 p in in the F\l! ' (lUinwomi Room Mist r:: wi t u s Open forum with l niversity Pres Myles Brand will lie held today from t to to a p m m Room 1 atl ( olumhia The mod erator will lie Marlene llres i her direr tor of the ()ttu e til Student Advot ai y Wesley ( enter Bible Study on the Cospel ol Mark will he held today from 12 10 to 1 p m at the Wes lev Centei 12.t(> Kin ( aid St Wesley Night fellowship will be held tonight at 7:1 a at the Wesley Center. Kill i aid SI An information meeting tor THIS IS AN EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRODUCTION An Ei'eniny With RAM DASS Here & Now in the 90's Author ot “BE HERE NOW and “HOW CAN I HELP" i with Paul Gorman) MAY 23 7:30 PM South Eugene High School Auditorium S12 U of O Students S15 General Public Tickets Available at Sundance Mercantile Stargate EMU Main Desk Peralandra Books & Music Photo Credit Carl Studna A Benetit For Seva Foundation studying in Seville. Spain will hr held today at 4 10 p m in thr KM!' Walnut Room Slides of Spain will he shown, and all aspects of the program will he discussed ‘‘Cycling for Success" is the title of a video to he shown to day at 12:.f() p m in the ()ut door Program off ic e in the base ment of the KM! .The video showcases the 7 Kleven c u ling team in training. Bible Sharing w ill fie held to night at 7: til .it the Newman Center. 1850 Kmerald St . fol lowed bv Student Mass at '1 ‘‘The Implications of the (aim mu nil a tin ns Revolution ‘ is the title of a tape to lie show n toda\ at 2:.ill p m in Studio I) ol the Instrm tional Media ( am ter The tape details the sympo sium of the same name, with speei lies hv l ed Turner and Gene Pell, president of Radio l ire lairope Destructive lingagement is the title of a film about the na lions of Southern Africa, to be show n tonight at in EMI i e dar Room I Blai k students and lai ult\ are weli.ome Deadline for submitting I t nls to thr Kmerald front dusk, hi Ml ‘ Slide .101). is noon thr day brforr publication lit a/s run thr il,n of thr event unlrss thr mrnt occurs before noon /’/ease submit fit nls thr day lie ton- they are Iti run unit Vo tiers of events with a donation or admission charge it ill not be accepted t impus events nod those si heduled nearest the publication date will he given priorit\ The Kmerald reserves the right to edit until es for grammar and style SHOWKK MOM WITH SI’RINO I I.OWKRS -V The l-TD* Spring! Garden Bouquet Mothers Week is May 7-1 t ‘Lugtnt's Jlovir !Homt THF UNIVERSITY HOHGT 610 E. 13th Ave 485 3655 '",n. . J '* MUNDeHAND *’ GREAT f OR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS ' 0VIDEO ALL GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ^5 GAMES ADMISSION M so STH STMIT PUaUCMUKIT iUCiMf >(11 I4«4 Recycle This paper