Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    "JQ20I* Continued from Page 4
she (j.iv«: to University President
Myles Brand
To/cr works with the disabled
student services group ,it the Uni
varsity .ui.! is cum-ntlv helping
the group develop it^ next budget.
Before thi' .!«:< idun! sports were a
big part of Inzer's life, including
basketball, rugby and others De
spite her injury, basketball has
survived as part ot the new I'u/er
Tozer is a l.ovvrider team mem
ber now, a Krrgene wheelchair
teajn in a local wheelchair basket
ball league Anri the sport has
shaped her plans for the future
After graduating from the Uni
versity this spring. Tozer will at
tend University of Illinois, seeking
a masters degree in international
Illinois is one ot less than a do/
en universities in the nation that
has a women's wheelchair basket
ball team. That is one of the rea
sons Tozer chose the school.
She also hopes to play on the
Olympic wheelchair basket
ball team
What keeps Tozei going now
and what kept hoi going through
(he hell of the accident and its al
1 guess I'm just stubborn." she
But sin- admits the credit is not
all lie.rs
"I had a really good support
system. Hverv day that I was in in
tensive rare somebody Irom (ire
rtighv learn was up there. Io/ei
said, showing off a gill from tire
team a Cookie Monstt'r puppet
with .1 bandaged leg
She also received support from
the First Congregational ( hutch
Tozer is ,i member of the church
.nut is also involved with .1 youth
group through tie church
"1 would sav that she is proha
hlv the strongest person that I've
ever met " said Sarah Itishop. a
t'nivursitv student and fellow
youth group member. "Anybody
who goes through something like
she went through anti comes out
how she did is just incredible
Now Tozer has the goal of wip
ing out the ingredient that impact
ed her life forever alcohol
"You know how it took about
JO years for people to realize how
bad smoking was'" she asked
"It's going to take twice that long
to make people realize that alco
hol has some really had etfoi is
It's going to lake that long to get
the foughor laws we need in the
its "
Tozer admits that she does riot
think much about the man who
caused the at ( ident
The ai c.ident was the man s
third drinking and driving of
tense, and he was driving with a
suspended license and no insur
am e
"For his live hui ks nt (heap
booze, I have 25 surgeries.
$250,000 worth of medii a! bills
and legs that w ill never be the
same '’ Tozer said
Hut Tozer can still smile She
simply reflet Is on the starlish slo
( ontmued from 1
Concerning (lie \mern <in Studies pro
gram. Brand said dropping Ihe m<i|or was
unfortunate but nw essarv given present
budgetary conditions
ihe program will lie i lit next tall bei aiise
(lie professor heading the department is
leaxang the t'niversiK The program is also
sluirt 'si.", non m funding
i American Studies) does not have the
highest priority ot things that need to he
done Brand said I'd rather see these
programs not he eondui ted than i (inducted
m .1 wav that ts not .tc< eptable
Hr.mil hnishril li\ .mswcriiif! (|iifSli<ms
up On Kt ) T( pr.n lit p pi pm ludiiiK wom
en .in.i .1 n solution passed b\ the l!niversi
l\ 'senate n nui'slmg th.il .ill ti’i miters siun
■ in .liluinativp .ii tuiii stiitpim'iil
Hi,mil said In- is everting pressure nation
ilK in ‘mi p thr imlit.uv tn change its puli
i v toward unman and that all recruiters in
i hiding iIip ( IA must sign the statement bo
Ioip interview mg stmlimts
Continued from Page I
.ill abortions illegal
I trust the women of Oregon to make
their ov\ u i Itoii e anti to make the right tie
i ision Lonsdale said I don't want to in
lerfere u itfi this
\s the founder ol bend Roseau h lams
dale said he has had the opportunity to in
volve himself in .1 number ol enviro11111011l.il
We uoik on developing environmental
ly sound protlut Is mh h as non loxit pest
1 outrols and produt ts that imprint* air anti
water quality , " 1 .oust tale salt I
When asked t>v a stuileiil whether 01 not
Bond Keseatt h had at < epletl defense r.on
traits from the I S government lonsd.de
1 eplietl lh.it he. lirm lias only ais epletl two
government t ontr.11 ts and tbev wen* both
non-military in nature
()ne ot the t ulltrui Is was to develop a die
set engine filler that would 1 onverl exhaust
into water and the other was to researt h
u ays to keep dona let I hit mm I viable for long
or pet mils of time he s.otl
Am it he1 student asked l.onstlale where he
stood on higher edutaluui issues and pri
mate researt h at universities
! am a strong proponent of federal tlnan
i.ial aiti l.onstlalt* - aid | President | Hush
I.ilks .i ini lie referred tu himsell .is the ' ml -
in .itiun president, hut his budget proposals
don't reflet t th.it
Atv si,mil on prim.itu rescan li is similar
to j.ine (axitldH s he said "I don't ap
prove ot animal testing for such things as
i osmetics hut onJv in rrut ial r ases ot tiled
ii al 11’seali li And ue do need to treat them
With regards to tnreign policy in Israel.
Lonsdale said tie understands tile Israeli
ti n I think we need to support Israel, hut
they also need to slum Palestinians more
liistn e in the (i.i/.i Strip
Lonsdale's comment that "ue should
ta\ the hell out" ot ( a ntral America was
i;reeled u ilh applause trom the audient e
tie added that lie is in favoi ot Oregon
( i au;ressin.in 1 is Ant m n proposal to cut
the military huih;e! ti\ 10 percent a seat
over the next tive years
Lonsdale said he is hoping tor a debate
with Hatfield, lint dues not expect ttattielil
to agree to it
lie ..ltd he dues however, leel inntident
about tin- direi tion his i ampatgu is going
1 call win (Ins elei tion Lonsdale said
liven I had doubts six months ago. hut I
don’t anymore
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