"JQ20I1* Continued from P.ine 1 ( al si ionce major remetnlmrs only bits and pirn es of that da\ Whilt* Iving mi tin' ground tin* former women's rugby player thought she was on a rugby field and had hern tackled She heard her friend, who received .1 t uni usnioii in flu an ident. fell her to stav down She did lief arise she i ouldn’t get up The ride to the hospital wasn't easy either While in the ambulant1 the girl next to Tn/.er kept "si ream itig her head off "I was a< tuallv quite humorous. 1 o/.er said with a big smile I turned to the ambulance drivn and said 'Would sou please shut her uji Hut that is typical Inzer making the best of a bad situation And nearly two sears after the act ident lo/ei continues to turn the life threatening ordeal into a positive outlet Taking time out of her buss si fiedule Inzer Iras els the state vvitli MADI) telling the starfish storv and her nsv n slurs "She's vers dedicated to getting across to her peers alrout the tragedy drinking and driving can bring.' said (lharlie Ihtrranl offii e manager of the Ku gene i haptei of MAI II). Inzer lias been traveling the state since December UtBfl with Durrani's husband. Donny. 0>. who was paralyzed 111 <1 single-car accident caused bv his own drinking and driving negligent e I t years ,igo "I really enjoy il You don’t reai h .ill the kids hut you re.a h some of them and that makes a different e Inzer said, reflet ting on the starfish print iplo And at times Inzer's intensity has placet! her in the limelight She was selet ted to take part in a Blue Dross Blue Shield awareness campaign, focusing on the e\ils of drinking and driving The campaign resulted in two commercials and a 10 minute educational video lea luring her The commercials have aired nationally and the video is available through Blue Dross Blue Shield for st hools to use A to minute television documentary titled "lianas Storv is also scheduled to air this fall through an NB< affiliate station in Medford The piet e features the Ttizer and two othei MADI) speakers ex .miming the struggle she had to endure Tozer's ordeal would make even the not so squeamish grimat e She spent I1 months 111 Sat red Heart Deneral Hospital following the accident Thirty six davs were spent 111 the intensive 1 are unit The last thing I lememhei till the day of the acci dent was being ill this big. while room and somebody L hilt* Photo Tozer Rave Iniversity President Myles Brand a wheelchair tour of the campus for disabled access aware ness. kept on m reaming. 'Please. please put me to sleep You've not to put me asleep I don't want to hi- awake for tin-. \nd then I realized that I was the one who was hurt and s< reaming as 1 drifted unconscious." I nzer said Ivvery dav seven ma< times pumped her full of nu trients and pain medir me And stie vividly remembers ttie day she first saw tier leg after the a< i ident "He (lit the (temporary) < ast off. and what tie re vealed didn't even look like my leg stie said "It just didn't look like a leg Hut the crushing event on Mas 14 was only the first m a i ontinuing < ham of traumatic events During the first two weeks in the hospital. Tozer was m surgery even other dav Stie described herself as a "doctor's child." meaning them was always something wrong with hoi At one point it looked as it her right leg would have to tie amputated. Inzer said But she was detet mined to keep tiei leg It was liei doc ision, and she tnuglit hard tor it As Tozei entered her third week in the hospital she seemed to lul bottom "That's when I dei ided I didn't w.hiI to live 1 had just had enough, stie said 'I didn't think that 1 was going to he able to walk again I thought 1 was going to have to have a take leg I dull! I think 1 ( ollld go through life not hiring able to walk and not being able to plav sports Hut she fought on. Yet not without further hard ships. With 40 percent of the muscle dying in her right leg. dm tors had trouble covering the exposed hone They first took .1 piece of fat and meat from her shoul der flap and transplanted it to her leg Her leg rejected the transplant, and Inzer feared she lost her best < hance at walking. Doctors pursued "Plan B." After ruling out a transplant from her other shoulder flap, doctors pro needed to transplant some interior muscles This time it worked. But Inzer's tendon in her foot had to he cut. resulting in .1 lack of extension movement of her right foot More than two dozen surgeries later. Tozer has made a lot of friends at Sacred Heart General Hospital I know almost everyone at the hospital." she said I used to he able to come in the front door and saw 'Where's liana's room?' and they could tell you right off without looking it up." I nzer's team of 15 doi tors from I'ugene to Seattle are like grandfathers, and she is really close to the nurses at Sacred Heart she said lust now beginning to walk again, I nzer has spent most of the last two \ears in a w lieeli hail And her at: i ident has turned her into an advni ate tor disabled ai (ess Most notable is the November wdieeli hail lour Turn to Tozer, Page 1 PHOTO FINISHING SPECIALS 12 EXPOSURE ROLL 2.99 15 EXP. DISC 3.99 24 EXP. ROLL 4.99 36 EXP. 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