_University—___— West African journalists visit University Bv Alice Thornton Emerald Reporter Thirteen professional journalists from I renc h-speaking West Afric an countries visited flic University's School of lournalism Monday .mil Tuesda) as pari of a six < it\ lour to sluflv Americ an journalism The journalists met with facull\ stall and students in the Si hool of lournalism and loured the offic es of The /cnge/ie Ki‘fiistrr (.'uarc/ and sec oral loc al television and radio stations Their visit to the Universilv begun with an introducdion to the fac ulty of the Si hool of Jour nalism. Professor Leslie Sleeves said the journalists wanted to know about journalism education in the I nited States "We had a general disi ussion about how we train journalism students anil about journalism in genera 1. Sleeves said "They're interested in the extent to which our journalism program is conceptual rather than practical." Steeces said "Thee also wanted to know how eve ai ademic s c iecc the media Steeces said the journalists also visited the office of international services to discuss slink abroad programs in West Africa They discussed the possibility ot allowing french speaking tour nalism students to partic ipate in internship pro grams in W est Atrii a I'heu v i'-il ini reuses the purs pet tive of our students, said professor Stephen I'omler 'll allowed us to learn about West African journalism while they were able to learn about journalism in our eountrv I’omler said "Thev’re eurious about w bat w e re tear liing I be 1'mted Stall’s Information Agent v helped sponsor the visit whit.h began m Wash ington 1)( on April in with an introdut tion to publii and private media I’lie journalists, whit.h ate guests of the Toil ed States t invernment. vv t II also v isit San 1 rant is co. lot son. An/ . Baton Rouge i.e Springfield. Ill . and New York l liev are ai i ompanied bv two interpreters and an escort lennifer King, assistant to the dean of the Si bool of lournalism. said the group is composed of directors of nattonal news services top editors o! new spa per s and photo servit es and the bead of programming for national television "These are qualified professionals. King said Ibe journalists will be looking at the tonsil tut lona! political social, and teclmii al prlnci pies of journalism in the t Anted Stales l liev w ill primarily be examining print and photo media King said they will be visiting other journal ism si bools and professional media organizations during their one-mouth tour ol the country FREE PEPSI SAMPLING TODAY FROM 10 to 3pm! PLUS SAVE WITH THIS BONUS COUPON. ONLY AT THE MAIN DESK STORE. EMU MAIN DESK Good for 1 32oz. Refill HALF PRICE 17 COBURG ROAD — “JUST NORTH OF FERRY ST. BRIDGE” PHONE 683-8669 FAX #683-8677 ► ► 5 COMPLETE HEALTH FOODS 8. 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