__ Inside__ ■ journalists visit. Page 3 ■ Campus events. Page 6 ■ Police Beat, Page 7 ■ Softball players honored, Page 8 Oregon Dailyw _ Emerald U ednesd.n . M,i\ >i I'l'in I u^ciir Oregon Volume '• 1 Number 1 18 Brand schedules Far East sojourn By ( hr is Bouru'ft Emerald Assoc iafe Editor University President Myles Brand .immunml Tuesday morning that he is lea\ mg nest Monday tor a tyyo -week tup to the far hast to visit alumni chapters and corporate donors The announcement < arne during an experimental press eonierence that gave the media a t ham e to ask Bland questions on current issues i one erning the I in versily Brand may make the session a regular event d the media respond positively to the ex perament s.iid (lay e Vandermvn direr tor of the 1 niversitv necx s bureau Brand answered questions on topic s ranging from the hire si hool hiring a minority lac ulty member toi next fall to the study that ranked the University third in the I’ai 10 and loth nationally in rescan h iinp.ic t "Despite the difficult funding situation, the I ni versity continues to do very well.' Brand said about the study Brand also disc losetf that 11ic* layy si hool hired Ibrahim (las,s.ima a 10H4 Harvard layy si hool graduate to join the I amersity this tall Hiring neyv lac idly is one step toward answering charges from the American Bar Assoc iation of deb cient ies in the University's layy program. Brand said Brand's three nation far Mast trip includes the duty of representing the state at the inauguration ot Taiwan's newly elected president l ee leng Hui I he Taiyvanest* government is binding the trip Brand will also travel to Jap m and South k.oo a to meet with alumni groups and higher education and government ottic inis Brand also turned to the ret iirrent theme ot made quate state funding and lory faculty salary levels dm mg the 4a tnmute session In the budget lot the l per cent because of low salary levels I would he happy if the University ol Oregon was at the .0th percentile in the AAl Brand said "We do know ot several case’s where people are lear ing lot better pay ing jobs The University must otter double digit salary m creases tor several years before the sc hool catchers up to average levels. Brand said Turn to Brand, Page 1 Pltntii bv M jr k ^ Ini I'iiin.i io/er has turned a lite-threateninn accident mused hy winking with i;rnui>s sm h as Mothers \i;ainst Drunk Dritim; a thunk diner into .1 i>ositi\e outlet In Tozer turns disabling car accident into positive message for everyone Bv ( .im Sivrsind l rm-rjld Sports Reporter I lii'ir i ln>.; storm m tlit* ore.in one night anti there are thousands and thousands of starfish washed up on the beat h I'll.. morning they are lying m the sun. diving out and dying I bis little buy was walking along and even now and then he'd stop and pink rip a starfish and throw it bark into the watei He'd walk a little far (her. pit k up another starfish and throw it hark into the watei This big hot shot jogger i nines jogging dow n the heath and says lley little kid what tin you think you re doing1 You tau t possibh throw those thousands of starfish bai k in the watei I he little kid looks at him. pu k up a starfish, throws it bul k in the water and says. Yeah, hut to that one it will make a ditternin e liana I'o/.ei a I niversitv senna tells that storv every time she opens another Mothers Against Drunk Driving speaking engagement at a high si hixil fir junini hit’ll lu/el likl' till' shlltisll III lll'l slli|\, ll.lS luilkt'll (Ii mIIi in llu' Iji i' slit- vv.is seriously injured in .1 Hvip i .11 ,n i ident i .iiised In .i drunk drivel II niif (irisiiii had sttjppt-d the in.hi who ltd Ini' hum drinking >nul driving it unuld have m.iilti «i different i- m mi 1111• Inzer snid leaning h.u k in liri dorm room .it ( hirsoii I hill lozcr s In;-, ivi’ti' crushed in I In* aoi ident th.it oi i uiini .it tin' intersei tion ut .'.(id Avi'11in- .mil Ihir ii- St ii 'ft mi M.i> It luHH I hr cnHismii threw lu/ri I mill tin' I mi k si'.il i it t llu \ 'nl vi) st.il ii hi wagon sin- u.is ruling in Sin- sulliTi'd .i tra< tuicd li'lt hip It.ii tores nt both fi'iimi bones .i i 111j11it-i! kni'i' i .ip i liippnd toi' Inn hut's ul I ii it ti slim bones nerve damage Iruiii the knee down ,md 10 pert ent innsi Ii* luss in her light ley Inzer's lower IkiiIv whs run ovei In ejtliei the Volvo 11r the \ olksw.igen lelt.i tli.it hm.idsidi'd it I he 1 year-old romance languages -mil politi turn to lo/er, Page 4 IJ I Khittu b» Mdtlm I'hirl kL_ Harry l.onsiialr, l)rnui< r.ilii ( andidate tor l N Senate. spake hi members at the t’niyersity ((immunity lucsday .(bout bis stands an various issues Lonsdale makes campaign pitch to students, public at University Bv Daralyn frappe f morale) C ontributor Ham Lonsdale Demur rat it i andidate for the 1' S Senate visited the University Fuesday to address the issues of afror tion the environment. and spe i lal interest monev and to an swer questions from students and community members Lonsdale is the front runner in the rai < for the I lemot rain nomination It he wilts the pri mar \ on Mar 1 a, lie will far e Republican incumbent Mark Hatfield in the November v'on era I elections Aithouuh he has never run for olliie before and does not t onsidei himself .1 politician. Lonsdale said hr dec ided !u i'll (t-tr the race t«‘f arise he is mi h.tpjn w ith llir direc tioil the ujunltv is (liking and because he srcs a l.ii k of illtegjit\ among ell* fed offic ials 1 don't want to lie .1 politi ciaii, I onsdaIf said. '' They ’ll tell it to von both wavs, de pending on how thev think von Iff! • Lonsdale said he believes that spec tal interest rnonev is corrupting and has led politi c iaus to represent big business concerns rather than (musing on 1 iti/eli representation I vow not to take spei i.d in terest ttinnev," Lonsdale said "I support legislation th.it would limit 11'olitii al \< tion I ainuniftrr j i nntributinns or eliminate i’At ' i nntributinns 11(“ is also .hi advoi ale of a ltrill on all exports of ran lot's Irnm privately owned ami state proper! v m (begun U Ihmi tin- |raw | logs leave all tin- jobs they would create li'avr with thrill I.(uisil.llr said t !r addl'd lh.it jobs i an hr ( [rated !>v till using oil "value added prodlii ts" sm ti as doors, windows and other finished wood prodiK Is On the issue ot abortion I.misdate criticized Hatfield for voting tin a ( oiistitutional amendment that would make Turn to Lonsdale, Page .»