Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Club soccer goes 3-3
with win over COCC
Oregon men's Club Soccer
ran its record to ,t t hist Krida\
with .) t (I shutout win over
Central Oregon Communitv
College at Kugene s Southbank
Sain Mauarrone led the
Ducks with Ivso goals \\ ilh |ohn
I'arnum chipping in a single
\Yt*s Cedros had two assists
while lason lohnsun and Mike
K i 11 ear h had one
The Ducks’ next action is to
day in a 5 p in game .it South
bank with Peacoi k Tavern of
Corvallis The game will he
something of a Civil War .is the
I’encock Tavern has several
players from Oregon State Uni
versitv. Club spokesman
Maccarrone said
The Ducks lost to Peacock on
March ill in (iorvallis by a C 1
The women’s (dub Soccer
team won by forfeit over High
Street Pub and Brew last Priday
to go 8 u this season The worn
en meet Players "A" of the T.u
gene ciK leagues next Monday
Club l acrosse
Hob Knglish had four goals and
four assists and Roll Haggerty
i hipped in five goals and an as
sist as the (dub Lacrosse team
took control early to i rush Ore
gun State l‘l a
|oel f lolland and |ohn Od lea
eai h had three goals w bile Pete
Adamson and Toni Johnston
Cory first in
tennis meet
I'iiiv*?rsit\ ot Oregon tennis
placets look first plan? m two
different events List weekend to
highlight the Spring I'ennis
Championships here ,it lire
gun's ( mitts
Kevin Cory lieal Oregon re
i mil Nick Smith in tile finals of
tiie Men's open singles I>\ .1
ti 1, (i 1 score to lake tile chain
pionship in that division Cory
heat (It egg Furukawa ot Fugene
to advance while Smith was
disposing of led Invie of Fort
The team of led Knbm and
Shellev Brandt Both l'Diversity
players, took first in mixed
doubles bv treating Dave Crufut
and Sherry I airgrieve of Cur
valhs. 04. ti i
Rubin and Brandt beat Vuiiu
llashimoto and Noguchi of l.a
i e\ Wash in straight sets n It
Corv and Smith also ad
vain ed to the finals ol the
men's open doubles, only to
lose to Fduin |allarian and
Mike kingslev ot lugene bv a
U-2. ti 7. h 4 si ore.
Oregon's team of led Thorin
and Christian Oelke lost to
lalfarian and Kingslev in the
opening round of men's open
doubles, n t n 1
ea< h added .1 pair In help ()r»•
gon's .ittai k
I lefensemen Stoll Hanford
(!ar 1 White and Zack Pove\
were all soliti nil defense with
Rob I'oni turning in .1 solid pci
formam e at goal
Oregon's word now stands
at 8 1 w ith .i game ibis I'ridav
in Seattle with I'niversitv ol
(Hub Fencing
Farrell Ilopkins and Ian Val
entitle of Oregon Club 1 rm ing
wore third and fifth, respei tive
Iv. fur the Ducks Saturdav in
the Oregon State Standard Foil
Tournament in (orvallis
Aaron Potter. I-aurie (loner.
Hrent Lane. Milt Hera I and |oel
White also participated in the
tournament tor Oregon There
were a total of lt> fencers pat
Phtilu In Marlin Ihirl
Club Sot:i:er er Sam Mat tarrone (No. Ill) st orm! two t{oals in Oregon's I t) win Friday over
Central Oregon Community College.
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