Sports_ Lopez wins second track honor Sets PR in weekend meet l or tin' m’< und liini' this season Oregon s D.mnv I ope/ has been named the Phi ifii It) ( onferem e men s Irai k ath lete of the is eek hope/ won tile I ()(l()-nieler steeple! base in last Satin dav s dual meet with Nebras ka in tt JH f t breaking Ins old personal rei ord of fl ft "I hope/ s time is the fastest m the nation this season and is also the fourth fastest tune in si bool histon and the Kith fastest time in I’ai 111 histon hope/ also wain the award hai k on April ‘I after lie ran fi -12 ,ri in a dual meet w ith Washington State that ipiali I led him h ir the \( A A meet in IInrliam \ ( to lie held ,M,i\ in June Washington State s Stefan Wu Kstrorn wins th»* men's field .ithlele award after he broke the i onhreni e rue utd in the javelin Unkstrom threw J">T J this past weekend to break the new implement ret ord ul I!'.','-] set bv .rnnther I nupir )an Johannson. in Uu k strum's previous best was 2.r>2 t whir h lie threw the week Irefore in a dual meet w ith Washington ( 111 the women's side. Stan ford's (hryste (lames wins the tr.K k award ol the week and California's Sheila Hud son won the held athlete award ( lames w on the ’00 meter dash at hist Saturday's S?v\\ Invitational in Modesto. ( nl d m a time ol 11 to I lames' tone was just off he! seasonal Danny l.opez best of 11 11 (..tines also won tin' .iWftrii I).k k mi April o I ludsoli. tile Amci ii ,111 rti i ord holder in the triple jump won llir fur tin third time in the Inst four v\ eeks STUDENTS KNOW HOW TO TAKE A STAND... ^ i Openly, bravely, and w ith conviction. Uncotnproinised by the plumy politics of the world, students see clearly the larger picture of right cV: wrong. Students led us out ol Viet Nam and students recognize the truth of peace N freedom. Students, vve call on you now: On May 15th Vote YES on 20-01 Flic Eugene Nuclear Free Zone Charter Amendment Authorized bv The Committee To Keep 1 ugene Nuclear I tee • Nonna Friend, Treasurer 1 194 Pearl Street, Fugene, OR 97401 Less-than-impressive Beavs to visit Howe B\ Irac y Sumner f morale) Sports fditor This rveek m Oregon softball offers one of those proverbial good news bad news situations for the Dm ks f irst the bad new s The I flicks d 1 -if 1 on the sea son, are m a situation where they very probably must win their remaining four games to fia\ e ,i shot at ,i berth in post season play The good news! All four of those games are against I’ai 10 soft be I! whip ping boy Oregon State starting w ilfi today's t p in double header .it f lime f ield So iust him had are the Hen vers To start with. Oregon State is a miserable t> iii overall with a I '/.n tor another I’ai 10 team (file look at the latest f’ac 10 softball statistics slioyys that person was probatdy being kind to the team On offense Oregon State is dead last III flatting with a 1 4H team average That's a full 01 points behind the I hit ks yy ho y\ ere second to last as of the Lit est I’ai 10 stats report Individually Oregon State has little to be proud of in any offensive category The latest f’ac to stat sheet shores that out ot the seven major statistical i ategories. not one lieavei is to he found \ada Denser pitc hing has been equally horrendous this season, too I'he team s I ft team HHA is not just the worst in the I’ai It) It s more than t\\ it e that of ()St "s nearest competitor During the Beavers' current 12 game slide, the team has been outsi .tired 1 >\ a mind-bog gling *>4-4 margin That in cludes nine shutouts and two double-digit outbursts bv the opposition If there has been a bright spot for the Beavers this season, it mas have been in last Satur day's double-header loss to ( alifornia Oregon State ssas shelled t> (I in the opener but i nme bar k in the second game to phis the eighth-ranked Hears tough before falling 2-1 in nine innings I here s m i doubt I hat s\ as our best game of the sear.’ said ()SI coat h Vii kie Ilugan of the second game It's |ust reads frustrating to come that close but still i nme ass as ss ith the loss Tin proud of the ss as everv body on the team played,” Du gan ( ontinued It ss .is an out standing effort Hopefully we i an pi< k up a i ouple of s it to lies against Oregon this sveek It earlier ( avil \\ ar em oun ters this season are any unlit a time < )St ss ill have a cl if f it nil time keeping from being em barrussed this week bast Thursday an emotionalls drained ( lo gon team svent to ( a irs all is and drilled the Bea vers tss ii e in a pair of 7-0 ss ins The 1 lut ks had lost finished a painful split ss ith I’ortland State and svere bas ing internal problems on the team but still took Isvo easy ss ms Tills time. (Begun Stale ss ill fat e a pin SH .ills and emotion alls well Oregon team that has something to pins for Express yourself! Wednesday, Msy 9,12 noon-7 pm. Lane Transit District is YOUR bus system So we 'd like your help in selecting a new site tor LTD s downtown Eugene transit station Join us for a public information session from 12 noon - 7 p m on Wednesday. May 9 in the Williams Room of the Eugene Conference Center You 'll be able to comment on the five potential sites currently under consideration, while LTD and Eugene City staff are on hand to answer any questions you may have Additional information is available at the L TD Customer Service Center, or at the City of Eugene Permit and Information Center With your help, let s keep LTD headed in the right direction For more intormjtion. call687-5555 Lane Transit District