Regional Roberts ( ontinui'd from I’.iut' <1 If K : 1 .Hi! II"! !i \ .ill' t• ” the one that is biting < in ulated I believe it i-. possible !v Martin IhiH,< Roberts .id\ tit ,ilr\ .1 mi Ini; rxports. ninth s/ic /((•//(■ics t rr.itr s /u/>s mi'/si'js .1/ f/ir rxprnsr nt t )rrt;nn it orAcrv oppurlundt ioi I )n ".;i Hii.ins It i have |ulis nl those .tut! giving those jobs to people in japan .mil Korea .nut Taiwan 1 tiis.ip pruvr nl Ihul very sirough I think wr need to ent ourage shipping lug exports nil nl slate hinds .ind nil nl tedrral hinds Xml I think we lu'i'il ui hnil ttat s lo entourage those whn 11.1\ i> pm .Hr I.unis whn .in' . 11 si i shipping I inihui out. In Slop lining kind nt ship ping ( )!ll l)u you llunk ,i shill hum nlil urowth litnbrr ti) set tint! gnm III is /its I'ss.m IIK: I think inn mills .mil nut hurst produi.ts plants will hr gill to use ninrr and limrr srt nitd glint III And they arr hr ginning In dn that 1 don't think that it is tan to rxprt t that pctiplt' touting nut nt thr woods and out of thr mills ot ( Irrgiin an: going to hr i .mir i i imputrr operators 11 l mi vr worked in thr woods tm 20 years you're not going to want in work in an otiii r Hut it wr (an find srt undart wnoiiprodut ts |obs and it we can use srt mill grow th tiinhri as annthri alternative that s a portion ol thr answer i sports air .mothrr portion ul thr answer t'hrrr's no sin glu answri ttlrgon s population will grow diamatii ally over thr nryt tin adr Wr nrrtl people to build houses, to tin»lil high t\ at s t\ e hat r no shortage ol opportunity lot good tamily jobs in Oregon ovei the next det ade Ur vr got to in.Iti It those workers who mat eventually lose their limhel (tills and lind those alternative jobs Ioi them I think tt r i an mat< h (hose winkers and those jobs ovei thr next It'tt vrars. hut not il wt1 illm I bogin planning I )IU 11 In ~.h take thi' stands niakf positivi- illiferent ns tin people .mil tm tin' stall' I liavt- lint Infu alraitl nt tin* hard issues I have imt liri'ii alranl In laki' i nntrm ei stal stands wilt'll I hi'lli'Vt'd that tlit*v were right Ini l lit■ >41 > 11 m win'll I hi'llcvt'd that thr\ welt' tin- right 1 1 v i I 11 hi 'rt it>s 1 hi tin's I halt- hfi'ii tlii'ir and I haw ht'i'ii open and publlt about ms ilfi isiuiis I think tin’ last thing people nffii in Oregon is soint'unt' w hti is wtshs vvashv in sunn' nni' vvliti is afraid 1 il tinigh den sums nr tough 1 hint ns. Wo lift'd someone who has the courage to Ifad Oregon and nut Ills! stand ill thn 111itltlIf nt tin mail, waiting Oregon 1 an t at lord to go hat kwartl right now DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDS! Ill’ PIZZA 342-8111 TINO’S • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzastogo -cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon -Thurs 1 1 00 Midnight Frl. 11 00 1 00 a m Sal 5 00 1 00 a m Sun. 5 00 1 1 00 pm PAUL NICHOLSON FOR CITY COUNCIL, WARD 4 • Environmentally & socially responsible government • Meaningful citizen participation • Safe and cared-for campus neighborhoods PAUL S CAMPAIGN NEEDS YOUR HELP. please call 683-2667 John Volmert Treasurer. Authorized by Paul Nn.hoison Paul foi hv Paul N»« fmivut It.i t it'. ( ount tl 2Hth I wqcn«- (IK 9/Ki l