I ' Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help Just call 686-7372. The Hating Disorders lYoi'ram at Saered Heart ■■■■■■■ h takes two to Tangle! David Fletcher is part of the merge! 11th & Patterson ]/ 343-1637 REPAIR Bosch Authorized Service • Gasoline Fuel Injection • Anti-Lock Brake Systems • Diesel Fuel Iniection • Electrical Systems • Hybrid Ignition • Electronic Systems • Accessories Tune-ups • Brakes Japanese cars also 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 485-8226 V Regional Roberts ( onliniu'd from Pago 1 Drmix r.it uutwni.itnriul t .iiulnl.itc ll.irh.ir.i Kubrrts utlrrs .1 /irtnirrssii r suit", lux .1 s .1 mrthiul tit tin.im inn hit;lift rthn .itmn housing medii .1! 1 mi' and util ities. u Itii li .Hr (hi' basis til sur vival Ini anyone It's got tu have .1 11 j\\ 1111 min' lax t rciiit . 1:11 i till' Mil ll.ls 1:1 il |i. III' 111 thi ii nisi it ill inn si 1 tli.it nnh tin' people 1 ,111 1 hange those things It must In- .i s.lies lax ilr signed tu put that 111 plat e anil tin'll make siiie that It is i mu Hi It tt'il tu property tax rebel 1 have 1h-i n .1 strung supporter ut that kuni 111 sales tax uii • I'lflJ II takes part ut lilt- burden nil ul prupertv tax and also gives us suiiie flexibility with tun 111 1 mne tax tu fund tilings that are nut lining funded through that s\ stem 1 )/II ire funds Irani /offer n s a rrluiblf sunn e of tin mne UK 1 lull in sume uid 11 a linns that those kinds of funds mav I mg in tu diminish in ()re gnu And that s nut an unium mmi lai tm 111 states where thev have had lotteries till a lung t line It mav he a good source foi building higher education buildings Hut I'm tint so sure tm the long term that it reallv r eluents Oregon's commitment to higher ed OUI I low iibniil tuition in I /eases ' Sboulil sfm/enfs hr re quinni to cuntinut' tu pav ///ore loi thru rdui .itian 1 UK: I think is higher ed i nsts get higher and higher it you want higher lai nltv salaries, bettei equipment. hettei lei hm 1 al lalis and nthei things like that every body's going to i arrv a part ol that load It means th.it state govern mi nt will spend mute income t.ix on that It means we will put more resean h dollars in ami grant dollars in that and I think it lollows that along the mad students will have in i leased tuition 1 think there's a [joint .it whit h we have to examine whether out publit education system is publit anymore it tllllllills Viet so high that thev begin lo i ut people's abililv away bom staving in Oregon's higher ed sv stem So I think we've got to wall h the lev el .1! vs till ll those till tions rise 1)1)1 Do van see wav s hi#ht‘r mini .ilmn 1 .111 bet/er lultill its mission without irure.ised tun/11 tin ' UK : It s v ei v hard v\ itliout in i leased funding There's only one uthei alternative that I know ot and that's to begin to 1 ut at 1 ess to the sv stem And that may bet nine a reality as Oregon’s population grows And there's more and more pressure on our higher ed msti lotions tot student need. I think it’s ( leal that there will he [ires sure to look at 1 apping the number ot stadmits I think we want tu have a verv i aretul balum e about look tug at Oregon and suddenly saying we re going to tap the student population I would want to look for othei alterna layes tirst before I did that 1)1)1 Abortion has hm unit' .1 ke\ issue in in.tin pulith ,il raies U/iaf is your position here UK: 1 li,i\ c been .1 pro < linn e person lot .is long 11 s I i.in re inembei I believe in ,1 woman's riKht to choose 1 believe it is m>! a government ilei ision. hut a personal and private and mot al dei ision ot every woman ( )/ U I'llrir a/e j)flltii)ns 1 II 1 uLitinp 111 tin• utalv to iml a mr.isun• on tin■ h.illot th.it imulil rrqunr pnrrnt.il notihi a tion hrturo ,1 minor 1.111 luno.in .ibortion Ho sou support this UK: Well. I'm a parent and a grandparent and personally 1 wouldn't like to think one of my 1 hildren hav ing an abortion w ithout m\ know ing it Hm there is even mil ii at ion that the large maturity probably met 00 percent ol voung pen pie even under 1 urrenl law who decide to have an abut lion tell then parents they 're going to have it And I think that s good I 'm i oik ei tied about the .' 01 8 01 1(1 pen ent w I10 (don't tell) loi reasons that are very per sonal w I10 hav e to deal w ith (hones where liuest is in voh ed 01 brutality has been in volved 111 a home I don't think the one on tile ballot is the right one I think w e need In look ti 11 way s to on courage cornmunii ution he tween young people with those kinds ol problems and their parents Hut in some house holds v\e i an t guarantee that 1)111. So 101/ oppose p.nrlitill untiln .it 1011 ' Turn to Roberts, Page : EMU CULTURAL FORUM & CAMPUS COMMUNITY TASK FORCE : PRESENTS: An Evening of Rhythm and Blues Saturday, May 12 Field west of Hayward Field Doors open (5:00pm Show starts 8:00pm The Lloyd Jones Struggle Barbara Healey and the All Nighterz Curtis Salgado and the Stilettos UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 1STH 683-5577 loll fret' I H00 HH8-1700 Hours H.-00 to '> 10 M I ‘1:00 lo I 110 S.il Lowest Fares Anywhere All M.tjor Credit C.irds A( < opted