__C omm u nity OSPIRG chapter meeting tonight MKKI'INC.S Sludent CampaiRii lor Disar mami'nt will meet tonight .it t> in tho basement of the koinonia ( enter. 1414 kinc aid St Inc idental l ee Committee will meet tonight at <'• is 1 over the best majors and 1 nurses and learn how to pie pare fur the l.SAT Sponsored i>y Arademu Advising S Stu dent Servk es A CD-KOM tutorial on the Sin ml Si lenee Index database w ill he held \\ ednesdav muni mg at 111 to m the Referent e Department nt the Knight la brarv E10ction j<>n|inut>() |r<>m p,^>‘ ing the Willamette (ireenwny ,ind adapting t it\ programs to intuit needs ul tamilies. youths seniors, women and minorities Robinette advot ales the pro posed Riverfront Research Park and a strong University as es sentiei parts ot the lot al econo mv. In addition, he believes that to ensure et onomit headh through u age pay ing jobs, "we must not make decisions that rest! It t the a\ adabilitv of silt b jobs. Mom/ is a » ounseloi v\ ith the Sat rtid t leart Adolest eiit Re covery Program and he seeks to broaden the tepreseiitatiou ot leatieiship on the i its t mint d In addition Mom/ said he would like to set1 a stabilized local et ononis supported by environmentally sound bust nesses Another goal would be supporting AAA baseball anti U orltl I lot key League teams, as well as bringing the 1 ‘ »J Olympic trials to Kugftie. be salt! In Ward to whit h comprises the Hethel I ktnebo area lilt aim bent anil I ’diversity sfudent Hobby l been is running against Immersion^ ( onlinufd from Pagf 4 Tin? nrvvrst of hugrnr s rxisting primarv si hool iimnrr sion programs tin* others an* 1 rent h and Spanish N upn (iakut*n sought but did not add kindfigartfii lanirsr (iianonnc said, dm* to budget t onstraints Hut she dors have budget inonirs to add third grade next \pdi and rxpand to fifth grade as tins \rai’s stiuiruts advant r ,n i mml.ini Darrell (Irundman (ireen was appointed ti> the i 11u11 ( i 1 in eurlv 1‘IH'I ami is a member ul several ( nmiTUttees iiu lulling tin- I lum.m Rights rusk I » SAT MAY 12--3 30 PM--@ THE MILLRACE $10.00 ENTRY FEE PER TEAM mu -tom ivrpfi-nMTioN caii 346-3711 SPONSORED BY THE EMU REC CENTER CITY VIEW AUTOMOTIVE Volvos A Specialty Klin trit at Work Alternators St.liters Hiak.es I tinu U|iv Reasonable Kates VOLVO 1 l 4 > ( .11\ \ li-\\ I Ui-ciii- ()K 't ' HI.’ Il.r, It.' MIVIN I UtM. 'l (Mrs Kxpt'rifiu i VH )\1) A'l s | HK( H (,M ( K11 ) s Luncheon Specials Szechuan Chicken Noodles Hot & spicy $3.95 i \r\t h > / fit l CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H7‘) I 1 5th 54 5 28 5.' 1/2 PRICE ODE PERSONALS I WHO ME? TO ALL GREEKS DURING GREEK WEEK May 14-19 Room 300, EMU 346-4343 ^ YOU CAN eAr Spaghetti S2« Every Tuesday PIZZA PETE’S 2673 Willamette I; UNIVERSITY DAY MAY 17, 1990 ij 12-12:55 j; Opening Ceremonies ;j Fenton Hdll Steps j! Tree Planting !; 1-5:30 || Work at Job Site ; 1 4:45-7 Ice Cream Social ;! at EMU : 7-10 Blubinos Concert ; \ at EMU :;