University Students angered by program cut University's decision to drop American Studies leaves many wondering By Marina Swain Hmerald Contributor Amt?ri<.an Studies (wadiiati" Teae hing Fellow Kevin Donald looked around the DmversiU and does not like he sees "It reflects a direct interest toward the hard si iem es and business and a neglee t ol the liberal arts. ' Donald said "I see the ai tual demise ol certain areas ot liberal arts at the I ' Diversity In partir 11 lor. he is saddened Its the I 'niversi tv's decision to r ut the American Studies pro gram I hiiversitv offii nils rei emtlv annoiini ed the i Insure of the five-year-old program this fall Pile plight of AMS majors is a prune com ern ot Donald who is nearing his second year of teaching lor the department "They're the ones paving for their educa tion a well rounded education.' he said Yet the administrators of higher education seem to be biting or i utting ol the hand that feeds them With tuition set to increase In 10 percent next year. AMS major |av I’enthein wonders w here the money is going In fact. I’enthenv said he asked this question ol Arts and Si iem es ai twig dean Theodore Palm er He and a group ol students intercepted the dean before he entered a meeting Wednesday night "lie evaded every direct question." I’enthenx said "lie pointed the finger of blame elsew here but he said he made the dei ision However. Palmer said the students seem sat islied by his answers The meeting which was to determine the course of American Studies, was inconclusive, he said Further meetings arc* planned to address the issue of next year's limit ed offerings, he said "There's no question that we will be provid ing a program." Palmer said What shape the weakened program will take is unknown but it i learlv will only be temporary, lie said The I'm versitv will continue the program through next year to permit AMS majors to continue their c oursework and complete' then degree's by newt spring Pellthi'iiv and other e aine 1‘ini'd students have' be‘i‘11 lobbying to keep the Studies pro gram sinei' they heard it was in danger two months ago We made petitions, phono t alls and person al visits i’onthenv said They didn't really take any i onsidoration of students IVntheny estimated that 10.00(1 students en rolled in (ore i lasses during the past five years This generated approximattdy $r>00.0(M) in tin lion, he said "It's surprising to me that they ( an find mil lions to build si ieiK.e complexes and vet can't find $1117.000 to fund the Amerii an Studies pro gram." " Penthem said Pentheny referred to a departmental budget figure that includes a tenure professor seven (I l l s .1 sei rotary and everything from films to paper i lips American Studies (i'l l Mu hole ('.onto is wary of what form the i utbai k program may take "It’s like yyalting for the a\ to fall " she said I don’t think it s a farsighted dei ision (lonte pointed out American Studies is flourishing ' bat k Mast Their programs are growing,"' she said ( .onto said other Pacific 10 si hoots such as the I "niversitv of (laltfornia at Berkeley and Washing ton State l'Diversity are attempting to implement Anierii an Studies as part of their i urriculum "It's a shame when they're putting theirs to get her. we're dismantling ours.” she said (lonte has been a (I'll for the program the past four years but she said the removal of the program at counts for more than |ust a personal loss "We know all the majors personally ." she said, of tile approximately till students who in tend to receive AMS degrees It's very much a family (lonte is especially concerned for sopho mores y\ ho v\ ill bay e to at i derate their studies to i omplete their major before the program is entire ly shut down 'What are you going to do u ilh a thesis yy i it ten a year and a half early 7 (lonte asked And who's going to read it?" Normally the head of the department and an other professor of a similar stihjet t read through theses Most are written during a student s last term of study and are supposed to reflet t a i ulini nation of knowledge in a particular subject, site said Senior AMS m.i|or I.eroy Ale said he feels embittered by the l 'niversitv "s det ision to i tit the program although he w ill graduate this lime "1 guess the I.u ultv thought tins major is use less so I ye been going to si bool for nothing, lie said Speak Out! Tell it to the president. All students are invited to an open forum with President Myles Brand, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 9, Room 1 50 Columbia Hall. Speak out. It’s your future. Miitii-nttin Mdifc’iu1/ hvn her, I hn\ r.» , ( >//ui \IUiL nt\ 1. meet u ith (hi1 {neruLnt in diseuss issues, *f mutual e< ’>u . ni What Can You Buy For 50