Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Greens create spectacle to increase awareness
Bv Anastasia Goodstcirt
! hr Youth (herns havr ( omr
together .is a i hapter ot the n.i
11on.11 Youth (herns m a re
spouse to the la< h of radii al
i reative ai lions in loi ai Karth
\\ rrk events
Farth 1 )av was hei timing a
corporate Disneyland with Du
pont and the I mited States I oi
est Service advertising as rnvi
ronmentalisls (ieorge Hush
and Margaret Tliati her wore
their "hello I'm an environ
mentalist" name tags and led
the parade riding the thing
I Jumbos
So the Youth Greens del uled
to kick oft this weeklong event
In injecting a dose ot reality
into the veins ot the I niversity
i anipus The i outposting ot the
Farth Week Khlorado and the
unrei voluble i.onsumet trash
inside was supposed to symbol
izr the waste involved in our
i itrrent patterns ot cunsump
turn and tei hnologv
llns stulf simpiv was not
compostable ot ret vi lable (Jin
ait yeas intended as a constant
reminder ot the growtli and
ft ononiii evploitation lh.it has
brought us tu tins et ologu al
( risis a s\sti'in vvhii It wo are
all nut r*t|iialIv responsible tor
I In1 burs inn anil replanting
wore atttunpls at a svinhulii re
generation and a rt' greening ol
tlir planet nr at least a small
part ut it
The rally was composed ut .1
variety ut different groups and
actions Oregon Student Public
Interest Researi li (.roup led oil
with a recycling domonstra
lion, dumping the non ret \i la
hie non-biodegradable waste
in the 1 ar There were speakers
on the meaning ot April lt> he
mg l as Day . the intoalui tion
ot an environmental graduation
pledge, the meaning ot an ui
vironmentalism" ipiite distinct
from the continued cutting
mining and pollution our so
i ailed representatives envision
and mu own speakers discuss
mg the relation ot rampant i on
sumerism. greed, and unwieldy
tec bnologv to the deslrut tion of
the plant1)
In addition to our replanting
ol the Cadillac an etligs ot
Ceorge Hush and an American
flag were burned hv some to gel
people's attention to have
them look at the reality ot what
om county is as opposed to the
unrealized idouls either thi- fl.«vi
nr nui president supposedly
Stulld till
I he media pouni i'il mi tin’
Hag horning and immi'di.iti’lv
portrayed it as tin- tm us of our
rally I tii'v itiif not give an ado
quati' ilrsi riptioll of mu a< lion,
or tlir motives liohind tnirning
I hi- flag Thu Amt'rii an tlag is a
symbol of equal opportunity
and freedom and pistil e tor all
Thi‘ tlag was burned by .1 worn
an o! color in order to show
burning through the lie that
these ideals are being ai tual
I’fie lai t that a woman ot 1 ol
01 burned the tlag may have
sparked racist feelings which
most l-'.uro Americans have in
ternali/ed. but this woman, pist
as all oppressed people in our
country is not going ayy ay
The Horning Hush ysas also a
symbolu gesture and not an
attai k on his humanity George
Hush 1 hums to be the t .dtu a
turn President," yet he has cut
financial aid < leorge Hush
1 lailils to be the I in 11 tinmen
ltd President yet he denies
global warming in fear of los
mg lug business and supports
the timber industries which
rape out land
George Hush has been the
I .mi disturbed in tlif rn i“iit
published responses I DDE.
( ,roli lion \\ omit April I. .mil
!\it Anolfn Aptil 'ill i unc i-m
lug tin* burning ut tin* Aiiu*ri
i ,111 tl.iv; April II* It appears to
ino both Ainillii a ml Wendt ilo
not i iimplotolv understand oi
.ippi»*i ifiti* ili,- Irooduin hi1 pus
M-ss horn in llio I S
As Americans wo are given
tin- froodom to protest (ho gov
enimenl's ,n lions .mil polices
u ithou! tin* tliro.il ut imprison
monl or tlio fo.ir ol lining shut
()m pi on igal i vo lo liurn the
Amorii an llag is tin* personifi
cation ut wbat this i uuntrx
stands tor and what it guaran
tees for its ( it mens
l o han tin* burning ol a piece
ol material u hii h represents
tho I S is to make a mm kerv
ot out Iroodom It certain ob
jei Is aro plai od out ut tin* roai It
ol tho average oilmen and aro
allowed to bo tom hod on I \ at
tho discretion ol governmental
regulation, thou wo certainly
do not possess tho freedom the
hast (airmans and the Chinese
aro supposedh vo,lining to ob
tain l or d that is our freedom
then it is remaik.iblv, close to
tho repression Chinese students
wore protesting against a year
As a matter ot t.u t, they died
because they wore burning
their flag and wore protesting
against their government II
these recent letters are any in
(ix «tt ion. then \\ e are also
ama/.ingh close to instituting
tin* iin.ith penallx t<n (lag
burning Please t * * I! mu th.it
Ui.it is not thu kind ot troudom
Amerii a is mining to repre
As tor thu A merit an dm,mi
being burned .it thu stake it is
ii.iidl\ .1 result ot .I tew people
burning .in Amern.an Hag m
protest of governmental poli
cies Kather. I would suggest it
is t result ot some governmen
tal polic ies <it .in apathetit
public and ot a tew well mean
ing. but misguided individuals
who seek to take awa\ our tree
I'atrii ia Deem
Not naive
I would like to respond to the
editorial ton. timing liallot
Measure t> [1)1)1! April d \1
though the initTillll endorsed
the measure it was also i ailed
Km .imaging students to take
serioush then ]oh .hones li\
considering the so< i.il and en
vironmental consequent es ot
those choices is anything but
naive Kather it is a i nil tal
part o| edm ation licit is not be
ing addressed nearly enough
on i ampus
I believe that most people
would not purposefully use
their eilucation to harm the en
vironment or others However.
The Men of Paradise!!
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must ut the world's sin ini .nut
environmental problems are
not llic result ot international
m.ilii e Rather people just
aren't eiim ateil about the po
tential effects ot then ai lions
and unintentional tragedy te
Tile pledge is onh a pie< e ot
paper, but mi hope is th.it it
will make people think and
motivate them to investigate
am potential employer
Katin I ay lor
Pledge ( o-org.ini/ei
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Looking tor a good deaP
Check the Emerald ADS
leader nl .1 .«i on drugs whi< li
has ended up being .1 war on
inner ( 11\ residents and people
of 1 olor IU burning bis 1 .ml
board etligv we burned bis
hvpot risv and lies which have
sedui ed the entire 1 ountrv into
file ton lung ol the ( adlllat
was a reai lion against the rails
and ,11 turns The file put pen
pie's safetv and health in dan
gel and spewed some i|Uile
tnvii smoke into the air and
lungs ot tin- fighters It also,
sadlv destroved a number ot
plants and trees, and the soil 111
the car Hut after the fire the
Youth C.reens and Survival
( enter part it ipated in a set ond
painting and planting ot the
i ar
It anyone saw our display as
uglv or garbage tfi.it s great1
That is w hat we intended I he
Ugliness we pniTlaved is the
ugliness ul .in environment
Hearts .ill of us put ourselves
into evers (l.ts tile monster
ut consumption, waste and in
notation the priv ate v elm le
And the ugliness ' of that
s\ mhotii i ar oni e Ion heel to a
shell in a lather unintelligent
ai I is the ugliness ul toxit
waste dilnips i wen row (led
prisons i le.u t uts and i.rai k
hahies that we links ones here
III i lean green luigeite don't
w ant to see
The ugh garbage" has heen
remov ed bill we hope vs e v e
demonstrated that a little hu
man creative expression |our
art) and a little natural he.tuts
(a small garden) can begin to
transform and re green the real
garbage vvhii h is strangling the
)n.is/,ism (,'ooi/s/eiu is ,i mem
lift i>/ tin‘ ) niitli (.roens
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So once they started talking. I |ust remained
motionless, taking in every word 01 course, it was
lust pure luck I happened to be a fly on the wall