Editorial Peaceful weekend shows possibilities Happily, tlie* worst tears of police officers, commu nity leaders and l 'Diversity administrators failed to ma terialize this weekend On the one year anniversary of last Ma\ s first e onfmntation between students and po lice over parties, things were pretty quiet in Eugeni Many people cxpei ted trouble this holiday week end A palpable resentment lingers on c arnpus ovei the March tl police-student run-in. where tear gas was used (loud weather was expec ted, going into Eridav. and Saturday was (unco de Mayo, the Mexican! day of independence. To corral the trouble. Eugene pulie e planned extra patrols ASI'O President Andy (liaik and student re sponse teams were ready to intervene, as was t 'Diversi ty President Myles Brand. Other student and 1'mverxi l\ groups planned special events to decrease- the c bailee of restless c rowds forming otf-c arnpus Most of these efforts were sun essful. espec iallv in tin- wav they were' handled, and so are deserving of at tention and c omiuendation The polic e and student re sponse teams worked great I he i arnpus events wore less sin c.ess'ful On Eridav. polic e* did have to roll m to disperse a party c rowd at 14th Avenue and Patterson Street The polic i- appeared to ban* gained some sensitivity to ear lier c omplaints, they showed up w ithout the intimidat ing riot gear that had been used in prev ious encoun ters After watc lung the si me lor a while they contact ed < lark and Bland Through their combined, peaceful efforts the 2IH) to )()0 people- were- moved on with no troubles That's .in encouraging sign that police- and stu dents don't have- to rumble Less encouraging is tfit lac t th.it at the same tone polic e were i ailed m to Pat terson Street, about -in0-r>00 people were enjoying the un-campus events sponsored b\ MLLliA. the Lhic.a no Latino student union. MLt.'hA put on a weekend c elebration of non-alco holic feasting and dam mg to redeem the good name of Linen de Ma\n. which was unfairly sullied In associa tion with last year’s disturbance. Eor MELhA it was a sue i.essful event but lor all the community members, families and students in attendance, off-c ampus parties still oi i lined More telling is that University Housing’s planned mm ale iihnlic alternative*, Springfest. drew much smaller c rowds Hie University c an get involved with preventing off-campus party v. iolence by sponsoring al teiuativc events, hut it seems likelv that il the* people c aosmg the problems are going to he dttrac ted to these eoiitndled events, alcohol will have to he- involved in some reasonable wav All this is not to take away limn University Hous ing m Mid :h.\ feu tr\ mg. or hum the completely com mendable work of tin- police, community. Clark and Brand The weekend ended on a positive note, and so should the public assessment of it Oregon Daily _ _ Emerald I* «I K«i\ 'l‘i F ufrix l >i i f"' ** 1 * > .■ . l 1 . .it V la, !* • . f • My ••• 'v' 1 •• . .•■.4m wee* ,vul ,« it ions hy IhO 0f*’ i ' Daily § it H*ra 1 Put -shun; C. at If • University •.>! Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independent'>■ •>? the University Aith other:*'. ■"» the tn • ! * - it the fcrt M." . ■ ..I U" ' I- - .i .’‘t*e» ot the A-.- . uited Pr.--.-. the Emer.iM is private property The uni.i*hd removal or use of papers s pr <$ • utable by la a Editor T r • e Pr. a> Managing Editor A .> vVhr«- »••• Nows Editor > * • ’ ; ’ H a Editorial Editor P*‘!c'-, Sports Editor T-.i y :iumni-i Graphics Editor Mao vi«-- Supplements Editor l a . .i Encore Editor Ker.u We*- Night Editor A • Associate Editors Community H ;\a** Student Government Activities a’' h ia • , Higher Education Administration ’ tv * " Features • Reporters Job- A-- v.id«* Peter t'.«gsA. A *e, * Da- I - " S?epf>a*-.e H< a d e * ..J.l lay-.- i aM‘h-,h »’a* Ma i ’ Mepha-’-»- M-- i • • ‘itvesiMiJ A .• T f'iirnt >r Photographers r i M i t 't > Advertising M<. - Be' at- Ma* H* ' > • ►••a,- *>tt M A. , A • . 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M . a • P.r ■ • a ' A a Me •'{■«* - Ted She; >•' ••• V* smith ( ad- Pta** Mad ' T h-.-l Jennifer Tv as J let Via e ;■ t V\ * :ti- hi- y V*» a" General Staff Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager M • • Advertising Coordinator t Classified Manager ' Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 34b SS11 Classified Advertising 34b 4343 Display Advertising 346 3712 Production Graphic Services 3A6 4381 ■m 5iSd»J V ^7 soon THQ WOPLD Wi'LL em, Tomoppew. iVr -*1 ,•.* “ Letters Cut out Once again the budget a\ tails .it the t 'nis ersits rutting vet another liberal arts pro gram Administrators have de (ided that the American Stud ies program is not worths of the S 1 .‘H 11(10 budget allotted to it and w ill theretore he cut or phased out Director Sam thrgus has tab eii a position at another t niver sits not surprising considering the lack of support the AMS program has rei eived tisi .ills and otherwise It has been de termini'll (lirgus will not he re plar ed. evcm though it would take half of a fust seal hidings inslrtu tin s s.dais to till the po sition rile future of the AMS pro gram is uiu le.u even der ision making administrators seem r onlused about what will he i time the iii majois 7 (. 1 I s and program ser retars Not to mention the >1)1) plus students enrolled in the 101.102 III I se lies who need to complete the sequent e I guess tlies can |usl lind a new cluster Perhaps (lies i aii squeeze into an over i row ded I ngllsh ( lass What about the majors':’ It's been suggested that it ssould Ire easiest tor us to tind a new ma jor ()h ()L. it’s |ust our life and future The l mis ersits is held up as .i liberal arts school vet liberal arts programs are continually esperiem mg ( uts in stalf and budgets Where is the ohliga turn and i ommitment to stu dents? 1 tried to ask Ms Ies Miami. hut he was m lapan I lie Dean ol Arts and Letters might have had an answer, hut he is m Lurope IIminin Karen Slenard Amerii an studies For Bell 1 know sv esc been oca ups mg our time and energies ss ith campus elections hut noss it s time to foi us our attention on the primars elections coming Mas 15 1 rei entlv had the opportuni ts to listen m on svhat Marie Hell, candidate tor state repre seutathi' Dislrir.l 4 1. was tell ing .1 group of senior citizens She expressed some of her i on i erns .Old then took the time to listen to them .is the\ revealed then needs I was impressed We need more publir servants repre senting us in Salem and fewer polite urns She expressed great concern that the 1‘IH‘t hegisla tore failed to follow its own priority agenda (funding edm a tion, iedm ing burdensome propertx taxation and fixing workers' compensation) hv not considering the funding of these important issues until it would require a break in the spending limitations we the |leople viiled on Hell is i ommitted to greatei honestx the issues ol priinarv imprrrtanr e to the members ol Dislm t 41 and makes onl\ one campaign promise to listen represent work hard and report bar k to bet constituents The t niv ei sit\ i ampus is in District 4 1 and so is Bell She has lived here tor the last 22 Neats going back to the da\s when she was a student (and a graduate) here She has gone through what we are going through, and today is prepared to assist and represent lls in Sa lem After watt lung her in ai tion. I'm convinced she should tie given that opportunit\ and David Dix he sent somewhere else to he a polilu ian Tamara Murtensen Kugene For Girgus I'he recent dissembling of the Amerii an Studies program by the University is an insult to students and far uItx We have lost Religious Studies ami the restructuring of Speech and ( ainimunn atinn is imminent I feel betrayed and violated by the administration of this sm aller! institute of higher edu i ation 1 have worked it) hours a week while attending r lasses full time at the t’niversit\ Mv edm ation is not something I take lightlx nor is the time anil inonex that I have put into it All 1 ask for in return is a tii verse multi r hanneled. learn ing experience W hat 1 have hern given is .1 mass of gradu ate sludimls teaching basil lib oral .ills and si innu's The quality of instruction is often undesirable and mv options are dramatii ally du milling I have. however, had the ex treme pleasure of attending a provocative and highly intelli gent class taught In a pub lished. full time professor l)r Sam Cirgus For the last three terms, at)l) people have sat with me in this i lass and witnessed a man who loves his discipline lus job. and his students (Signs sings to us makes us laugh, tails us b\ name, and most importantly teat.lies us The destrut turn of the Amen i an Studies department is a grave insult to this man. his countless hours ol dedication and everv student who has been bn kv to benefit from the passion with w hit h this pro gram has evolved Fven those students who are not involved in the program should be outraged In the con sistent mistreatment and be traval prat tit etl by the adminis nation of this I Iniversity I urge all students to make yourself heard and to demand our rights to a multi i ultural. diverse, and well rounded edut ation Kerrie Harr Business administration No talk The American Studies pro gram has been killed due to an administration that is blatantly uncommitted to education While the Dean of Arts and S( i ernes lounges in Furope until the end of summer, and our president Myles Brand was off tor a month to )apan, our Amer ican Studies program has been dropped with no disc ussion Never mind that the AMS program is the only major whit tl integrates courses in the true liberal arts tradition and that this integration is the so tailed "platform” behind Brands presidency Action speaks louder than words and the administration refuses to even talk folu Cooper American studies