Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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Peace climb team reaches summit
SI A ITI.I. (At1! 1 Ilf sc .ilmn ul Mtuml hverest
by six i limbers from ?lie I 'nited St.lies, t hm.i and
the Soviet Cnion is testament to what i an be at
tompltshed through international cooperation
and friendship expedition leaders said I uesdav
"1 think the best word is ecstatic l.serylrodv
here has got huge grins on then laces and we li
vers, sets happy Ibis is really a great ut.com
plishment said Warren Thompson, depots
leader ol the so called 'Mount l-.serest Interna
tioual I’cmc e ( limb expedition
rhumpson spoke tii a [less s c onfeienc e here s la
telephone pale h from base i amp at the terminus
of Main Kongbuk (.lacier in libel eloxalion
| ' lot) feet rile lligllt beltlle Stes e (.all ol
Woods ( ieek ( olo Hubert lank ol Ashford
Wash and I svo climbers each from tin- Sirs n-t
('moil and (lima had reached the .Pi.iiJH foot
summit of Mount l-.setest. the ssorld s tallest
I In Mount l-.serest lnteination.il I’eac e ( limb
expedition ssliuli began ill I ebruars . ssas billed
as an attempt to lostei internatiimal goodwill
I'llc- \meric an climber, and Serges \rsentie
and ( uigors I imiak os of the sos n-t I nion and I la
( heme and (.Sal Hu ol China leac lied the summit
at 0 I ! p ill 1*1)T Sum las •• sped it ion li adei I Oil
Whittakei said bom advanced base camp at
! . t.Ci fee!
Sis to eight more c limbers trom the three c nun
tin - wen- I., attempt tin summit this ss n -k
A brief video containing still photographs of
Sunday A asi etit was plased at the ness s coniei
ei it c- In ,ic i o m pa ns mg audio. (.all ss.is hen id ex
i I,liming to Whittaker via radio I II lie
goddamned d sse re not on 10(1 ol tile ssorld here
Se( mills latei It s halms up here
Whittaker said the six i limbers reai bed the
summit in good condition and spent almost an
In nil ill dead i aim ss eat lie!
Thompsim '••ml Ih*‘ six gave ear h othei big
hugs ,tni! slaps on I hr b.n h took photographs
.out pi.mini II,ms from thru respet.live i inintrirs
Ix torr desi ending to ( amp
I think they i laspnl thru antis arouml one an
othn in |uv ami frinnlship, and I think that s r\
acth w hat nr want to aranmplish hctwrrn na
lions.' Thompson said
Whittakrr was asked d the I'xpnlitinn had ai
t nmpiished the goal of fostering international
goodwill Hut Ills radio transmission broke up so
I hoinpson responded
I think the answer to that is an overwhelming
'vrs We've got two people from eat.It ol the
three I outlines (on the summit), and I think we ll
have a lew nioie on the summit before we leave
I he returning i limbers used duffle bags to haul
down debris tell on the summit in previous as
tents It was a wav ul det hiring support fot lie
world cm ironmentai movement
I'lle i limbers also hoped to t ontai t their re
spettiv.inline If.ldfis Iriltll tile mountain
summit but i limb ever utive direr tor !hamie Rob
ells ill Seattle 'aid slit did not know if tiler wele
sin t esslul
Whittaker ol Holt low mend \\ ash was (lie
fu st \merir all to set foot till tile Mount I Vt-iest
summit in lot. i
lit, si 1 mil! it!!! ev|H‘ditkm leatures live
mountaineers eai b Irtiiii the i luted States, t liina
and the Soviet liunn su|iported by a host ol
, amp otlir ials, dui tr>is totiks. translators ami
new s media
I he pear e t limb was organized to r oinr ide
with tins summer’s (loodwill (.allies in Washing
Inn state anil tile JUtb aimiversarv t elebratinns ol
I .ulli I lav last month
Hie i limbers bad hoped to re,it h the summit lw
1 ,utli I),i\ April but unfavorable weather and
sit kness delaved a summit attempt on that date
Bill mandating family leave
may be vetoed by f3ush
U \ SUIN'! ■ 1 ()\ I A I’) President Hush will veto am lull re
(juiri ng employers to give tunc t>11 !c> svoikers w ith new babies
nr family illness White House Chief of St,ill |ohn Sumimi
told husiness leaders Monday
Summit threatened am version ol the pending "famih
lean- hill that would m.md.ite su< h an employee henefit ai
eording to husiness group lobbyists who attended a White
House meeting with him Alive (den deputy White House
spokeswoman, later ( onfirmed lie had made sue h remarks
I he family and medii al leave ac t would reipiire businesses
with ai 'a more employees to offer unpaid time off for Ihe
(are ol newborn newly adopted or seriously ill children, as
well as to deal with personal health problems or to tend ill
spouses or parents
I he lull w hit h has bipartisan support is scheduled lot
House ai turn Wednesday It s opposed bv the t S ( liambei
of ( omnien e and other business lobby ing groups
Sponsors of the legislation denounced Sununu s veto
tli i eat
it would he most unfortunate it my party. wdiich so strong
1\ supports family values, were to turn its back on wmsdng
families. women, t hildren. grandma and grandpa said Hep
Maie.. Koukema ot New Jerses . the ( hiet Kepuhlu an sponsor
Its not | list a mandate it's a job set uriW issue foi w or king
\t.u\ Inyenncr. a lobbyist foi the National Assoi iatiou ol
Wholesaler Distributors said businesses opposed flu measure
ho, ansi ot Its I ost and ( (intended that mam employers al
reads ollei better beiielits
l ayennei and l hristine Kussefl. lobbs 1st tor the I S ( ham
hei ot ( ommeri e were among the business representatives
invited to Manilas S W hite House meeting
He basically said the president would veto anything that
is a mandated benefit lavennei said
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