Regional— Worker compensation bills easily pass legislature SAI.KM (AP) Tin- Oregon Legisla lure easily passed t\\u workers com pensation reform lulls Monday m a spo rial session that lasted about H) and a It.ill hours The mail) bill si noted through the i (lumbers with more affirmative votes than even barkers had predicted I he tallies were >1 0 ill the House and 2 1-7 Hi the Senate The outcome was a major vi< lory for outgoing Democratic («ov Neil (.old si limidt The measure was a modified version of one drafted b\ a labor-management task fon t' appointed In the governor The panel began meeting in |anuarv about .1 month before (loidsi hmidt .in notini ed he wouldn't run for .1 second term The hill had strong bipartisan support from the beginning In the end even Kepuhlii .111 lawmaker voter! lor it along w ith )B of the r. 1 I)emo( rats Senate President |ohn Kitzllaber. I) Reselling said the hill makes the 'most sweeping change siru e the current workers ( ompensalion system was es lablished in 191.5 H.ukeis of the measure said it will workers bv raising some benefits and streamlining the system In rc’diii e I heir need to lure lawyers to pursue their ( l.iims l ues of the bill argued it will deny compensation to mam injured workers who now qualify Ini aid and dial there are no assurances am i nsl savings will be passed along to employers Sen Grattan kerans, D-Kugene. termed the measure the "insurance ( ompanv enrichment ar I of ltl‘10 He said the system needs reform but that "we've taken .i meat as to some thing that needs ra/or surgery I hi' measure hud strong business sup port but caused u fracture among labor unions I'he Oregon Al l (Ml) endorsed the bill, but numerous unions indivuiu ally opposed it (.oldsi hniidt. m n speei h he culled u swan song told lawmakers the main re form measure was aimed at benefiting workers as well .is redut mg costs "Toda\ . we have the opportunity to change Oregon's course to move back to fundamental values, to take i are of our workers when thev are hurt and to work harder to prevent the hurt in the first plat e " (loldst hmidt said CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODf Of net S 300 I MU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTf M f MU MAIN Of S* mull t«* paid Tor j ,* billing agree | ibi.shed For Ertll j please call j by me Emerald I « I MU MATE S Three line minimum charge is $4 SO tor the fust interlion and $.i 00 lor additional insertions DEADLINES LINE ADS 1 PM the day before put) DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS t PM two days before publication ERRORS iexulting from unclear insertion or der or hand writing will not be CO'" peniated 146 4 14 J before 1 pm ' 105 PERSONALS JACK DELAY for EWEB Public Power Public Business Hi Shelley W f'SVMiNI 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HEIP FROM F RIENDS T ree Pregnancy Tailing BIRTHRIGHT 6«7 8651 ONLY $1 A LINE!! 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