Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1990, Image 1

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■ American Studies, Page 4
■ Campus announcements. Page 5
■ Softball meets OSU. Page 8
_ _ Oregon Daily_ _
l ut'sd.n M.i\ H |OHO
r ugfuc (Jn'nnii
\Olumc o 1 Number 1 I
University students vie for
Eugene City Council seats
Tim Laue and Bobby Croon bid
tor positions on tho May 15 ballot
B\ Hon Walker
I mcraid \sso< iate l ditor
Tun t’niversity students arc
among in candidales running
tor four available 1 ht\ ( miiii (1
scats in I lie Ma\ la clci I ion
Tim Lane a self einplovcd
i ontrai tor anti an l.nghsh anil
political si icin c inaior a! the
Vote! /
1 niversits. is wing fur the
Ward I spot, along with Kirh
.ml Briggs ,ind K.uuK M.icilon
Among l.aue s areas ol ion
i fin .in' orli.in transportation
an qualits and viable industrs
toi till* I it\
l )ur \ ision must be dins ted
lorward to reasonably ancotn
modatf thf expansion we're
tai mg. while preserving the
natural amenities and advan
tages u i' .ill apprei i,i!i' I ..mi'
Briggs is governmental emir
dinator ot tin1 laigerie ( .hambet
ill ( i imtneri i'
Issues he plans In address in
clude excessive propetls taxes
recycling, improving public
saleh increasing lihrarv I n ill
ties and lighting the use nt
\lac;l >nn,ild a legislalI ve is
sistant In Sen l .irrv Mill grad
uated hum the I mversits ss in
ter term
Ills s isinn lor laigene in
i hides building on the
strengths of active citizen pai
tu ipation, .1 i oni ern tin the eu
vironment and a regional i eu
ter lor professional and health
care service’s as well as culture
and art
Want I which represents tin
South Kugene area is 01 i upieil
h\ councilor Kmilv Si hue
1 wo i undidates are i limpet
ing lur the Ward l seat ishiih
represents northeast laigene
( its ( mini d nit inubent Knh
ert Bennett ss hose experience
has on hided support of down
toss n des e lop me i it and afford
able housing, plans to support
>ni update ill tin I .turi‘1 Hill
Neighborhood Refinement PI.in
.uni Id vvnrk lo suin' tr.ins|iorl.i
lion problems
liennelt >i ri'.il estate dcvel
opi* i .mil properK iiiaungm
also Is lltf ( 11 \ \ repleseiltrttlV e
mi thi' l..int' Ki uinn.il An Pnllu
I mu AuthoriW bum <1
Alsu running hu tin- U.ml !
spill IS P.llil \ II liolsull IIIVUCI
ul l\nil's Hu \i It- SIii>ji .uni
Paul s Hn \ i In U a\ ul 1 lie
A i.oinmuruH ,n 11\ isi loi s
Seals Ills priorities .III’ sale
neighborhoods i ili/i'ii insolse
inriit librars improvements
.uni iMihaiii mg (lit1 i its s 1111.i!i
Iv ul lit.
Another ul \n holson's goals
Is tu end "concealed l.i\ in
creases by requiring las iivc:it•
Mini! |m,ini ml urban renewal
p1111<•! Is Id bn approved b\ vul
I IHVerMts st'lllill rrst'.lll ll .IS
sin i.iti- Ken Tollen.tai i ounsel
in |uhn Mum/ .iiul attornev
base Rohtnetle arc running tin
Ward i uhuli represents
uurthcasl Kugcnc llic spot is
in t upied b\ i unite dm I iceman
I lolmer
Pullcini.ir supports tarnils
wage lulls lii pu k up the slai k
in our liunliei and wood punt
in Is sei tut .is vveil as priitei t
lurn to I lei lion. Page ">
Desk job
\l,n\ 11 h.ilru lontimirs work tin .1 e.inipuiifn desk
iii.ulr dI but !) .mil i hrrr\ .it thr l\ll Cr.itt Center
11 h.ilrn .it tended ,i w nndu iirkm^ 11, t.ss .it thr l ’iu\ersit\
hist summer
I’hnlo hv Stevr ( ,ii(l
Barbara Roberts stresses improved higher ed financing
Roberts addresses a number of
issues including log exports, tin1
spotted owl debate and salt's taxes
B\ |ot' Kitlt)
l merald Reporter
I. ditor's noli1 Oregon s t,’u
bernutorml prun.in eleitiuiI is
unh a n t-ek a teat . nod I hr ()re
.niii Daily I merald h.is talked
with tlic Inn toremost inmli
ihites about issues pertinent In
l 'ni\ersil\ students
Ibis is ,in inteniew with
Itelnet mtii candidate ll.irh.ua
Roberts from April Jt. \n in
ten lew with Republican IKile
11"hnut,t\ ei appeared Moiul.n
Oregon It.oh liner,dd I:
vour announcement speech to
run tor governor t on stuteri ihut
during vour i arret t-on i e ne\
er suit! oi .tin Oregon problem
th.it s not on job ' ) et ret ent
l\ Republican (Ir.ug Herkman
publiclv criticized vou and
line I rnhnm.n or ot being
vague on the issues the state
t.U es Are tie! kill.iris ,u tiis.i
lions tow.ud \ on valid
II. irli.it,t Kolwrts
I andidate or >e- in otln e huhiui
1 have talked about st hool h
naru e for 11) or I . \ i .ns .mil
have been a majui leader on
that issue \H positions m
those issues have lieen ( le.ii not
ullK ns st-i let.ns ol si.lie but
now .is .1 eubetiMtoiiul i .mill
\lv envimiunent.il positions
are v ei \ strong 1 i aine out ol
the Oregon legislature with .1
loo pen ent ret mil on tin envi
roniilent on all anil water anil
land use I hav i been i le.u
about un opposition to held
burning I have been a in war
opponent ot oil shore drilling
and mining
So oil eai li one ol the ninjoi
issues in Oregon, I hare been
vei \ (dear about im positions
I ve been a (undulate tor two
month* and have remlurt ed in\
long term positions and taken
new positions on probabh i
So I think Berkinan wanted
to i i it a i/e Ins own candidate
and use me as part of the abiiitv
to do tli.it
111)1 Wlii'if does (In on s
htithct riliH.itinn s\*lrin mnk
tin v our list nt iu n mill '
UK ten a •
lost it u! imis in ( lie eon it does
no good to teal h kid' well at
the high school level and then
giv e them no plat e to go in
|{.ill).ir,i Knbeits
higher i'(Jin .iIioii In Minir tic
glee VMM' lll.nlf ll hard llil
tIll-Ill In have till' kinds III (lit)
grams right here in the state
•uni iii.inv id (hegon's In i'.diti'st
students .in' iiiiliiitun.ih'lv lea\
i in; tu i * in i iillege in i it In • i
• l.ill's around (lie i omiti \
There's mi (|iifstion ivi' have
in mi reuse thf ininilii'i ul |>iist
graduate programs .it .nil major
higher film .ilinn institutions in
()lf Hi III I Ilf liiml mg Im f.H
tills members is t\a\ liflim thf
nalion.il average. I hfif s mu
i|iifsliori .ilitnit tii.it as well
Hi.it s one ul thf things we
r«illl\ Hut III (nil some emphasis
We've gnl to prioritize how
nr spent! our money in higher
edm .ttion Libraries ait- m srri
oils nerd of upgrading; ivr ir
t;ol 11-< 11 n 11 a I l.u ilities tli.it
need to tie loplat i'd or .iddetl
.11 mss tile st.ite
\\ lien von talk .ihottl edm a
lion um'vr got to talk about
the spei tmin from prosi bool all
the u.i\ to post graduate It's
got to lie all Integrated in a wav
that sav s edit! at ion at am level
e. important and him essarv and
needs to be Iutilled
\Iso, I think we v e got to II11
deist,old that those W ho ale be
i inning adults now arc going to
lie going bat k to school on a
i ontiniioiis basis It s not grad
uate from high si liooi go to
i ol lege and l|Ult 1111111 tills
point forward people ale going
to he going hai k into higher ed
ui ation on an ongoing basis
t )l >1 I jmsiih img tlir prnl)
Iritis kji/'ic just mrntiiiufil
.mil oilin', th.it hn’lirl ei/uia
tion l.u ns, /mu iId \nu primi
li/r thorn '
UK I | a ’ h ... ;t"a
heghel ed lai 111! V salaries One
ol I he i a-a in i that IIO m.lltel
what els*1 we do with the sss
tem loi funding vve i an t a!
told to lose the [lest ol out 1.11
u!tv hei ause thes ( .lift nthml
to st.iv in higher eiltu ation
I lie offers thes are aide to gel
from other states are so much
Inghei than what we ran offer
then, that thes icalls i an t a!
flirt! In sliiv III 111U11*' I I'll SIIIIII'
I )l >I I heir .ire ‘•ever,11 ,1 liter
enl of,lime, lor mi re.isiiiif llifth
ei eiluiritimi tun,hue With
siitfi’estime. r,inginf> hum mure
tuition mi reuses lotteries
s.i/es l.i\ .mil other', wh.it is
\utii i>tisituiii mi new smiries
i it tiimtiilir ’
If K : I .1111 i lime, sii| ipi h lei
nf .i progressive sales t.i\ It s
'it to have i nnstituliihi.11 pin
III I |l III' .ll*ilillsl lit\ lilts fi ll III
liirn to Roberts, h
a biography
Korn: Dei ember '1
fliii in ( ■ r\ -i I! i s. ()re
I din .limit l'i irll.i ml
Sliile l mveisiH Harvard
I imrrsilv (keitnedv
Si lion! of (,o\ ei nnietil i
M.irylliui .t i iilletie
l.speriem e I mi leu I.
■■(■( lel.tld si,ile ill f IH !
slate representative flii-4
HO Multnomah ( i hi ul \
< oimtiissionet l‘)7H
f .1 It 111V Kl'iiei I . is I. ..it
iieil In Stale Seilalm
li.ttili Roberts slti has
two sons .mil one ei.nitl