Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Frohnmayer (,,iii|nut,(iimmi
limit WHS hiokur. HoU </n Y
think tho spending lima iv.m
should ho mldrossod
1)1: i s il l that I 1 ’• ' : ■ ■ 1
should ho inoditioil to reflet t
modern tl.is es smomis realities
In light ot our evperie nt os
Hut I u i mhln I abolish il a: to
gether Iu•( ,no-" I think that's an
upon im it.ilion I- > a real twin
trout tin' polls and I si lust a*
soon astml that kind ot revolt
OP/ You s.dd .i l.irxt'r i hunk
ot thr fionorul hind should go
to hifihrr oduiution (living
mtini’X to lught'i oifui iitinn
mu,ni< tiikini; it hum snmr nth
rr pnmrnnis \\Ivit do you pm
post• to I lit 1
1)1': I'\ • hail no ' spot tom .i
m cutting and trimming has k
budgets i w as able to do that
u itliout redm mg sen is es or
las mg oil employees t hat
doesn't mean that there's a
huge pile ot lat that's sitting
out there someplas e hut I think
every program is going to have
to |u st its itsolt first
il there are some things that
ss e do I hat s\ e ought not to he
doing anymore bos ause we
t an t afford them, then I think
sve need to he stirgii al about it
|We s an) sas sve won't do this
or we'll let some other instill]
tion do il or sve s\ ill phase out
ol this program I'his is mils h
toughei to slo than to sas . hut
I'\*1 talked tu university admin
islratnrs and they recognize it
Oltli In mam gin '■rnor
i’/ci thuis .litmini the < ounti\
abortion has born ,i pnotal is
sue What is your stain e on
.ihnrlinti ■'
1)1 i taVi'! a mar .
i him is and I think the lavs
ought tu ItMX a thrill .linin'
111)/ lh ui i in 11 hi think this
issue should hr dm idrtl in thr
gun ’
1)1 ' ' ;m h t! v v.
hr iIn idl'd In the pimple dr
pending on whether initiatives
get on the ballot Hut in some
sense we've already decided it
and voted on il in the post
w hen the issue o( puhlu hind
mg tor abortion came up
i n me. choii e means I nun
seling. education and adoption
as well as the termiltatiuil sit a
pregnancy and prevention I'o
that end, I think that there is an
ultimate common ground, hut
I in afraid there will be a lot of
brutal polite s before the issue
is resolv ed
OOI It li.it is lour proposal
to solve thr tin isivr timber i n
si.s between thr ein ironmentnl
ists and the industry workers'
1)1 It is division and that s
critically important m Oregon
because v\e don’t make much
progress as a state with the
kind ol i oldll< ! that we v i
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seen One nl thr themes nt mv
i ■ 11111'.1111 iiiii need In hmlil
an internal c imsi'iisiis north
am) smith east and west Re
puhlii .in ami 1 trim a rat
It s lint I'.ISV III sulvc Im-I .Ills!'
many of the issues lie in h'dt’ral
h.mils tn del a in A i iimmnti ha
sis nl si ienfifit I n t that we i an
tills! Is line Sim mill Is smnr
pl.iir u r h.lVi* In l.n tm : u tin
human la< tm lint easy
I'hink nl the nuirtbrt nl jobs
that air at Stake ami v\ hat that
mraus m terms "I t.orise
tjueni.es to lamilk's am! turn
HIlHIltli's I don't IV.Hit tn |tl'i'
siilu nvri a state that has sud
denly he< mill- impoverished
overnight I)«•( atise all toresl
li.in est i nmrs to a halt
I don't think people have
really looked at how tile t vi le
i mild work Suppose the spot
ted owl is designated (etidan
gered| I hal i iiiihl lead to the
(-iotenti.il lit a ( milt ilt(Unt tioM
that could shut down all toresl
planning bet ansi' vuu have In
st.ii I in ei I v i*i v pus ot (dan
ntng we vi* done tin matter
how meliiulous m i .ireful it is
ot the environment is in the
ash i.ui because it won t have
considered that
So that means new environ
mental unpai I statements, new
forest plans I he I orest Serv li e
and the HI At i Ilureau ot l.and
Management i i its!; ’ ? ! sa\ r i t I u * *
how t< 1 do fills
Ur know {mm ihr rarh
imhos ih.it who ft the vviHui
priie hghtK . it is far be
\omi (hr issue i>( spotted owl
habitat and what portion of thr
old growth ought to hr saved
V\ r ail know that W * air 111 <1
(ran sit ion brt w rr n an old
gmwfh ami a k»m oml ami
third growth n minnu Ur all
know tli.st othei a-i tors of thr
et omuiiv an* still growing
( )l)/ Ih> \ ■ 'll s rr tlil s f/a/IM
flail Liking / '/a. r f/l/ougb anf/i
//lg motf hijsinrs.srs to l )rrgo/i
nesses ! ilon'l want marr
smokestacks Ur ha\r tough
rnvnonmrntal regulation*. and
1 think wr nrrtl to have the
kind of growth of mmoiiiv tli.it
is ( (insistent w ith thr kind of
livahilitv that w r treasure
Ur nrr*d to < iralr a husmrss
t 11mate here that t arses exist
mg businrssrs to r\paml \!S
ol ( In gon s job expansion all
of tin* n untiniii glow th m flu*
last tom \ rai -» lia*. < nine troin
thr rxpansion tit existing husi
nrssrs lh.it w rlr lirl r
l )/)/ /fan tio \ou ti'rl .ibout
lhr [utssihilitv of ■ / ha/i oti /og
pmdm ts
Oregon g»
rr rdm ut i
too I
'ustrv gets a told
t*umonia High
1 a prn e then
sr ihr word
exports trout state kinds and I
support congressional legist.i
lion to in.it r lii.it i t uuxtttu
tiouai reality Hnl tli.it unis
Mikes ,i sets small part ui tile
rh.it s beet! iis etsiihI .is .1 sii
lution bemuse must u( the lugs
exptirted tmin the I ’at it it
Northwest >u frmn Washing
lull and tiles would nut he (it
nia-. . t ■ uU.m.- < to the (lie
null mu! . and ( oniimitiltle.s
vs ho need it
UI n i'hrir ih mm ntmlrtih
•it ihi- l Vmersrfv tv/in are ol
\iitnn; age .mil 111111! ill thrill
nil! hr rhxihlr tn to/e in I hr
\l.n am/ Vovnmln‘r rlrt linns
It/u ihiitihi lhr\ rulr loi you ‘
1)1 ■ 1 11 e a 1 ■ ■ a 1tti 11
edm attuii and quality ill lite
that tins e.et 1 want to make
sure sse have the best possible
hitiire in the state i d ()rei;i ui
Hei (Use 1 uiVTils ed Ins self ill
higher ed in at loll lot a vs holt
dec ade ut ms lite. and I ease a
lot in the i lassiouin and I want
to given lot mole h.n k
1 want to build a future in
this stall so that ms kids and
then 1 Oitteinpor.il les ( an ell|UV
the same quality ol lite that !
k I less m (li.'i'ou svlien I grexx
Up and 1 ai.ea-d me to 1 nine ha. k
and live III till- slate
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