Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    Monday In-Depth
Frohnmayer <»niinn.-ciimmp..K>
Think of the number of jobs that are at stake and w hat that
means in terms of consequences to families and communities. I
don 't want to fireside over a state that has become impoverished
overnight because all forest harvest comes to a halt. '
— Dave Frohnmaver
UO Bookstore
13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6.00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346-4331
Get the word out with an ODE classified
lut ii in m I he tirs! [il.it e is that
you rr in .1 Iwtler position to
draw in f»■ 1 i(-r. 1 i giants
There's also tuition hut
that's alwavs a \\ 1111 card lie
cause that's always used .is a
way In fill the gap \111l ot
1 muse \ve want to make sure
higher eilui ation in ()regon
i ontiniies to he affordable
He.u in muni that yye don't
iiay e the sales ta\ y el I alk ing
about it and persuading a mu
1111 iI\ of the (Iregon elei imate
in pass it are two different
01)1 lltiW dn von r\piH l in
1 1 i/n 1111 r people til ‘it the s.l/es
!.i\ is n hat Oregon need*
lit I tin ik s\ 1 ha\ 'Ii ion
\ mi e people that the genera
turns are tied up \\ ith each nth
ei dial the elderh who are on
fixed int rimes depend on their
retiiement being supported by
a Iutmet y\01 k force that s in
elementary secondary and
higher edtii ation today
Ot)l //mi (in you propose to
ciii inrrage more phiJ.wt/im/n
l)t : I think y\ e have ti 1 shirty
people that the future ot the
state is intimately tied to the
uniess ot higher education in
the late hr ery thing from si 1
entifir advam emeut to 1 ultni.il
literal y to our position in the
global ei nmimy is tied to what
higher education in this slate
i an prn\ ide hut has not been
i:n hi tin' resourt rs to provide
01)1 /.often mone\ has
guni' to higher education in (hr
Inisi Du von see that as tontin
mug ?
I)t : i.otlrrv numo g.m
liling muni‘\ It s never .1 pro
(in'tabh* smiri r (iertamlv then
.ire oni- shot pro|('( ts or 1 apitai
construction issues ulirrc you
1 .in make .1 real 1 leai tic In m n
noinic development. .ind so
Mill look .11 that as a proji'i t bv
jirojei t basis
Hut for all the lottery dollars
in the world tli.it doesn't begin
to support the base budget ol a
single institution, let alone pro
grams I think we need to look
toi more stable sourt is ol 11 mi I -
Oil! In the p.is/ /often
mone\ Ini e\,implt■ from
Spurts Action has gone di
reeth tn the athletu depart
1)1 : But that didn't happen t<
work this time bet ause they
didn't meet their quota That's
fine, if the people want to sup
port that It that’s an offset ol
revenues that would otherwise
come troin the general fund I
don't hav e .1 quai rel with that
(>1 >1 Higher education t mild
get mure hinds d /lie spt'liding
turn to I rohnm.ner. Page ')
The Men of Paradise!!
Wed. May 9
show starts at Opm
Sfi.00 at l hr door S2.n0 011 w l ot O I I)
\\l \ ttjt. r \\vlt nmi1 tin
SCANDALS 14 $ 4“ 14 2222 C cntrnnial Bhd.
A Timely Gift For Mom1
M the's Day is May 13 ana what better way to show her you
are than with a beautiful new timepiece that will remind tier ol
y • iuve year round We otter a large selection of Esteem
taste on watt bps m a variety ot Styles to cho> -se from AM feature
trie 'ates! ' quart/ technology and (lawless < 'attnmunship
at-Hrr chon e ot classic, sporty dressy and casual looks in an
a-' i, of . oiors oaie prices go id ft May 1?
Reg $4i
$69 93
SALE $31 12 52 46