Monday-In-Depth Frohnmayer C ontinuod Irom P<>y*»‘ 1 dorsoment of the 4 pen out sales t.i\ option I'\ o made tin iommitmont I d bring h.i mi si hooi support bin k up to .it to port out minimum so wo have some properly tax ro lift I‘vi* nimo out with a pro posod ,11 lion on lho vor\ difficult issue of tho spotted owl and ot tho whole question ol how Oregon's limber econo im i .111 ho adjusted You know . I'm not in the po sition oi lotting either the Oppo sition ol i I it ics or. quite < .III dully now spapoi columnists drive this campaign (’hat's a bogus sot ol accusations and I expel t that thev II go aw ax ( U)/•, /\l hkr you In go min some ut thi' issues w ith more ilrhiil. purlii tilarh higlmi t'tlu i,it inn I In u high ol •! i>riurit\ iIn you see higher eiliiintln/i m terms ut the state's Inline ' 1)1 : 1 think llighei odui all. m and its health are ( rilical loi tho future ol the state 1 say that as a person who spent It) years as a very happy and fulfilled member of the I 'diversity ot t )i egon faculty (There is] a persistent need tor keeping talent Ur havi world i lass universities in the stale system that are suppuiled at levels y\e ought to he ash.lined ol That means yve need to make mujur invest merits in tai ulty salaries, equipment and instructional re sources avaiiahle to the stu dents at the universities \\ e need to gel the rmiversi ties to work hotter old more collahorat ively togethei We have a big system and yve can I suppi u I I III ee flagship universities 7 think we have to show pt'ople that the futon• of the state is intimately tied to the suet ess of higher education in the state. Ev erything is tied to what higher education in this state can pro vide hut has not been given the resources to provide.' — Dave I rohnmaver 01)1 \\Ill'll Mill S,M Ori'fioll i .111 I support throu tl.ii'ship uni\ risitius .in- you >.iii/ii; thu stillr should hiko uiiiphusis .m ' If >|x>ak to until vvi* hr.11 from the (liovrrnoi s Commission mi I li^liri Mtiut -it loll ill (hr Purl Kind \rr.i| Ur rxpri I to hr.II from t ha 'III HI tllr (.ill (till Du i uti h.n r .un spr t ilii pi.ins lui pmgiitms within tin• luithfi ml in .it ion svslfin tllill VUtl tillllk lli'i'll tu hr tl\ril ininii'iliiilrh 1)1 : } ti ull\ i in- i■ Uh' \ si‘< n in I is the relat lonslup he tween tin* universities .mt (hr luturt' in hr.ilth . ,nr Ur Urrd |m makr surr our s< hools .ill (lit* wa\ through grt Sllttil irilt support so !hr\ retain tlit*ir standing anti thru nbdit\ to attra. t urw fat uit\ partit ularlv a this t ohort of fat u 11 \ I logins t«» hr of irtilr HUMlt arr Hut I ha\ r a great ami ahitl mg irsptM t tor at adrmil irrr titan and for thr aulonmm of academic institutions ami I don't believr ill thr governor meddling in thr priorities nt higher rdm .itioii where tiuit in voivrs tin i . i * His first Irtt to thr intrmai guvi’riitinia' ot thr in s 111 u t ions I would want to hr guided I»\ thr pm adriit*. thr tat nil irs. thr Stair Moan) of i ligiiri Jl«iu i .iiinn I think that llim*'s a long tradition w hit ii t iov ( add si was at t used tit ha\ mg hrr.H hr.i o| m>1 inter trring with thr mtrrnal oprra lions .it i list it lit Hills l)l)l ) on t.ilkrd hunt rdm .itn >/i .mi/ \