Community I'hitlu ti\ \ mi *- Kjinnr/ I hr shiinrtl-tiliiss uinthnss ,/( lui’t’ni's Inst t hnsti.m ( hurt li .ulil hi its i l.issn huik I’hulu li\ \ iiii «• K.t hr niluiul.i '•t\ Ir interim nl the i hurt h im lutlrs .1 t in sruling puttem Church C onlmurd Iron) I’.ige "> .tiros', (lie room whispering will sound .is il they .in- sl.iiuhitt; right next to vou ■ IS one example I lie i hi mu tow or is another distuu tixe teatuie nl tin ( Inin h It w,e not part of the original design hut was added to the building in !');»!• It contains the i himes that still sound on the hour eveiv hour Members had planned to build the church on the i ornet of 11th and Wil lamette Streets but the\ del idl'd oil the Oak Street loiation alter concerns were raised about the noise made m that area In Kugeuc s alternative transportation system at the time street i ars In its earls years the building played a prominent role in l.ugene soiietv. Kus sell said The building originally seated J 1 (ItI people In the early part ot the i entury it yvas probably one ot the largest, it not the largest auditorium in the i ity so it yvas used lor many i ivi< purposes us well she Sit id 1'he building vv.ts used lor runt erls and other rtimittuniK events, us well us b\ theater groups Russell suit! the ( hurt It. whit It hus u present tins emigre gution ot till) lillll people, still rents out the building lot' c;ivii events end meet lugs I he t urrent organist gives open con certs on the church's pipe organ also Ihe brown bag concerts take plate ! rid.ns at noon and are open to the pub I it , Russell said As llishow explains it. the building is prominent in the minds of Kugene rest dents bet arise ot the. "extraordinarv at t Inlet Iura 1 merit ot the design "The design details and the materials used in building it work to t reale a ver\ distinctive building for Kugene. she SUItl Widoff ( onliniit'cl Irom "> sj,111 text 111 I hr pfoplt1 (li the I 11 \ Thr St iv irl ('ll j 1c) 11 • n' s I unci. which is sponsoring the \ isit is ,i t.imih serve e organization ill.11 has pm (hit fil si line ol ils own written m.ttn i .1 Is tin sex eilnca lion. lull the\ liave not heen nit nrpornleci into the eilu t at it 111 svstein U ith ill saiil \\ 11 it itf leaves Ma\ I I Ini Irkutsk where she will stav tin leu tla\s While sin is I here Wiilolt will ( on ihnl scMialtU ethic tit ion workshops In tainih service wmkers eiluc alurs and parents \\ llllitl said Sw\ let ,111(1 Auil'lll .111 l ultlirfs .lie (CIS similar m that se\ualit\ is not usually disc nssed open |y ill families 1 don't have a tool yet toi sexual a» tivits among Soy let youth hut 1 have heard that as things are open ing up its beginning to he a real problem U idofl said He< ause ot the Soviet ei onoinic situation Widoff said the Sm lets ate often too i uni erued with surviy a l to gi\e inu( h thought to lumily planning 1 in them talking about sexuality is almost a lux iii\ \\ ldufl said The Soviets have very leu resources lor tins kind nl education. U idotf said At one level tins is lust si rati hing the suit.a e she said 1 want to help them apprei late the lai t that even in the infant stages, i hikiren are getting non vet hnl messages about sexualtU Parents are in the best position to be a i hild s lust teat her about sex U iilofl said 5-YEAR WARRANTY ' A s149.95 VALUE! WITH PURCHASE OF A CAMCORDER • I H , '■ ■: THHs h ,h M-V. •. •< CHECK OUT OUR LOW, LOW PRICES ON QUALITY CAMCORDERS! UO Bookstore 13th S Kin-. .11J MF 7:306 00 SAT 10:00600 3464331 LSAT GM AT MCAT GRE Test Your Best! Classes Forming Now. 485-5699 FREE DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Looking for a good deal0 Check the Emerald ADS 4 Engine Service 1000 S Bertelsen Rd »8 Eugene OR 97402 One Block North of W 11th Nolan Ind Plaza I'O *swagon Se-. ce For 3* vears 342-3952 10% Student Discount