—Community liuilt m I 'I I I. /.iii,’i'7)c s first ( Imsli,in ( hurt li st.imls ,is ,i t it\ Linilin.ti k Historic church is landmark Still serving community after 80 years H\ Pill Mil I ill h I mer.ild Reporter W hen dest rifling tin- first Christian < 'liwri h in I ugene iiiii-il people will inevitably use the uord (i 1st■ tic live Mixed hi with business offit es parking 14.1 la,Hex .mil stores in downtown Kugene stands the stately building that would look perfei tlx in pi.tee on a hillside in Koine or on Capitol Hill 111 V\ ashington. I) C ll von talked In laigene residents and asked them to list three histom al sites, thex woultl most tikelx list the 1 hurt h as one of those three said leiesa Hishoxx ot the laigene Planning ( 0111 mission. I think the reasons tor that ire the distint live an Intel turn! style its prominent lot at ion tm ()ak Street a husx thoroughfare and fits arise it is the oldest remaining t him h in the downtown area, she said However the 1 him h xxliiih is Imated at 1 Ifni t Ink si . is not an otlu 1.1! Ilixtui u al site \ inovetnent to plai t1 the httiltling on the !u <.al historit landmark list was begun in August 1!C" hut the tdiurt h requested that the building not be plat ed on this list Bishow said ! hut. h memtiei Maureen Russell said the r hurt li hoard was alraitl tfial histurit site restrii lions might prevent them troiu altering the httihl it: ami would make it more ddfioult if thex xx anted to sel I the proper! X 1 lie building was cou&trut 'ted ill lull from a set of stand.itdi/ed plans drawn bx a New York art Inlet 1 'll represents the neo rdassit al revival move merit of art inlet tore Bishow said Yeo l lassf al stvle is a return to the ant lent Creek anti Roman designs Six tim k white eul umns greet people as thex xxalk up the steps to the front door Fhe building was built m the ro fund,1 stvle that was used for the t'.S Capitol I'lmlu ti% \ Hu r Kdimf* / I he i /assn pipe nripifi is one ol the inutfur liuiturvs ol llir i him h Hu ililing ''The ( hurt h was designed around the .n mu plan which includes a dome and a i in ular scat iug pattern ' Russell said Ihe rloine is made iit i senes of overlapping tin plates I here ate smite I llterest i ng nroustn al things tli.t! happen her a use nt the do the She i ileil an as in the rsitunda where a person Inrn to ( him h. Page li Soviets invite director to translate newsletters At the mvit.itum of I In- Soviet ( dnldren's Itind Mars \\ ulolt film atmn iluci lor foi I'lanned Parenthood. will Inn <•1 to lunette N sistei i 11\ ol Irkutsk lo help the Soviet s (level op seMiahlv I'lluoilinn pronrums tor parent-, .mil then < fill i Iren lie invitation i .line alter an otlii.ml Soviet delegation iIim melt'd \\ idoll s nation. 111 \ distributed news lettei 1 here's No I’l.u e lake Home Im Sc\ 1 dm ation at the i I m liool distrn t offn e I’he Soviets later sent U idoll a lettei requesting perinis sion to tianslate the newsletters into Russian and invited hei to Irkutsk to attend an ottu i.d i erenmiiv presentin'.’ the Kus turn to \\ idoll, l’.p;e (> * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please » Minimum 5 contestants Pays 5 places S400 00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL 342 2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* ©THE COLLEGIAN. U of O /tn lit* .ilLint| .mil i ahle I V .0 .11 l.ddr .11 .ulit I 1 nsl I'r ivalelv ou lied hr. sl I I l(. I \ M 11 5 l‘K< MM Kills Keller lie \ka shim) to 11 I’liime I son <>50 0883 or 1200) 15 1 0885 M.tke rorrr reseti.1 lion rum ! 2156 West 11th . ul "specific rules obtained at door <>0 <>l rales per Ier 111 *COPIES* SELF-SERVICE ONLY 21/2( 812 x 11 White NO LIMIT Tice Copy Sleep 539 E. 13th 8:30am-8.00pm ROSES s7.99 doz. \Iso available arianvrd in a vast with tmi \ babies bii'dth S 1 7.*1*1 1)0/ In lhr Parking Structure by Sacred Heart on Llth St j I I OVVi.KS ANIH.II'i s j I \I\IKM1V • *.«I I I II h * 4M • l‘f« WhSI • I 10 ( II \MBt HS • l«i i • emits ( Custom-Crafted Eyeglasses In About An Hour GRAND OPENING! • Over 3000 Frames • Friendly service • Vision exams • Satisfaction guaranteed • Student and Senior Discount • Contact Lenses 400 Valley River Center (503) 687-2926j