Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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1 am responding In kelsev
I ishet s lrttiT [OI)i M.IS 1 i 111
whii li ‘■In' .itli'inpts iii moralize
i‘veryone s thoughts .mil 1 i11■
styles bv showing tis him lesbi
.ins like Maureen Hurki1 will go
In I It'll tm 11 \ inn 1,1 lead •> lit*’
stvlf that gives ihi'tn happiness
■mil serin it\ in this (ind 1m
inti s"' i<’tv
It is frightening I<> me In see
an argument sm.li as this he
i ause the underlying reason for
eiiiit alinn is In understand
what we don't understand
Burke has tried to do that, hut
1 isliei vour statement has put
people like Burke but k into a
dark hole limiting others iti
understanding the needs of les
I do not lead a homosexual
lifestyle hut I have friends who
do. and their blond is the same
i olor as yours, l isher I hex
need love ami set uritx because
lhe\ are also humans with feat
unimaginable to most of us
You are limiting them from
\\ hat they i (insider happiness
And l isher. believe it or not
but Burke being ga\ and vour
sell, being a ( hrixtian. have a
common ground Both ol you
are trying to express what you
Irulv believe is right lor vour
selves, and thus, vou should
more than anything else, tin
derstand how difficult it is to
he a tighter Beat e and good
I in k to both ot vou
Kohbv I f*'
Pfililit al sni'ini1 philosopln
I found it realh appalling
that tin* (begun IKiih kinrr>ilrf
chose to print helsev fishers
[OI)E M.i\ I) vit ions attai k oil
Maureen Burke Ini hiding this
kind of abuse in .1 letters i ol
umn. or anvvvhere else lends
support to the hysteria and mis
understanding that tail lead to
on ire overt \ 11 deni e
I applaud I lie I mritihl loi all
the pie< es that ran during 1 1.0
Pride Week I also UI know ledge
I lsher s right to hold uhalevei
views she (eels 1 omlortable
with, hut it was highly irre
sponsible ot the Etnrmld to
print this ugly diatribe
sprint; i i.ow I ks
The 11 1)' .Spring
(iaiden Bouquet
Mother* V\ uek
I* Ma_\ 7- l .i
‘Lugtnts Jiou'tT Horn
610 E 13th Ave
I believe th.it it should In
against /rrrera/t/ polu \ to run
letters th.it ,irr nothing hut .1
personal tirade .ig.unst ,1 tellory
Kristen Hi.unit
I ugene
Support bigotry
I o the editor I .1111 glad to
see you taking <1 st.ind to sup
port bigotry Sim ml prejudice
disguised us religious belief is
still bigotry and is the 1 .line of
more v\urs and rut 1.11 anti sot ud
injuslH e than an\ olhei f.u tor
In printing the letlei We ,ue
moral \OI >/■ Ma\ II. von hu\ e
done Mini hit in fostering diri
siveness and disunity on this
1 uiupus and in Amur 11 tin soi le
ly in general 1 am not g.n and
I am also not Arnetit an I urn
hmvevei appalled
|anet \ay lor
Ket eptionisl
Opt out
I would like to thunk Kelsey
I ishei It )l >1 May 11 foi her
stunning example ol bigoted
self 1 ighteous ultiturles \o
w here in ret ent memory have 1
seen a more beautiful and t uus
In piei e of hate
Poor 1 isher is so tired of hav
mg other people s sexuality
fori ed tlow 11 her throat I can
relate bvery single billboard,
every magazine ad. every tele
vision program every public
display of affection is another
blatant display of heterosexual
11y that I don’t need to have
fort ed down my throat
furthermore 111 her diatribe
I isher i hums to he moral and
( aid loving I late has never
seemed very moral to rile but
I m g.iy so my sense of moiali
ty may be a little of f f lory dare
she tell us that she is a moral
person rrlien lint entire letter is
nothing hut petty indignation
.mil pidgmcnl
I iunlh guv people do not
have everv light guaranteed m
ihc (loiixtitulinn WC i an lost*
out homes mir tubs and even
• >11 r i hildren tor mi other reason
III.m Ihc t,n l that uc lovc pen
pic nt the same sex
We are nut allowed In live
um lives Ireelv . w e are nut al
liberlv In love the people In
W hum w e are atlrai led and
when we du pursue happiness
as Robin Madell and Maureen
Hurke are bv getting married
w e net hale letters I rum su ken
mgly sell righteous intolerant
hateful blunted moral laid
lov lug peuple like lishei who
c.in l see that il isn I important
who von love but th.it von
lov e
It morality is synonymous
u 11h the kind iit hatred exhibit
ed in I usher s Idler 1 II hap
P11 \ opt out
Mm hael Peeler
(,a\ and I.eshiau Wham e
Ml (list letter W e are Itiot
al |( )l >1 Mai 1! w as w i itten
in a i nndesi ending and pldg
mental tone that w as linnet es
sail and wrong tot a (Ihristian
tu use lor this. 1 am regretful
and sorry lor a ( lliristian
should not lodge others but
love them
M\ anger and hastiness
i aused me tu attai k the honiu
sexual individual when ill tail
mi i t >i il I it I w as it ith the homo
sexual at t 1 or the homosexual
I w ish i om it linn and peat e 1
sun ends hope the harshness
and selt righteousness nt itn
first letter did not i ause anvnne
to imm' to a ('.onfused under
standing u! what ( diristlanity is
all about
(ind is a (aid ot h >Vc
rliruugh love lie desires above
all to heal and lnigive ralhei
than perset Ute
Kelsev I isher
I’sv( lining!
-Letters Policy
l.etteis In the editor mnsl bn limited In no more than
>n unrds. legible signed and the idenlifieatinn o!
the writer must be verified when the letter is submit
ry1 ■* .
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T i ■ i-! , I mm .j:. * i • i, h»-d M' '* Jfiy t h- . ‘ lay It.' ;
• •mmi <vt*«n .mil va> attons f>y the Oregon £>,*«<y Emerald Publishes; < - *»!
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